

Padawan Learner
Hi, to everyone, I just finished reading Laura's High Strangeness, with the effect of a kick in the stomach. Not the facts that were presented or the possibilities we have, but for the facts that it was like tieing up loose ends in my reality.

See since I was very young my dreams have dominated my nights, people would tell me, they couldn't remember most of there dreams, I on the other hand remember just about all of them, and not very pleasant ones at that. If there was a stressful death, for instance my father committed suicide when I was 16, my sister died of cancer when I was 23, my brother dying last year, all of whom would talk with me after the death, they would be there healthy selves when we would talk.

Now with my brothers death last year, the two weeks before he died, every night I had the same dream, but each night, going a little further into the dream. In the dream there was death and destruction everywhere, the atmosphere was on fire, giant towers were diverting electrical energy before it hit the ground, but only temporary. I went into a hall like meeting room, with a lot of people standing around, and about 15 people sitting at or leaning on a large table in the middle of the room, the people sitting were dead and the ones standing were about to die. Three sisters, old family friends whom I hadn't seen in 15 years came up to me and asked why I was there and I said to see my brother Bob, who was leaning on the table, but they told me I couldn't at that time because they weren't dead yet, so I asked why Betty another of there sisters and Mike there brother was there at the table. and they said they didn't know. Well my brother passed away, and at his funeral were the three sisters, that talked to me in the dream, and I asked where Betty was and they said she died the year before, and about six months after my brother funeral Mike there brother died.

It wasn't until after my brother died that I talked to him, same as my sister, my dad, my grandparents, uncles aunts
Hi Dick,

Welcome to this forum.

I edited your post for line spacing. It will be easier to read for the members of this forum.

In case that you did not notice, there is a "preview" button that you can use to see how your post looks.
Thanks, when I start writing my experiences, I really don't pay attention to paragraphing and line spacing, I get too engrossed.
Hello Dick:

Welcome to the forum.

You have titled this thread "Troubled".
Can you tell us what you're "troubled" about?
It is not clear from your post....
I'm sorry, "the dreams", for over 50 years, talking to what I believed were dead relatives???Laura had channeled in her research, which I did a few times with very bazaar results.

There were just a lot of experiences within her book that struck a cord. Over and over I've had the dreams of the earth being destroyed, not by man, seeing it as not a participant, but as a visitor, and a lot of times in the state of Missouri, for some odd reason.

The dreams would bother me to the point, where if I drank enough alcohol, I wouldn't get them, but that caused problems in it self, so I haven't drank in 20 years, and just dealt with the dreams. But reading Laura's book is kinda like getting close with a Rubik's Cube, but not really have it yet.

Like I said I'm sorry if I ramble somewhat, but I get all charged up, like you have a lot to say but not enough time or space to say it.
Hi Dick, welcome.

What kind of "bizarre results" did you get with channelling? SOTT is in the process of developing an instruction / tutorial type video with regard to channelling.

See this thread:

Spirit board - Ouija Video

The only thing I haven't figured out with the new forum layout is how to post a link, but with your own wording, which used to be under BBC code in the previous forum layout. Here I would have liked to put "Spirit board - Ouija Video" instead of http://www etc etc.

Can someone give me that line of code again?
The board has always worked well thru me, with certain other persons really well.

One evening, many years ago, we were asking it questions, and it would only answer my requests. The other person asked why they wouldn't answer him, and they, a babylonian, said they wanted to kill him, but was afraid of me, my friend said ok prove it, give a sign. Another friend was sleeping in another room started screaming, flopping around on the floor, until we woke him up. He said someone was choking him in a dream.

My friend wouldn't let me leave the house that night, and next day threw the board in the garbage, it kinda bothered me too, so I never tried it again.
erna said:
The only thing I haven't figured out with the new forum layout is how to post a link, but with your own wording, which used to be under BBC code in the previous forum layout. Here I would have liked to put "Spirit board - Ouija Video" instead of http://www etc etc.

Can someone give me that line of code again?


In order to have the title show instead of the url write this: bracket url = http://...close bracket "Spirit Board" bracket / url close bracket. :)
Laurel said:
erna said:
The only thing I haven't figured out with the new forum layout is how to post a link, but with your own wording, which used to be under BBC code in the previous forum layout. Here I would have liked to put "Spirit board - Ouija Video" instead of http://www etc etc.

Can someone give me that line of code again?


