Transformations of Narcissism


The Force is Strong With This One
I've been re-reading a book apropos of what seems to be "up" for me recently entitled, The Point of Existence: Transformations of Narcissism in Self Realization by A.H. Almaas. It illuminates the specific barriers to our ontological ground as structured by the mind developmentally as we grow up and how to identify the issues that come up as one goes deeper in investigating experientially one's Being. Using the knowledge of presence, depth psychology, ego structure and the major defenses used against seeing one's essential nature, A.H.Almaas is showing how the "universal narcissism of everyday life is an incomplete stage of development which can only be overcome through realization of one's deepest most essential nature."- J. Welwood. I highly recommend this book as I'm seeing so many things coming up from going "down", sort of, via doing the breathing exercises recommended by Laura and the C's and deeper personal inquiries into how I'm constantly projecting so much of my past object relations onto the present obscuring the obvious of what is.
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