Tsunamis, hurricanes and UFOs.


Jedi Master
I've been having a lot of dreams about tsunamis, ufos and sometimes hurricanes all in the same dreams, probably about 5 - 6 this year.

I died in one or two them but the others i did not :)

These are quite full on epic type dreams, with that end of the world/might die feeling.

Obviously influence did come from the C's material, but i haven't read about the disaster/invasion parts in a very long time.

Anyone else have similar dreams, comments, interpretations?

I'm often with family in the dream, mom, sister, girlfriend and they usually live too.

The one time i died and went to another place/dimesion and was being taught by one male, he was teaching to a group of people though.


I think that "end of the world" type of dreams have to do with fear of future or losing control.

I've had very chilling dreams about nuclear apocalypse. In those I'm usually with some members of family. I don't think one can feel radioactive rays in real life but always in those dreams I experience some crawling sensations throughout my body. Maybe because of the morbid awe of seeing the cloud of death.

UFO dreams are damn scary! I will be walking outside and all of a sudden there looms a colossal alien mothership on the sky. I've had those since I was a child -there was no way anyone could get me to watch Indepence Day or The X-Files - and that is maybe the reason why I've been always cynical about the "space brothers"-meme.
Yeh, i'm not quite sure what they mean, but they are reoccuring still, mostly dreams of flooding at the moment.

I had many dreams about flying in the last few years, a lot of them turned into lucid dreams, those are a lot more pleasant :D

hay i had a dream last night of flooding in england. i from what i saw in the dream was something like a dam being constructed or opened, and all this water engulfed the uk. As the dream went along i was in someones house taking refuge on higher ground. this house was not where i live at the moment. but the dream reminded me of the effects from the film Day after Tomorrow. I even felt abit sick, as i saw these images in my dream. I wont forget this dream. Not to bothered about what it means.

just thought i would share this.

thanks for reading.
If it were my dream I would look at whether the flooding is an indication of the overflow of emotions.
Franco said:
I've been having a lot of dreams about tsunamis, ufos and sometimes hurricanes all in the same dreams, probably about 5 - 6 this year.

I died in one or two them but the others i did not :)

These are quite full on epic type dreams, with that end of the world/might die feeling.

Obviously influence did come from the C's material, but i haven't read about the disaster/invasion parts in a very long time.

Anyone else have similar dreams, comments, interpretations?



Water in dreams can be linked to emotions, spirituality, and how a person processes same. Explosions, and invasions can be signs/symbols of emotional distress. Floods, tsunamis, and such can be signs of being spiritually 'flooded' or 'overwhelmed' by either too much information, or a sign that you need to slow down to process whats been learned.

It can also mean you need to make sure you actually have good 'wellies' on hand, and not buy into every idea/concept etc that bowls you over in a dream. :)

I've read before about water being related to emotions, i used to have a lot of being inside water/sea dreams and big waves in the past, in the water there were often sharks (which i think could be symbolic for fears).

I also think the sea could be symbolic for sub conscious with sharks being fears in the sub conscious.

I'm not sure what whales and dolphins can symbolise but I'm guess its on the more positive side.

In regards the flooding, natural disaster dreams i have them equally when i'm happy, sad, calm, nervous, they are different to water dreams, they are less personal.

I also mostly put this up for anyone else that might be having similar dreams.

I thought to use this thread to post last night's dream, maybe others have had recent dreams of tsunamis.

The setting was a blend of locations of where I live currently and anther random one. In the dream I found myself in a large house on a hill overlooking a valley with the sea further away. The house was occupied by Group members. Me and other members are in one of the ground floor rooms discussing tobacco or at least that's the association I have with what's going on. Then I look out of the window and see the tsunami waves coming. As the wave approaches it floods the valley and upon reaching the hill water gushes inside through the window. The people in the room run out of the room and the house to higher ground on a hill next to the house.

It wasn't a full out destructive wave but similar to the Indian Ocean tsunami videos where you can see the wave coming, not too high but once the waves hit they just keep coming. That's
how it was in the dream.

I just wanted to mention that kids who don`t really know a lot about the "earth changes" material are having strange dreams as well. For instance my 16 year old has recently told me about three separate dreams, where he is walking across the back field at dusk and suddenly there is a huge blinding light in the sky that makes it brighter then the brightest daylight. He is terrified and runs home.

A little girl friend of his, says she had a similar dream recently, but in her dream the bright light caused a huge fire in the distance. She then related that her little two year old brother has been waking up in the night crying and very afraid of the "star" !

She thought this was really "creepy" since she doesn`t think he even knows what a "star" is!

My ex, told me a couple of weeks ago that he has recently had a "twin sun" dream.

I haven`t had any dreams that I can recall recently, but thought that all the star stuff turning up lately is curious.
Tsunami dreams are very common. I used to have them in the past and i know many people who are still having them from time to time. The drama is usually the same, a big wave of water is coming and the person has to prepare and save family etc.
One friend told me a few years ago that she saw "standing crocodiles" hiding in the tsunami wave, waiting to arrive and eat people. I thought it was interresting :)
Re: UFOs. and comets

I had a dream about a UFO and a comet last night, which repeated almost exactly like last time.

I was outside during the day and saw something in the sky moving oddly, leaving a small contrail. I said it was a UFO! But then it landed and people said it was just a stunt plane. I looked at the plane and saw the wings it had were very small and oddly shaped to be aerodynamically possible of flying. It reminded me of what Keel wrote about how odd shaped planes did unbelievable maneuvers despite not being aerodynamically possible. So, I laughed and said the plane was a fake image. It shifted into something more realistic looking and then took off again in a fake non-aerodynamic way, so I laughed and said "You guys can't fool me!" while giving them the middle finger.

After it flew away I heard a rumble in the sky and looked up. I saw the streaks of a comet and it grew into a big fireball in the sky and hit the ground with a huge BOOM. The dream ended then.

The oddest thing is how it repeated and in the dream I was thinking that it was real life and my previous dream predicted it in reality!
I think when dream repeats, it may mean that one is not getting the whole message yet?
mkrnhr said:
I think when dream repeats, it may mean that one is not getting the whole message yet?

I suppose the one thing that stood out in the dream was my anger towards the aliens in their UFO trying to fool us. The comet coming down didn't alarm me anymore than hearing loud fireworks or what not.

Any idea on what the message could be?

Or sometimes, a dream is just a dream? Perhaps some dreams are tapping into a most probable future?

Any ideas would help a lot!
in a book on dreams that I use, Understand Your Dreams by Alice Parker, hurricanes and tidal waves are associated with overwhelming and destructive emotions, and the book suggests examining your life to see where you are having such experiences, or what feelings are threatening to you, or what powerful experience are you now ready for. The other family or friends in the dreams might be related to, suffering from these themselves, or even the cause of these emotions in yourself. The UFO archetype is "fear and joy of the unkown or distant realms; where am I ready to expand into the unknown", sounds right up the C's alley; the cross-reference to aliens, which is "distant, strange, unconventional or unrecognized or even unhuman." This also sounds like the C's realm, but maybe or maybe not the friendly types.
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