TSA Agent At My Door Last Night


Jedi Master
My SO answered the door as I was washing up from dinner. He came to me and said somebody with TSA on their shirt just knocked on our door. My SO hasn't been reading as much as me, so these topics only seem to ring a bell in his head because of discussions we've had.
Quickly I gave him a 'look' and drove my voice into a whisper. I asked him what they wanted. He said they had the wrong address and that they were looking for the building adjacent to ours. With windows and doors open (screens only), I began saying quite loudly that I couldn't find one of our cats. He played along with me and eventually we ended up outside with a flashlight calling for a cat we knew was safe in our home. I wanted a look at this guy, his car, and most importantly why he was in our condo-plex.
After only 1 minute of 'calling for our kitty' he emerges from the building next door, hops in his vehicle and tears out of our complex. I was able to see his face, clothes and make of car. He did have on clothing marked with TSA and Homeland Security. He was driving a simple compact Ford. He seemed distracted or upset?!
I'm curious if anyone else has seen anything like this and also wonder what some of you may think of what happened to me last night. I'm not too worried about it, as ambulances and pizza delivery guys have gotten the wrong address before...
I just found the situation quite odd. My SO and I 'know' everyone in the next building and couldn't imagine what an 'agent' was needed there for. What was also striking was the amount of time in which the guy didn't hang around. Thoughts appreciated! Thanks! :cool2:
Hi BrightLight,

I have been watching this post for a while waiting to see others responce, sounds creepy but I would not worry my self to much about it, chances are they were looking for someone else.

Even if they were looking for/watching you there is very little that can be done about it other than being aware of it. I've had some similar experiences and I think the worst thing to do is to panic about it because its probably exactly what they are trying to achieve (if they are trying to achieve anything) psychological warfare works best when you react emotionally and paranoia if a effective tool against us.

My two bob.

Best Regards,

It sounds to me like you might be assuming that because this individual had "TSA" on their shirt that they were *really* from the TSA. Did you ask for a badge? Did he offer one? Was he a burglar dressed up as a "TSA Agent" trying to case properties? You cannot take things at "face value", especially in these days.
rs said:
It sounds to me like you might be assuming that because this individual had "TSA" on their shirt that they were *really* from the TSA. Did you ask for a badge? Did he offer one? Was he a burglar dressed up as a "TSA Agent" trying to case properties? You cannot take things at "face value", especially in these days.

That's a great point, or the fact that he was even "working" at the time. He could simply have just finished work and was visiting a friends who's house he hadn't been to before, picking up a date etc etc.

At the same time it does pay to be at the very least, cautious in this situation but unless there are any direct threats ie; he was scooping around the back of your house or sitting in his car for an extended period or something like that, there really is nothing you can do about it.

Best Regards,

chaps23 said:
Hi BrightLight,

I have been watching this post for a while waiting to see others responce, sounds creepy but I would not worry my self to much about it, chances are they were looking for someone else.

Even if they were looking for/watching you there is very little that can be done about it other than being aware of it. I've had some similar experiences and I think the worst thing to do is to panic about it because its probably exactly what they are trying to achieve (if they are trying to achieve anything) psychological warfare works best when you react emotionally and paranoia if a effective tool against us.

My two bob.

Best Regards,


Hi Brent and rs. Thank you for your response's. In reflecting back to that evening, I wouldn't say I was in a panic state. I was more curious than anything else. Our neighborhood is usually extremely quiet and very little happens 'out of the ordinary'. rs, if you reread what I wrote above, you'll see that I wasn't the one who answered the door, but that my SO did. He had already sent the person on his way or else I would have asked for I.D. or a badge. Lacking information at that point, I went on my own search as I described.

We're a pretty close community and besides the whole possible TSA element, I wanted to make sure all was well within our area. You're correct in not just "taking things at face value". I understand the guy could have been any number of people with any agenda. His clothing and vehicle with government plates were quite the determining factor for me that he was at least 'legit' in that area.

It seems my curiosity got the best of me and I feel silly for even have posted the account here. :-[ I'm sure there are instances typical to mine all the time. As for psychological warfare, I refuse to give 'them' what they want. ;) Thanks again for replying. :cool2:
It seems my curiosity got the best of me and I feel silly for even have posted the account here. I'm sure there are instances typical to mine all the time. As for psychological warfare, I refuse to give 'them' what they want.

Hey it pays to be a little paranoid sometimes, I dont think you over reacted badly at all. If I had the Transport Security Administration at my door it would raise a few eyebrows at first! I would think its only natural with all the god damn story's/information we have read regarding Govn't & Alien abductions and all the cass material.

Thanks for sharing,
Yes, I can relate. I had Homeland Security in my OFFICE. People unless you go
through this, You cannot imagine what it feels like --- in your face that We are
truly living a police state. And - I refused to cower down. I don't know where
my courage came -- No I take that back--- Knowledge gave me courage. And the
years of reading everything LKJ and sott has written.
There were two of them. And they were looking for someone, And because of
my job/position would Know how to find this person. I will say-- I was right back
at them,, stating how insane it was of them to be looking for this person. I could
repeat the hour 'conversation' in verbatim and their techniques. One of them
was an ex police officer. The other-- called himself H.S. but he had the whiff of another
alphabet agency -- he was obviously training the other.
I would like to share a statement the 'HS trainer' made to me, as follows;
1. HS is the best kept secret and HS has more authority than the FBI. We can get
a lead in Mississippi and follow it up here in Missouri. I replied-- I thought that was
what federal marshalls do?

Unless it is useful and it serves to write out entire experience in detail, I am am not
going to add anything else to this post. Just to anyone,, And trust ME-- when a
nobody like me is questioned; It tells me Anyone could very possibly experience this--
I would say or advise; Hold your ground, put on your poker face and do not allow yourself to be intimidated.

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