Tremendous Rising and Falling of the Seafloor under the Oceans?


FOTCM Member
Disturbance Under the Ocean - The South Bali Buoy:

What exacty is happening there?
It's also interesting that two nearby buoy stations also recorded something big in their data (as described in the video).
Is there really a rise of 1200 meter of the sea floor in that area? Or, are there other factors that might account for that interpretation?

I've watched the analysis of that guy for several month now and it seems that those extreme drops or rises of the seafloor seem to happen on other places also recently (If that data really is correctly interpreted that way).
Pashalis said:
Disturbance Under the Ocean - The South Bali Buoy:

What exacty is happening there?
It's also interesting that two nearby buoy stations also recorded something big in their data (as described in the video).
Is there really a rise of 1200 meter of the sea floor in that area? Or, are there other factors that might account for that interpretation?

I've watched the analysis of that guy for several month now and it seems that those extreme drops or rises of the seafloor seem to happen on other places also recently (If that data really is correctly interpreted that way).

It's probably an underwater volcano "growing" (would be my guess anyway).
anart said:
It's probably an underwater volcano "growing" (would be my guess anyway).

Bali is in the "Ring of Fire". Probably is an underwater volcano.

An underground volcano seems plausible indeed.

How fast can these grow? I'm having a hard time understanding from the video how long it took for the sea floor to rise this much.
JayMark said:

An underground volcano seems plausible indeed.

How fast can these grow? I'm having a hard time understanding from the video how long it took for the sea floor to rise this much.

That buoy has the following data:

(Look also at the picture wich shows the data graphicly)

The first recording of that station was on 19.04.2012 and it recorded a water column height of 4612 meters.

This water column height remained relativly constant until arround the 24.08.2012 where it slowly started to change down to a
water column height of 4580 meters (with a few fluctuations up and down) and then it remained relativly constant on that height until 29.08.2012 where it suddenly started to decreased rapidly.

On the 18.10.2012 they turned the bouy off, at a water column hight of 3919 meters. It was turned off until 24.02.2013 where they turned it on again. So the buoy was turned off for over 4 months.

As of this day (04.05.2013) the station now records a water column height of 3476 meters.

So the water column height decreased from the 24.08.2012 until 04.05.2013 about 1136 meters. A decreased water column height can be said to indicate that the seafloor is rising in that proportion.

So the water column height decreased in 253 days 1136 meters. Wich is an average decrease of 4,5 meters a day and can be interpreted as a seafloor rise of 1136 meters in 253 days.

If the seafloor is really rising on that spot, it is really a lot of activity in a pretty short time!
Here`s another thought.. what`s interesting about this as well is that the entire area sits on the edge of an underwater mountain ridge, which means that if the buoy were to drift a matter of feet in any direction, over the edge of the ridge or away from it, to deep water, then back again, it would produce wildly different depth readings..although nothing essentially would have changed.

If you goggle earth the area, maybe you can see what I mean?
Meager1 said:
Here`s another thought.. what`s interesting about this as well is that the entire area sits on the edge of an underwater mountain ridge, which means that if the buoy were to drift a matter of feet in any direction, over the edge of the ridge or away from it, to deep water, then back again, it would produce wildly different depth readings..although nothing essentially would have changed.

If you goggle earth the area, maybe you can see what I mean?

I also thought that this could be the reason for those readings. On the other hand the ridge is still quite far away I would think for that?
Also, wouldn't they place buoys on spots where such "data error" can be excluded? I would guess they wouldn't be so stupid to place it somewhere where they can't get reliable data from? I would assume that there must be another reason for that "decrease" data. Maybe really a seafloor rise?

But I also think it could be something else... It is just so much activity in such a short time that it makes it hard to believe that it is caused by a seafloor rise.

How are those buoys put into place? How do they stay where they are supposed to be? Anchor with rope attached to the buoys? Or how does it work?
I mean imagine we would see something like that on mainland (If it is really a sefloor rise from a vulcano or something). Imagine further you stand at sea level, that would mean you would see a vulcano or something emerging in about 8,5 months to a height of over 1 kilometer over the initial sea level!