In order to have the title show instead of the url write this: bracket url = http://...close bracket "Spirit Board" bracket / url close bracket. :)

Yup, like this without the spaces [ u r l = ] Spirit Board [ / u r l ] or highlight whatever text you want to use as a link and click on the Instert Hyperlink icon (chain link) in the text editor. It is on the second row above the text box second from left.
Dick said:
There were just a lot of experiences within her book that struck a cord. Over and over I've had the dreams of the earth being destroyed, not by man, seeing it as not a participant, but as a visitor, and a lot of times in the state of Missouri, for some odd reason....

Which book are you referring to?
PepperFritz said:
Dick said:
There were just a lot of experiences within her book that struck a cord. Over and over I've had the dreams of the earth being destroyed, not by man, seeing it as not a participant, but as a visitor, and a lot of times in the state of Missouri, for some odd reason....

Which book are you referring to?

High strangeness I believe. He mentions it in his first post.
The board has always worked well thru me, with certain other persons really well.

One evening, many years ago, we were asking it questions, and it would only answer my requests. The other person asked why they wouldn't answer him, and they, a babylonian, said they wanted to kill him, but was afraid of me, my friend said ok prove it, give a sign. Another friend was sleeping in another room started screaming, flopping around on the floor, until we woke him up. He said someone was choking him in a dream.

My friend wouldn't let me leave the house that night, and next day threw the board in the garbage, it kinda bothered me too, so I never tried it again.

You posts are well-versed. That makes me happy.

At any rate, since no one has replied to this I suppose I cando the honors. Unfortunately I ave not read any of the material on this site, so my version of reality might conflict. My main involvement with the whole "new age" phenomenon comes from Ashayana Deane's work, for those interested.

In this case it seems to me that whoever you were speaking to held a special interestt in you personally, which is why it may have been talking to you. Perhaps it was in hopes that it could manipulate you. Considering you remember most of your dreams, indicating that you may have much potential as a pawn in E.T. affairs, it seems likely that you were targeted for this purpose.

In the case of your friend who said he was being choked, the entity you were speaking to probably was in residence on the astral plane and thus was probably easily able to find the friend and create a scene. I do not know if it would be possible to actually kill someone through their astral body. Scare the crap out of them, yes definitely, no doubt there. But from what I know it would take sophisticated E.T. equipment and just killing theguy would be easier.

This is the end of my analysis. Goodbye.

- keantoken
Thanks for the input, it was what I was thinking.

But the issue of the dreams, being a visitor, to the destruction of the planet, the whole aspect was not, we are your friends type of atmosphere. It was here it is, deal with it, and the destruction was partially man made, from but definitely from other origins, which wasn't defined, electromagnetic because of the towers buffering the event.

In the instance of talking with my brother, sister, and father, I would say you know, your dead, and they'd say, yes we know, and we'd chat and it would always end up, we're OK, don't worry about us, and not dream about them for years.

Now my question is, if an entity was feeding off my emotions, why would they end it as such? Wouldn't they want to feed more off it?

Oh and by the way the friend in the other room, during the board session, that was screaming and said something was choking him, did commit suicide a few years later, he hung himself.
keantoken said:
You posts are well-versed. That makes me happy.

What does this mean?

k said:
At any rate, since no one has replied to this I suppose I cando the honors. Unfortunately I ave not read any of the material on this site, so my version of reality might conflict.

This is a serious issue, actually. What do you mean 'version of reality'? One of the purposes of this forum is to approach an objective view of reality - not to wander around, dreaming, in our own little subject versions. Please get up to speed with the material posted on this website before posting further.

agenda said:
My main involvement with the whole "new age" phenomenon comes from Ashayana Deane's work, for those interested.

This forum is not interested in the 'new age' phenomenon - whatever that is. Thus far your posts have been noise. Please get up to speed on the material covered on this forum before posting further.

k said:
In this case it seems to me that whoever you were speaking to held a special interestt in you personally, which is why it may have been talking to you. Perhaps it was in hopes that it could manipulate you. Considering you remember most of your dreams, indicating that you may have much potential as a pawn in E.T. affairs, it seems likely that you were targeted for this purpose.

Horse hockey. In other words, please provide one shred of data to back up this statement.

k said:
This is the end of my analysis. Goodbye.

Please get up to speed on the material covered in this forum before indulging in further 'analysis' - i.e. creating more noise.

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