Truth Perspective: The Anthrax Deception with Graeme MacQueen

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
In October 2001, five people died from anthrax attacks in the U.S. The targets were senators and media personalities. The first letter containing the military-grade bacteria was mailed just a week after 9/11. Originally thought to have been a follow-up to the 9/11 attacks, perpetrated by al-Qaeda with the support of Iraq, the attacks were instrumental in maintaining a climate of terror in the United States, and helped push through the U.S. Patriot Act. But in the course of investigation, that story fell apart. The attacks were later blamed on a lone scientist from Fort Detrick, Bruce Ivins. Rather than a state-sponsored foreign conspiracy, the attacks were written off as a domestic attack by a single lone nut. But is that what really happened?

On this episode of the Truth Perspective, we'll be interviewing Dr. Graeme MacQueen, author of The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy and co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies. In his book, MacQueen shows that neither official narrative stands up to scrutiny, but each had an element of truth. First, the perpetrators of both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks were the same. Second, it was a domestic plot. But the source wasn't al-Qaeda and Iraq; it was U.S.-based.

The 2001 anthrax attacks may be an almost-forgotten aspect of post-9/11 history, but like 9/11 they are still relevant today. They helped pass the draconian Patriot Act and set the template for numerous false-flags in the years since. Several of those attacks have directly targeted legislative bodies with physical intimidation. Tune in for what promises to be an eye-opening interview!

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and SOTT, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday at 2 pm Eastern.
Excellent interview! Very informative and interesting. Thank you for inviting Dr. Graeme MacQueen. :flowers:
Yes, a great show. :perfect:

Very informative and flowing. Good to keep bringing this information up as it is the foundation of our current totalitarian society.
Downloading the show now. Can't wait to have a listen. Always thought there was something strange about the anthrax scare but didn't have the tools and discernment to figure things out back then.
Approaching Infinity said:
We had a great time interviewing Graeme! Great speaker, tons of good info.

Agreed! This was a terrific show! And Dr. Graeme MacQueen was not only a great speaker and had tons of good info, he was entertaining as well (which accounts for his being a great speaker :)).
Very much enjoyed the show, and so well presented - Graeme was a wonderful guest including such super interactions among you all!
Wow. Terrific show. Straight forward presentation of the facts. This is one of the best pieces yet for sharing with others. Great piece for demonstrating how the control/intimidation system works in DC. I think this stuff probably goes on all the time (control/intimidation of MOC), but in a far less public/dramatic way. It is how, over and over, we (ordinary folk) get sold down the river.
Great show gang! Was a little young (7th grade) to really remember the specifics of the anthrax scare, so this was really informative for me.
As an aside, had a chance to read Graeme's report/publication 'The October 22, 2014, Ottawa Shootings: Why Canadians Need a Public Inquiry' which he does a very good job at capturing the facts of the day, including the masses of conjecture in the media and by the police forces themselves (plenty of citations) - in this business as he coins it of "managed terror" or "managed terrorist". There were plenty of unanswered questions at the end of the day that he rightfully details, and he cites the most ridiculous presented facts from people like the RCMP commissioner who can't seem to recall things. He let's the reader know that as a criminal case (another where the perpetrator is dead) that requires investigation of all those that killed the perpetrator, which in this case there were fifty six investigative reasons (shoots fired), a great deal remained unanswered. In this, we have things such as the Parliamentary Sergent of Arms, Kevin Vickers, whereby he undertook a James Bond rolling maneuver and emptied his 9-mm clip into a likely already critically wounded perpetrator. Vickers (who would under normal circumstances be prominent in the investigation and would need to adhere to certain legal boundaries) is allowed to dance off to Israel to receive gushing kisses and praise from Bibi and then receive a plum ambassadorship by Harper to Ireland for his heroic deeds that day. Spot on is that this event sparked a political line-up to sign off on Bill C-51, the Canadian Patriot Act it can be called.

There were a few things in the case he does not touch on in any great detail though:

He pleaded guilty in February 2012 in Vancouver Provincial Court to the lesser included offence of uttering threats and was sentenced to just a day in jail. He was credited with more than two months in pre-trial custody.

Court documents show that Zehaf-Bibeau was sent for a psychiatric evaluation, but found fit to stand trial.

I would suspect that these "evaluations" are important to the story of Zehaf-Bibeau's external management, if management is so.
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