Truth Lies & Afghanistan


A Disturbance in the Force
Thought it was an interesting read & worth sharing.

Truth Lies & Afghanistan
I spent last year in Afghanistan, visiting and talking with U.S. troops and their Afghan partners. My duties with the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force took me into every significant area where our soldiers engage the enemy. Over the course of 12 months, I covered more than 9,000 miles and talked, traveled and patrolled with troops in Kandahar, Kunar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Kunduz, Balkh, Nangarhar and other provinces.

What I saw bore no resemblance to rosy official statements by U.S. military leaders about conditions on the ground.
2un@ said:
Thought it was an interesting read & worth sharing.

Truth Lies & Afghanistan
I spent last year in Afghanistan, visiting and talking with U.S. troops and their Afghan partners. My duties with the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force took me into every significant area where our soldiers engage the enemy. Over the course of 12 months, I covered more than 9,000 miles and talked, traveled and patrolled with troops in Kandahar, Kunar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Kunduz, Balkh, Nangarhar and other provinces.

What I saw bore no resemblance to rosy official statements by U.S. military leaders about conditions on the ground.

The Afghan people of the street would likely agree with Davis in part, as would the people of Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Iran and a host of other countries of the present and past when foreigner forces and provocateurs of all types go messing around within their sovereign affairs, including setting up and ponerizing interior agitator leaders or groups. Those forces of course are there to serve themselves, despite what they say on the contrary in their official kept press.

If a whole army of Davis's told their story and opted out, maybe someone on high would finally listen. If so, there would be no forces to do what they do which might lead to honest dialogue, in opposition to the forces of pathocracy. There is no reality likely in these words though as per our present global imperial course.
voyageur said:
If a whole army of Davis's told their story and opted out, maybe someone on high would finally listen. If so, there would be no forces to do what they do which might lead to honest dialogue, in opposition to the forces of pathocracy. There is no reality likely in these words though as per our present global imperial course.

Do you really think that "those on high" would do anything differently? Maybe I am mistaken on who you are talking about, that's certainly possible. But I think that "those on high" know very well what is going on, the lies being said and agree fully with the whole psychopathic mess.

Although, there have been some military generals that have told the White House that there is no reason to invade whichever country is in the crosshairs of the power elite and their CIA lapdogs, they are never listened to.

Have you read Prouty's The Secret Team and JFK? Many in the military are former CIA operatives (there is never really a former CIA operative) and after their assignment is complete, they are let go and put in strategic places in the government, military and public positions to carry on supporting the CIA and its agendas, which they do willingly. The soldiers are just cannon fodder for them and they could really care less about the suffering that is happening, on either side. It is all "fun and games" for them. And, of course, the power/rich elite make such profits from continual war, I don't see anything changing at this time.

Nienna Eluch said:
voyageur said:
If a whole army of Davis's told their story and opted out, maybe someone on high would finally listen. If so, there would be no forces to do what they do which might lead to honest dialogue, in opposition to the forces of pathocracy. There is no reality likely in these words though as per our present global imperial course.

Do you really think that "those on high" would do anything differently? Maybe I am mistaken on who you are talking about, that's certainly possible. But I think that "those on high" know very well what is going on, the lies being said and agree fully with the whole psychopathic mess.

No, there are no thoughts of anything different from our present statuesque on high, it has been embedded this way for a long long time and indeed they know of and believe in what they are and what they do without a care otherwise.

Although, there have been some military generals that have told the White House that there is no reason to invade whichever country is in the crosshairs of the power elite and their CIA lapdogs, they are never listened to.

Indeed, they are never listened to.

Have you read Prouty's The Secret Team and JFK? Many in the military are former CIA operatives (there is never really a former CIA operative) and after their assignment is complete, they are let go and put in strategic places in the government, military and public positions to carry on supporting the CIA and its agendas, which they do willingly. The soldiers are just cannon fodder for them and they could really care less about the suffering that is happening, on either side. It is all "fun and games" for them. And, of course, the power/rich elite make such profits from continual war, I don't see anything changing at this time.


Your fwiw is important for all to keep in mind and it is so with me, it cannot be forgotten. I have a electronic version of TST with excerpts read but not JFK by Prouty.
[quote author=Nienna Eluch]
Have you read Prouty's The Secret Team and JFK?...


[quote author=voyageur]
Your fwiw is important for all to keep in mind and it is so with me, it cannot be forgotten. I have a electronic version of TST with excerpts read but not JFK by Prouty.

Did not get a chance to further post about this but the timing was most interesting for me. The very next day was called about books that were ordered; three were in. Sometimes I can't remember just what i've ordered, especially lately with so many suggestions. Some are back ordered and they trickle in. By the next week traveled down and picked up 'Thinking Fast & Slow', 'Poetic Diction' recommended by buddy and 'JFK' by Prouty was there sitting on the top of the pile; was very surprised indeed.

Having not yet finished this book yet, a number of gaps are being filled in and he does so very convincingly. As many books on the industrial side of pre and post WWII have been read, at first was thinking, if only Prouty's book had been read first, it would have helped me with processing the other data, yet maybe this is the way it is with things, struggling with thinking only later to have the mosaic crystallize somewhat down the road when new data is introduced.

Regardless, if any have not read this, it is really quite telling and likely very accurate to its conclusion - scary stuff these "High Cabals", knowing they have existed moving wars around the global board through their intelligence minions, often years and years in advance and using every means possible to create their view of humankind and extrapolate what they do; one hell of a stacked deck of cards. And in the end, they are getting away with murder and genocide. :mad:

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