Turkey's relations with Syria and possible war scenarios


Jedi Master

I would like to collect some background material for the events in Arab Spring and Turkey's responses, as well as current situation with Syria, a neighbouring country that was once a friend and now becoming our number one enemy. Firstly, an interesting piece from Cayce:

"Strifes will arise through the period. Watch for them near the Davis Strait in the attempts there for the keeping of the life line to land open. Watch for them in Libya and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria, through the straits about those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf."

We have seen things happening in Libya, Egypt and in Syria. Now Turkey is mentioned here as Ankara, with its capital city while other countries are mentioned with their own names. Something I found interesting.

Now lets go back to Turkey-Syria relations. Before I shared in various threads as how Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish Foreign Minister has a new policy called Neo-Ottomanism where Turkey wants to exert soft power over its neighbours. By becoming a regional power, Turkey imported its heroes, its TV shows and its politics to Arab worlds. And as a part of its zero problem policy with its neighbours, it developped good relations until the Arab revolts started. Turkey supported Libya and Egypt rebels and when it came to Syria, good relations with neighbours seemed to fade away. Davutoglu visited Damascus recently to warn Assad:

Davutoğlu earlier this month traveled to Damascus to convey a “last warning” to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to end the bloodshed. Turkey has repeatedly called on al-Assad to initiate reforms but has stopped short of calling for his departure.

“There is a vicious cycle, we want Syria to immediately break this cycle,” Davutoğlu said, adding that Turkey was ready for any scenario. Though he ruled out a foreign military intervention, the minister said Turkey “cannot accept human-rights violations either.

Our ‘zero problems with neighbors’ policy does not mean we’ll turn our back to such violations.” Davutoğlu said: “[I said] we stood by you against possible interventions by other countries. But now if we have to make a choice between you and [your] people in this current problem of yours, we’ll side with the people. Because what is lasting and what will endure until eternity is the brotherhood of the people of Turkey and Syria.”

Meanwhile, opposition party leader Devlet Bahçeli has accused the government of backstabbing the Arab world with its policies pursued in Syria and Libya. The prime minister has, according to Bahçeli, lined up with global powers against Turkey’s neighboring countries.


Now, there is no problem to call for a stop to bloodshed. However how this news portrayed in Turkish media is very interesting. And Prime Minister's reaction towards these events are very harsh. And one significant thing is, he is behaving exactly like what Western governments want him to behave. This government objected against an insurrection against Libya, but now it is helping NATO in its operations. The same scenario may soon play in Syria and Turkey being part of the forces attacking its neighbour. To prepare the public for this reason, PKK, a terrorist organisation according to majority of Turks, is said to be supported by Iran and Syria where Fehman Huseyin, a Syrian member of PKK is becoming the leader of PKK with the help of Iran and Syria. There were peace talks before this incident and now an attack towards Turkish army is started by PKK where Turkish army responds equally harsh.

The daily also indicates that the PKK's hawkish leaders, Cemil Bayık and Syrian Fehman Hüseyin, have been receiving support from Iran and Syria as they have teamed together with other PKK leaders....The report further says the Syrian member of the PKK, Hüseyin, has become increasingly more powerful in the PKK as Syria and Iran are trying to use the PKK against Turkey since Ankara is putting pressure on the Syrian regime. Hüseyin is also reported to have played a role in the violent acts of the People's Defense Forces (HPG), an arm of the PKK and the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK), an affiliate of the PKK.


I don't know what the future will bring, but it doesn't look good for Syrian people and Turkish government is following the orders of somebody else.
Biomiast said:
I don't know what the future will bring, but it doesn't look good for Syrian people and Turkish government is following the orders of somebody else.

In my opinion, as always, as it has been just from the beginning.

I guess it was in May that i wrote on my facebook page "there is an international orchestrated effort mainly led by Zionist media to push Turkey into a war with Syria". Indeed it was very surprising for me too to see how Turkey's politics with Syria and Libya changed in a couple of weeks 180 degrees. But for me and many others who see the truth Erdoğan is and have always been an appointed leader by TPTB. Maybe at the same time because of the conjunctural changes in the world he is (or maybe was) dreaming becoming the leader of the Islam world, with a pan-ottomanism ideology (wishfull thinking). The Davos and Gaza Flotilla acts were mainly for this reasons besides internal politics show.

