Trying to make sense of prior " high strangeness"


The Living Force
I have been trying to put together prior events in my life that, to me, could be classified as " high strangeness"

I have one event in particular I would like to discuss, and any feed back as to what could have caused it scientifically would be appreciated.

When I was about 22, a friend of mine committed suicide. That is the official story. I do not know if this is relevant or not, but I am going to post it, in case it is in any way. I say " official story" because the timing of the events happened in such a manner that a pathological person went missing from the party at the same time the person who committed suicide went missing. He had pathological and drug issues. I will not say he was an essential psychopath, but, he did have the symptoms of one. It could have been the drugs, but I do not know. At any rate out friend ended up dead, having hanged himself from a tree. Just about everyone of uys at the party always suspected this person played a part in some way in our friend's death. Of course we cannot prove it.

About 8 months later, I was in my new apartment with a friend of mine and we were talking about our friend who had died . I had moved into this apartment about two months prior. In the top of my closet, I had a corded telephone, that was unplugged from any outlet, with the cords wrapped up around it. It had never been used since the move. My friend and I were talking about the death of our friend, and the suspicions we had surrounding his death, and at that time, the phone in the top of the closet rang! It was a weaker ring than what would have been the case if plugged into the wall . Well, we were so shocked we just sat there at first, and then I finally got up and unwrapped the cords and hit the "talk" button on the handset. There was no one there, but there was a lot of static. I said " hello" about 5 or 6 times, and then it just went back dead.

At the time, my friend and I of course let our minds run wild with speculation. But we could never come up with how it could have happened, with no juice to the phone. Just to be clear, it was not a cordless phone, but a corded phone that you picked up, where the keypad, etc, was in the handset.

I just swept it under the rug. But, since I am pulling all of that out now, I would sure like to know if there is some way it could have happened in the " normal" realm of explanations that my lack of scientific knowledge cannot explain.
Hi EmeraldHope,

You say that this was in an apartment building. Is it possible that the weak ring you heard could have come from a phone in another unit? That's all I could think of for a mundane explanation.

But regardless of the source of the ring, the meaning behind the event still seems significant. What do you feel it signified?
RyanX said:
Hi EmeraldHope,

You say that this was in an apartment building. Is it possible that the weak ring you heard could have come from a phone in another unit? That's all I could think of for a mundane explanation.

But regardless of the source of the ring, the meaning behind the event still seems significant. What do you feel it signified?

I do not think it is possible that it was another phone because when I picked it up, I held it first while getting it down and it was vibrating with the ring, and could hear it even better the closer I was to it. Also, as I said, there was very loud static- not possible if not coming from that phone. Then it quite after I said hello a few times.

I honestly have no idea what it means. At the time, we were going with the idea that our departed friend was confirming our speculation, by trying to contact us at that exact moment.

It was very spooky. But- like I said, I have no clue.
I will also add, that I was inspired to post this question, because I was reading the kindle version of High Starangeness, and one thing that jumped out at me was "anamalous phone calls" as part of high strangeness. Laura did not go into what that was exactly, and I did a search for the term here, and no luck.

It jarred my memory of this , so I feel compelled to ask. This has been a big question mark for me for years.
EmeraldHope said:
I do not think it is possible that it was another phone because when I picked it up, I held it first while getting it down and it was vibrating with the ring, and could hear it even better the closer I was to it. Also, as I said, there was very loud static- not possible if not coming from that phone. Then it quite after I saod hello a few times.

I honestly have no idea what it means. At the time, we were going with the idea that our departed friend was confirming our speculation, by trying to contact us at that exact moment.

It was very spooky. But- like I said, I have no clue.

Ahh, interesting! Thanks for the clarification. For some reason, I got the picture in my head that it had stopped ringing and the static came later after you tried to get the phone work some time after this. My bad. That is very weird.

