translating my poems


The Force is Strong With This One
I write poems. I began to write them, to be able to do something with the feelings I had, that I did not understand. More like a way to deal with them and to think them over and to try to understand them.

The poems are om my website :

It is still in progress. But I have some troubles, my mother language isn't English. It is Dutch. I wrote in Dutch and now I (try) tranlate them into English. But sometimes to translate things correctly is very hard. To be able to say what I truly mean. Even with 2 dictionairies on my lap it is hard.
I am a little bit a perfectionist, so I find it hard to know that there will be mistakes in it. So if anyone reads it and find some strange things in it, I hope to hear it, to be able to correct the mistakes that are probably still in it.

best wishes
I found your writings to be very insightful and the English to be good also. Even if there are slight inconsistencies in the English syntacts the meaning still comes through loud and clear

Keep writing Sandra ;)

Thank you for your response. I have wondered a long time whether to translate them or not. It's a lot of work. Specially when one does not know wheter anyone will ever read it.
But I choose to go on with translating. What is on the site is a little bit of what I still have lying waiting for translation.

best whishes
I like your poems very much-I HAD NO TROUBLE at all understanding them, your English is very good (better in fact than many who DO have English as their native language)

Please do continue to publish your work-as for being hard...many things worthy of doing are hard, and in my view your work is worthy. :)
Hey Sandra!!

I find your poem awesome, I can recognize myself in it. By the way your english is good in my opinion, I had absolutely no problem to understand what you meant. Unfortunately I can't help you translate, I can't understand a word of deutch. But I hope you'll keep translating even through it's a lot of work.
I did ad some more poems on my website :
And in the futur more will follow.

best wishes
Wow, you have written a lot of poems and have done a great job keeping them so organized, Sandra!

4 : LIFE

life is made

to be able to experience the bad

to be able to learn

what good is

I just wrote a poem today that reminds me of this one you wrote some years ago. It's funny that it would be one of the first ones I would click on. Thanks for sharing your work! :)
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