tsunami dream


Jedi Master
I''ve had a couple comet dreams in the last 6 months but a few weeks ago I had a tsunami dream. Was wondering if anyone else has had a tsunami dream and the feeling tone of it. Basically my tsunami dream was pretty neutral feeling-a big wall of w ater coming and nothing to do but go under. I'm a bit freaked because my fear triggers my rumination about the Cs remark of "Seattle buried." Buried by what I guess is the question. Darn I'm so impatient too about finding out what "zero new year" is going to bring. Hopefully better than "zero dark thirty" ;)
Your post made a few of the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I have had several dreams similar to the ones you mentioned. I have had maybe 6 in the past 2 months about moving lights in the sky (either comets of entities), followed by 2 jets crashing into the water. I have also had 3 dreams that I can remember that involved huge waves of water devouring me and cities. One, I was sitting atop a large hill with a group of people, when a huge, what looked like a black cloud began flowing (in a wave like way) over a city. Coming out of the waves were giant creatures, I remember one being a giant gorilla. I had the same dream that same night, but this time I was in a house on ground level, and caught the wave as it was coming towards me. I have also had one where I have been in a beach house (I've had several dreams in this beach house but cannot recall ever going to it..in this life) and watched as a giant wave crashed into it, sweeping away almost everything. Now that I'm typing this, I just remembered that I've had that dream another time as well. I don't do well with water in my dreams...they are usually the ones that I cannot "jack" myself out of.
I have had recurring dreams of a single large wave throughout my life. This is different than a tsunami, which is a series of large waves. It is basically the same dream with minor variations. For some reason I am standing or walking along the beach, sometimes it's during the day & other times it's at night, but serene, peaceful... I think it's almost too peaceful, when suddenly the water begins sucking back into itself, causing a strong rip tide. I can feel the sand leaving little islands where my feet are touching bottom, nearly knocking me off my feet. My heart begins to race, because I know what's coming. I know running is futile. I hear it before I see it... a thunderous roaring wall of water growing to towering heights. It seemingly pauses at its most majestic height, giving me enough time for a thought, today I die. Other times I think, Oh my God! Then I am devoured by it. It slams my little body to the ocean floor & pins me there for an eternity, then scrapes me off & up, forward, head over heals, cartwheeling over & over until I think the next one I'll surly be dashed against the rocks & then that will be the end. Miraculously the all encompassing powerful force lets up & I am breathing air again! I'm alive!

Sometimes I wake up before the wave hits me, sometimes after, & sometimes while I'm still fighting it underwater. I have noticed that if I try to fight the pure force of this wave it roughs me up a lot more than if I learn to just go with the wave. I was an avid scuba diver when I was having the dream consistently & thought it was related to my fears as a divemaster/assistant instructor having to make beach dives while assisting other students. But there was never anyone else in my dream, just me & the wave. After having come upon Laura's material, I find the wave in my dream may be metaphorical for The Wave - as in realm border crossing. The lessons I learn may be the power I struggle with the force of the wave for. So, the less I fight life's lessons, the easier the learning experience? Because I can be one dense, stubborn dumb ass during some lessons needing to be learned. :-[
I started having tsunami dreams in the early 90s, and I thought they were about coming cataclysms for the earth. The earth did start having tsunami issues in the coming years, but that seems to be coincidental.

Going back over two decades of these dreams, I relate them now to large changes in my physical and emotional landscape i.e. they were forewarnings of life changes coming up. Practically speaking; divorce, children issues, moving to new state or country, new job, new languages to learn, family members passing away, etc.

If water meant emotions, and the land/buildings meant ones physical environment….then the tsunami meant that all was going to be re-arranged or probably “gone” due to a force that I couldn’t control. The changes came usually in a few months to a year, but time not set in stone.

I had one of these dreams a few weeks ago. If these assumptions have merit, soon (relatively) my life situation will dramatically change.
I have had many dreams about my hometown flooding and the ocean rising to the surrounding mountains of the valley. And all these dreams were years ago when I was a child. I was terrified and confused for years wondering why I would have such horrible dreams? Now after a few years I believe the dreams were not a glimpse into the future so to speak but just a possibility, knowledge. :)
I had a dream last week where I was riding down a highway and looked up and a disc passed in front of the sun..not like an eclipse but fast, and not covering the whole sun. Then lightning started being exchanged between the two bodies. Then the water started rising (I am about 200 miles from any coast) in my dream my husband had driven down to the Florida keys to take the boat down. I was trying to get to him but the road to the keys was underwater,but not the actual keys, at least not totally. Strange because I had not been dreaming much for awhile.
I also had a dream/vision about huge amount of water coming to the west coast of the USA. It was without sound and I had it about 2 months ago. I was like an observer looking at the "show". That seems to be interesting when I see this attack of winter in the USA right now...
I've had recurring tsunami dreams for about 10 years too. I'm at the ocean I used to visit in childhood and often in a hotel. Sometimes I am actually on the beach. There will be a big 50 or 100 foot wave that I see coming. I always seem to survive too, but it is very ominous.

I think of objects that I can hold on to while it comes. And when I'm in the hotel it usually doesn't usually go above it. But a common theme is that the hotel breaks from the ground and goes floating away. So I'm in some big floating 20 story hotel. But it's always interesting those few moments when the wave is coming and in the dream you're like, "Uh oh."

I had an experience as a child where I went under the ocean water for too long while on a "boogie board". It was a big wave and I didn't know if I'd come up. But eventually I came back up and was fine. Maybe those recurring dreams are triggered by that fear of having gone under water and not knowing when or if I'd surface.
3D Student said:
I've had recurring tsunami dreams for about 10 years too. I'm at the ocean I used to visit in childhood and often in a hotel. Sometimes I am actually on the beach. There will be a big 50 or 100 foot wave that I see coming. I always seem to survive too, but it is very ominous.

I think of objects that I can hold on to while it comes. And when I'm in the hotel it usually doesn't usually go above it. But a common theme is that the hotel breaks from the ground and goes floating away. So I'm in some big floating 20 story hotel. But it's always interesting those few moments when the wave is coming and in the dream you're like, "Uh oh."

I had an experience as a child where I went under the ocean water for too long while on a "boogie board". It was a big wave and I didn't know if I'd come up. But eventually I came back up and was fine. Maybe those recurring dreams are triggered by that fear of having gone under water and not knowing when or if I'd surface.

Fwiw, I used to have lots of tsunami dreams, and have experienced multiple episodes as a child of nearly drowning (or at least being very afraid at the imminent possibility). But even before that they used to fascinate me somehow, far more so than tornadoes or earthquakes, and I would watch documentaries on them when very young. I've always had a tremendous awe and fear of the oceans and their sheer size. Maybe there is some past life connection, who knows?
here corrado malanga thought on tsunami dream
From what I can remember I've had a few tsunami dreams as well. Looking through my journal, I show an entry from June of 2009-I was at a house looking out and see in the distance a tsunami heading for where I am and growing in size.

Carlisle said:
I've always had a tremendous awe and fear of the oceans and their sheer size.

I have a similar feeling of awe but also fear, when I think about the depth of the ocean. It's interesting because when I envision being at the beach looking out at the waves it is soothing to me, but to consider the actual depth of the ocean is a bit frightening.
Last night I dreamed of observing several tsunamis around the world. They were occuring at the same time. It was like watching an informative documentary in a sense - 'Earth - cyclical natural cleansing' on the 'Cosmic' Geographic channel perhaps. :)

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