Triple Canopy




Yet another deep mercenary black-op...

Seriously, the whole mercenary thang is creepin' me out big time.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the links.
Hi Arctodus,

The best way to post a link is

1. Give the address of the link as http://................

Or if you do not want to give a very long link and you want to call it, let say "Here", you have to write it like that:

2. [ url=http://....]Here[ /url] but without space after the [.

For more info, you can go;page=post#references

or Here

under the "insert hyperlink tag name"

Moreover, if you are not certain that the site is disinfo or not, you add an undescore before the link which gives something like that: _http://........ and the link will not be activated.

Hope it helps.
Thank you Bohort. I apologize for not responding earlier, RL has kept me from doing much but browsing for the past few days. Things have not been all bad though with regards to RL for me, finally getting a few duckies in a row! :)
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