Jedi Council Member
The past week I've been really delving into the silver fraud that JP Morgan has committed, and am trying to understand just what it means. By writing this I'm hoping that someone else can help me see if it is accurate, or whether I'm missing something.
So, what has happened is that in February Andrew Maguire blew the whistle on the silver trading fraud committed by JP Morgan. Essentially, JPM has been doing naked short selling of silver, at a ratio of 100-1. Meaning, for every 100 paper saying "I'm worth 1kg silver" that they trade, there is only 1kg of actual silver. This means that on the one hand, the actual supply of silver, which is used by many industries for production of goods, is way way lower than what the market currently thinks. Second, the price of silver is now artificially low, since people think the supply is higher than it is, and since whenever someone buys silver, new silver appears out of nowhere a la "debt as money", so the price stays low. It is, as Mike Maloney of puts it, "dirt cheap" as the current price barely covers the production cost.
Because this fraud has now been uncovered, if traders start calling this bluff, i.e. they start demanding the physical silver to be delivered, lots of paper silver will default. It will also mean that the price of silver will skyrocket, to compensate for the 99% that isn't there, but should have been there. What the observers are waiting for is that someone will actually do this, but believe that at the moment noone does, because of the implications. The implications, as I understand it, is that once the price skyrockets, the confidence in fiat paper money will go away, sending the entire economy into chaos. So will anyone have the guts to do it? I don't know, but it's possible.
There is also speculation that the same fraud applies to gold, it's just not been proven yet. The same 100-1 leverage is suspected for paper gold.
At the same time, the US is printing money like crazy to cover for debts. This on its own would create a lot of inflation, and a depreciation of peoples savings accounts and pension funds, but when taken together with the above creates an explosive situation, which can erupt this year.
Does the above seem correct to you? Has anyone else been staying up to date with this story and the implications?
If it is correct, then the proper thing to do, as far as I can tell, is to take any paper money you have, and buy PHYSICAL silver and gold, and then just wait. When the prices goes kablooey you can earn a LOT on it. The catch is, of course, that at that point the money you get won't be worth much anyway, due to the hyperinflation that come into play.
And this is just two sides of it. Add in the food production of 2009 that got screwed up, the honeybees that died this winter, and the lack of sunspots causing colder weather, and 2010 seems like a pivotal turning point in our society.
The past week I've been really delving into the silver fraud that JP Morgan has committed, and am trying to understand just what it means. By writing this I'm hoping that someone else can help me see if it is accurate, or whether I'm missing something.
So, what has happened is that in February Andrew Maguire blew the whistle on the silver trading fraud committed by JP Morgan. Essentially, JPM has been doing naked short selling of silver, at a ratio of 100-1. Meaning, for every 100 paper saying "I'm worth 1kg silver" that they trade, there is only 1kg of actual silver. This means that on the one hand, the actual supply of silver, which is used by many industries for production of goods, is way way lower than what the market currently thinks. Second, the price of silver is now artificially low, since people think the supply is higher than it is, and since whenever someone buys silver, new silver appears out of nowhere a la "debt as money", so the price stays low. It is, as Mike Maloney of puts it, "dirt cheap" as the current price barely covers the production cost.
Because this fraud has now been uncovered, if traders start calling this bluff, i.e. they start demanding the physical silver to be delivered, lots of paper silver will default. It will also mean that the price of silver will skyrocket, to compensate for the 99% that isn't there, but should have been there. What the observers are waiting for is that someone will actually do this, but believe that at the moment noone does, because of the implications. The implications, as I understand it, is that once the price skyrockets, the confidence in fiat paper money will go away, sending the entire economy into chaos. So will anyone have the guts to do it? I don't know, but it's possible.
There is also speculation that the same fraud applies to gold, it's just not been proven yet. The same 100-1 leverage is suspected for paper gold.
At the same time, the US is printing money like crazy to cover for debts. This on its own would create a lot of inflation, and a depreciation of peoples savings accounts and pension funds, but when taken together with the above creates an explosive situation, which can erupt this year.
Does the above seem correct to you? Has anyone else been staying up to date with this story and the implications?
If it is correct, then the proper thing to do, as far as I can tell, is to take any paper money you have, and buy PHYSICAL silver and gold, and then just wait. When the prices goes kablooey you can earn a LOT on it. The catch is, of course, that at that point the money you get won't be worth much anyway, due to the hyperinflation that come into play.
And this is just two sides of it. Add in the food production of 2009 that got screwed up, the honeybees that died this winter, and the lack of sunspots causing colder weather, and 2010 seems like a pivotal turning point in our society.