After you read High Strangeness, you should read John Keel's work (if you haven't already). He talks at length about phone shenanigans - some stuff similar to what you described. Also, if you have a subscription to the Dot Connector, there's an article in the next issue on Keel that goes into some of his experiences with phones too. ;)

I think it's definitely possible that it could be a signal of some sort from your friend. Of course, it could also be ultra-terrestrials playing pranks on you too. Hard to say...
RyanX said:
EmeraldHope said:
I do not think it is possible that it was another phone because when I picked it up, I held it first while getting it down and it was vibrating with the ring, and could hear it even better the closer I was to it. Also, as I said, there was very loud static- not possible if not coming from that phone. Then it quite after I saod hello a few times.

I honestly have no idea what it means. At the time, we were going with the idea that our departed friend was confirming our speculation, by trying to contact us at that exact moment.

It was very spooky. But- like I said, I have no clue.

Ahh, interesting! Thanks for the clarification. For some reason, I got the picture in my head that it had stopped ringing and the static came later after you tried to get the phone work some time after this. My bad. That is very weird.

After you read High Strangeness, you should read John Keel's work (if you haven't already). He talks at length about phone shenanigans - some stuff similar to what you described. Also, if you have a subscription to the Dot Connector, there's an article in the next issue on Keel that goes into some of his experiences with phones too. ;)

I think it's definitely possible that it could be a signal of some sort from your friend. Of course, it could also be ultra-terrestrials playing pranks on you too. Hard to say...

Do you know which book it is in by Keel? I have read a lot of Operation Trojan Horse, but I have not seen anything about phone calls there yet. I already finished High Strangeness, and there was no further mention of "phone calls" , in that context.
EmeraldHope said:
RyanX said:
EmeraldHope said:
I do not think it is possible that it was another phone because when I picked it up, I held it first while getting it down and it was vibrating with the ring, and could hear it even better the closer I was to it. Also, as I said, there was very loud static- not possible if not coming from that phone. Then it quite after I saod hello a few times.

I honestly have no idea what it means. At the time, we were going with the idea that our departed friend was confirming our speculation, by trying to contact us at that exact moment.

It was very spooky. But- like I said, I have no clue.

Ahh, interesting! Thanks for the clarification. For some reason, I got the picture in my head that it had stopped ringing and the static came later after you tried to get the phone work some time after this. My bad. That is very weird.

After you read High Strangeness, you should read John Keel's work (if you haven't already). He talks at length about phone shenanigans - some stuff similar to what you described. Also, if you have a subscription to the Dot Connector, there's an article in the next issue on Keel that goes into some of his experiences with phones too. ;)

I think it's definitely possible that it could be a signal of some sort from your friend. Of course, it could also be ultra-terrestrials playing pranks on you too. Hard to say...

Do you know which book it is in by Keel? I have read a lot of Operation Trojan Horse, but I have not seen anything about phone calls there yet. I already finished High Strangeness, and there was no further mention of "phone calls" , in that context.

Yeah, he describes the bulk of his phone experiences in The Mothman Prophecies (the book they based the same titled movie on). The book, as you can imagine, covers a lot more ground than the movie.
RyanX said:
Yeah, he describes the bulk of his phone experiences in The Mothman Prophecies (the book they based the same titled movie on). The book, as you can imagine, covers a lot more ground than the movie.

I'll have to read that, then. I had a hard time with the movie. I've tried to watch it several times ,but I cannot focus on it well. I get sleepy or distracted. I hope I can do better with the book. ;D
EmeraldHope said:
RyanX said:
Yeah, he describes the bulk of his phone experiences in The Mothman Prophecies (the book they based the same titled movie on). The book, as you can imagine, covers a lot more ground than the movie.

I'll have to read that, then. I had a hard time with the movie. I've tried to watch it several times ,but I cannot focus on it well. I get sleepy or distracted. I hope I can do better with the book. ;D

The book is SO much better - and there is an audio version available, if that makes it more convenient to listen while you drive or something. Phones are quite commonly involved in 'high strangeness', so in this case I'd not be at all surprised to find out it was your departed friend, or some other entity trying to get your attention.

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