Tsunami warning in B.C. after eathquake


The Living Force
From CBC News Website

OTTAWA — A tsunami warning is in effect for the British Columbia coast after a 7.7 earthquake struck the Queen Charlotte Islands region at about 8 p.m. local time Saturday night.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located 198 kilometres south-southwest of Prince Rupert at a depth of 10 km, said the U.S. Geological Survey, who measured the quake at a magnitude of 7.7. Earthquake Canada measured it at a magnitude of 7.1

Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Tsunami+warning+after+eathquake/7459520/story.html#ixzz2AZHuP1tc

That's seems to ba a rather significant earthquake in an area that has been told to eventually expect a severe one.

[quote author=Gonzo]

That's seems to ba a rather significant earthquake in an area that has been told to eventually expect a severe one.


Came inland from the coast yesterday, and was feeling uneasy there, like needing to leave. Article says says many multible aftershocks at 5.8.
Just received a note from a friend up the coast. They had received warning and left for high ground and have now returned after warning was abated. :)
There was just another one close to Masset .

Seems there has been a lot of activity in that area.

Meager1 said:
There was just another one close to Masset .

Seems there has been a lot of activity in that area.


If we select earthquakes for last 30 days in the above link , there is 7192 earth quakes. So much is going , no body ourside seems to be noticing any thing all.
Some friends of mine managed to feel aftershocks throughout Vancouver, though it seems it really depended on the location. I personally didn't feel anything.

[quote author=Gonzo]That's seems to ba a rather significant earthquake in an area that has been told to eventually expect a severe one.[/quote]

No kidding. FWIW smaller earthquakes may help dissipate the tectonic tension that could otherwise build up and trigger even a more drastic earthquake. Even though, logarithmically speaking, we'd need about one hundred 7.0 earthquakes to attenuate the force of a 9.0 :/
Ever since I moved to Vancouver in 95 there has been talk of the "big one" hitting the West Coast at some point. I'm not sure if this qualifies, but I think we doged a bullet here on how little damage there was as a result of this earthquake. I hate to think of what the "big one" will be like if it happened closer... :/

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