Trial ballon for a coup article


Padawan Learner
I found this article earlier this morning and wanted to share with everyone here:

The end of the article states the following:

Combining all of these facts, we have a fairly clear picture in play.

1) Trump was, indeed, perfectly honest during the campaign; he intends to do everything he said, and more. This should not be reassuring to you.
2) The regime’s main organizational goal right now is to transfer all effective power to a tight inner circle, eliminating any possible checks from either the Federal bureaucracy, Congress, or the Courts. Departments are being reorganized or purged to effect this.
3) The inner circle is actively probing the means by which they can seize unchallenged power; yesterday’s moves should be read as the first part of that.
4) The aims of crushing various groups — Muslims, Latinos, the black and trans communities, academics, the press — are very much primary aims of the regime, and are likely to be acted on with much greater speed than was earlier suspected. The secondary aim of personal enrichment is also very much in play, and clever people will find ways to play these two goals off each other.

I welcome any feedback and discussion on what this article is saying.
I read it after seeing it shared on Facebook and I thought it was a relatively sober analysis of the facts as they stand. The scariest fact that came out of it was that DHS was operating at the discretion of the president in contravention to orders from the courts.

Granted, in order to 'drain the swamp' Trump would be expected to accrue a large amount of power and influence to himself and have a tight-knit, inner-circle as described. It's a pretty pickle we're in, I don't trust he has any noble intentions but at the same time, I don't trust his detractors either, as they're completely off their rockers.
Yeah, what's laid out in that article is concerning--and has some "chilling" implications...

Here's another of his articles in which he make very specific predictions and timelines about where he sees things going with Trump. And as you read it, I think it's important to keep two things in mind:
1) it's all conjecture--albeit reasonable
2) this blogger's objectivity may be questionable since he's the son of Russian Jews who fled the USSR and peppered his childhood with horror stories of oppression in Russian.

That said, he does articulate well one possible scenario in which Trump's America morphs into Hitler's Germany--a fear that's not unfamiliar to many of us watching and wondering about our current reality--and mindful of the C's warning that Nazi Germany was just a dress-rehearsal for a global attempt to impose such fascism.


This thread should probably be combined into an existing one just renamed "Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?" found here,43576.0.html
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