Tripped out dream theme


Hi all, :-[
Thought sharing this may shed some light on this for me, cos it truly has me thinking!
I had a dream a few years back that I was burying a body out the back of my childhood home, with the distinct feeling of guilt, who's body I have no idea? Why? Again no idea, only that I wasn't alone, one of my sisters was there and I had this deep feeling of dread. I woke with that feeling of dread but thanking god it was a dream!

Fast forward a few months maybe a year at most and another dream. This time the geographical position of body (same body?) had changed but it was somehow making its way to the surface. It seemed I would be exposed/busted but I left it out of fear of being implicated (yet who else would've been guilty of the crime I was the only logical suspect) again in the dream I had this heavy feeling of dread and fear of getting caught!
Again I awoke with the whole, thank god it's just a dream!

About 4 days ago I was holidaying in Bali, this time I was standing in a park/reserve at the beach near my house and a body had made its way to the surface only this time it's hand had somehow grown into/pushed through a tree root or log (quite gruesome) I was standing over it feeling again that I was the murderer, I felt the presence of someone there with me or even watching me!? There was no police or anything there yet.
In the dream I kept thinking this is a dream this is a dream, then I woke up shaking my head intensely, again with the whole, thank god it's a dream I haven't actually done this!

The thoughts I have been pouring over are;
1, was I some sort of killer in a previous life?
2, is there something I'm trying to hide from people (I have been an A'hole to people in my past but it's no secret and never to this extreme!)
3, WTH? (Pardon my French!)

Any insight/feedback would be greatly appreciated!

mod: WTH
According to dreamwoods:
To see a corpse in your dream represents an aspect of yourself that has died. Or it may mean that you are unexpressive. You have shut yourself down and are dead inside.
It could be a past life echo but you can also explore what where the common emotional states or life situations to the periods these dreams occurred in.
Hmmm, ok.
The earlier dreams will be difficult being that they were quite some time ago, but recently in Bali will be a lot easier. I'll do some reflection on my emotions and situation, and see if I can relate them!
Cheers mkrnhr!
Maybe the body is a metaphor for something you wish to rid from your life; e.g. emotion, bad habit, guilt over some regrettable deed.

The recurrence may suggest you haven't dealt with it completely.

Thaigrr said:
Maybe the body is a metaphor for something you wish to rid from your life; e.g. emotion, bad habit, guilt over some regrettable deed.

The recurrence may suggest you haven't dealt with it completely.


Fair call,
I need to really think about this! And if it is a past deed how to right it or deal with it?!
Thanks Thaigrr

It could be a dream about health problems and/or healing.

After my dream about Putin about a week ago, I have - a day or two ago - scanned the internet for a good book on dream analyses. The one I ordered (Kindle) says that dreams can warn one years in advance on potential future health:

"Each night your body is scanned and dreams are dispatched to report on areas that need attention. They alert like the warning lights in your car - here is a problem that requires your attention now! The dream explains why the warning is there, what needs to be done to address it and thus remove any health threat. Ignoring the warnings in your dreams is like ignoring the warning lights in your car. It could cost you dearly [...] the real advantage of dreams is that they warn you years in advance of any physical symptoms, so you have plenty of time to heed their advice and avoid probems."

You mention a couple of times that your home features in this dream.

This book says dreams focus on one's body:

"... dreams use physical objects to represent your physical body The most common symbols are houses, buildings and cars."

Perhaps the (tree) roots you dreamed about, could mean that you should seek the root of what it is causing you to have this recurring dream. If it is an illness, you must not only treat the symptoms, but seek the root of the problem (if it is an emotional problem, what is the root of the problem ... where did it all start?)

If it is not your own health your dreams are reporting about, it could be that you are a natural healer, as that is the meaning of the "hand" symbol in dreams. The book says: "To dream of hands indicates you have a hands-on healing ability. With this healing you channel energy through your hands into your client [note that you dreamed the hand goes through the tree roots - you can go right to the root of health problems to heal it hands-on?]. A skeleton hand in a dream means you need to breathe life into your healing ability. You are literally letting it die."

Taking all the symbols together in this quick, brief analyses - the house (representing a physical body), roots, a dead body, hands - it seems to me that you could be a natural healer and you should really begin to use your abilities and not let this talent "die" [your feeling of guilt, as you are responsible for letting your talent die].

But perhaps you should also consult your doctor, have a thorough checkup, just to be sure you are in good health.

I'm only on the early pages of this book. Hope the above helps somewhat.

Funny you say that Ynna, I had been thinking how my father had died 10 years on from the age I am this year!
By 47 he was riddled with cancer and died!
Could this be the reason for my dream?
My fathers father and sister also both died from lung cancer.
I actually went to my local Dr for a minor ailment a couple of years later and while I was there I asked for a test to see if I was a carrier or something of that nature and was told no such test existed!
Probably doesn't and I was only 27-28 so?? I'm flying back to work tomorrow morning about this time, so thank you so much I will literally go to the Dr right now and get a blood test!
Love all your work!
P.s I'll give a heads up on the results ASAP!
Aurgo, I forgot to give the title and author name of the dream book I quoted above: How to Interpret Your Dreams with subtitle "And Discover Your Life Purpose" by Irishman Michael Sheridan (2007). I looked at/listened to some of the TV and radio interviews with him on the internet before I decided to buy his book. He says he has always been interested in science, not metaphysics, but it seems a horrid dream forced him to find the answer to that dream and he began researching the world of dreams. He considers dreams "the language of the soul. Through dreams the soul comments on all aspects of our lives such as health, relationships, career and spirituality", as he writes on his webpage. His work on the meaning of dreams convinced him that dreams can lead you to your purpose in life if you give attention to the meanings of the symbols in your dreams, and dreams can help you to eliminate whatever is holding you back.

So far I find his approach to interpreting dreams objective and logical.

Legend, cheers Ynna!
BTW made it to the Dr's, didn't realise it was Sunday though! Lol!
Got all the tests I could and had some booked in for when I'm back in town after this rotation at work, which is also when I'll get all the blood results back! See how we go!
I'll probably check the vids first and order the book later also, the internet connectivity and speed sucks where
I work so it will be the only drama!
Along with that, like Thaigrr n mkrnhr suggested some reflection on my emotional states and such!
Thanks again Ynna.
Aurgo said:
Legend, cheers Ynna!
BTW made it to the Dr's, didn't realise it was Sunday though! Lol!
Got all the tests I could and had some booked in for when I'm back in town after this rotation at work, which is also when I'll get all the blood results back! See how we go!
I'll probably check the vids first and order the book later also, the internet connectivity and speed sucks where
I work so it will be the only drama!
Along with that, like Thaigrr n mkrnhr suggested some reflection on my emotional states and such!
Thanks again Ynna.

I wish you the best at getting to the bottom of all this. Recurring dreams have to be unsettling, especially as graphic as yours.
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