Kind of hard to believe...

Further I haven't seen any evidence that something even remotly to that rapid "rise" is or has happened on mainland.
So are we to assume that on the seafloor things are so much different, to account for such a rapid development if it is indeed a rise of the seafloor?
oogle: "sea floor altimeter buoy"


is one one many...
Pashalis said:
JayMark said:

An underground volcano seems plausible indeed.

How fast can these grow? I'm having a hard time understanding from the video how long it took for the sea floor to rise this much.

That buoy has the following data:

(Look also at the picture wich shows the data graphicly)

The first recording of that station was on 19.04.2012 and it recorded a water column height of 4612 meters.

This water column height remained relativly constant until arround the 24.08.2012 where it slowly started to change down to a
water column height of 4580 meters (with a few fluctuations up and down) and then it remained relativly constant on that height until 29.08.2012 where it suddenly started to decreased rapidly.

On the 18.10.2012 they turned the bouy off, at a water column hight of 3919 meters. It was turned off until 24.02.2013 where they turned it on again. So the buoy was turned off for over 4 months.

As of this day (04.05.2013) the station now records a water column height of 3476 meters.

So the water column height decreased from the 24.08.2012 until 04.05.2013 about 1136 meters. A decreased water column height can be said to indicate that the seafloor is rising in that proportion.

So the water column height decreased in 253 days 1136 meters. Wich is an average decrease of 4,5 meters a day and can be interpreted as a seafloor rise of 1136 meters in 253 days.

If the seafloor is really rising on that spot, it is really a lot of activity in a pretty short time!

Thanks! That helps to understand!

Indeed, this seems like a pretty active zone although I don't know much about the whole matter.

Geological activity is indeed on the rise! I think this is a good example!
I repost that one here, because I think there is some interesting data in it, that relates to this thread:

Pashalis said:
Found an interesting and very well made presentation/research, about all those booms (maybe something for SOTT (Best Of The Web)??):


According to him, mysteries booms have been an indicator in the past, for major geological upheaval in the near future (aka. big earthquakes and stuff), and now there seem to be more of those booms then we have ever noticed. According to him, something major is going on, geological wise on the whole planet right now (geological plates of the earth shifting). He also connects that, to the mysteries major data changes of buoys that is noticed lately (discussed here =,31222.msg412874.html#msg412874). A lot of geological stress, is building up on the whole planet. He proofs for example (by mainstream science publications) that the big Sumatra earthquake triggered more geological stress, on the whole planet to build up.

His theory:

When the big Sumatra quake happened, it triggered a global chain reaction with earthquakes at other places maybe causing a plate breakup or adjustment that is going on now. That triggered for example the big data on a buoy in Indonesia, which suggests that there is major plate movement going on right now. Basically he is showing a number of recent major buoy water column changes and that they might be related to major earthquakes that happened about at the same time on other parts of the planet, suggesting major plate activity/stress around the world right now. So that also seems to suggest that the buoy datas are not an error, but represent real big changes in ground/plate height movement beneath them. By the way, it seems that a particular buoy, that showed huge changes of water column heights, was being removed completely from the system now, after quite a number of people noticed it and it wend viral and was shared on the web. Normally they just shot it down when big changes in water column height occur, but with this famous one, they now decided to remove it completely from the system. One wonders of course...

He suggests that geological agencies remove those data points in many places (critical buoy data, boom data, earthquake data etc) for a reason, and it is not really because they show "wrong data", but because someboy wants to cover it up. And what they want to cover up is, that huge pressure/stress is building up on the globe and especially in the US and the new madrid fault line.

So besides of the likely possibility, that quite a number of fireballs might be the source of booms, geological/environmental upheaval might also explain quite a number of them. Doesn't mean that they could not be interrelated, in some way with eachother at times...

A lot of that booming seems to be going on, in recent months and years, to say the least... And the mainstream is covering it up. Wonder why?

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