But anyhow it was very surprising that Erdoğan was saying : " NATO has no business in Libya, this is nonsense (during a speech on 28.02.2011)" and said the opposite, in less than one month, on 21.03.2011 "NATO should enter Libya to give the rights of Libyan people". Both speeches can be found on this video :


The situation with Syria is similar (but more dangerous); 180 degrees change in a couple of weeks.

Those 180 degree changes happened during spring months accompanied very busy diplomatic traffic with USA. At this point let me remind you that there were parliamentarian elections on this June. Does it make sense ? For me yes.

But to understand the whole picture here we should go a little back and remind (for those who does not know) how Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party put in power by US and other actors from PTB.

It's a long topic but i will try to summarize it as much as i can in a chronological order. But any questions for further elaboration are wellcome .

1- In 2001 Turkey had been pushed into it's worst economic crisis in history in almost one night by the economic forces of TPTB.

2- The government then immediately surrendered to IMF and they were ready to accept all terms from IMF.
The first term was to transfer Kemal Derviş, Vice-President of the World Bank for the Middle East and North Africa Region, from USA and put him into position of minister of economy. But practically he was like the prime minister.

I wont go into details what was done by him and his masters and IMF to turn Turkish economy into a slave market for imperialistic globalization. (well i am not sayin that Turkey and it's economy before was independent or perfect but this is when it started to become %100 dependent, it's main power agriculture and livestock farming get killed, natural resources privatized and shared etc. )

3- Anyway after a short while, in 2002, this colonial governor Kemal Derviş announced that a snap election is mandatory (there were 1.5 years left to regular elections).

Immediately afterwards he supported a seperation of the ruling party DSP (which got the most votes in the previous 1999 elections) and he became one of the leaders of the new party born from this seperation. But this new party didn't take part in the coming elections because after 1-2 months of the establishment it extinguished: )

And the other remaining part of the ruling party got only %1.2 in 2002 elections and so ceased to exist afterwards.

4- The same thing (see above) happened to other powerfull parties, seperations, disintegrations etc. And almost all of them got nothing in 2002 elections and ceased to exist afterwards too. A hidden hand was redesigning Turkish politics and it's actors.

Let me remind you at this point that those were times when USA and other actors of coalition power were preparing for Iraq invasion and entering from north thus using Turkish land and territories was very critical. I will come later to this.

5- After the elimination of the other main political actors and parties (see 3 and 4) Erdoğan's AKP (Justice and Development Party), founded in 2001, became all of a sudden the main actor of the 2002 elections. Surprisingly they carried out a very powerfull campaign and one wonders where they got so much money and support considering they were established only 1 year ago (pun intended).

So AKP was elected as the ruling party in 2002 elections.
As a side note Tayyip Erdoğan, before he was the prime minister and even a parliamentarian invited to White House by Bush.

6- After being prime minister Erdoğan started the propaganda for The Greater Middle East Project (GMP) of Neo-Con's and he announced that he is the co chairman of GMP :


translation of the short speech in the video: " Turkey has a mission in Middle East. We are one of the presidents of The Greater Middle East and North Africa Project"

7- As I mentioned in 4, for USA and other actors of coalition power who were preparing for Iraq invasion entering Iraq from north thus using Turkish land and territories was very critical. But since that means :

a) Turkey being officially a part of the coalition powers and entering the war
b) Tens of thousands of US troops on Turkish soil

a special decision and permission from Turkish Grand National Parliament was mandatory. And the TGNP was consisting of two parties then, Erdoğan's AKP as the ruling party and a second party CHP with lesser representation in parliament. Erdoğan's and his top staffs desire and decision was on favor of "Yes" which meant allowing US and coalition forces using Turkish land to invade Iraq and Turkey being a part of invasion forces.

Erdoğan started lobby operations for convincing his parliamentarians for voting yes. It was clear that the other party CHP's parliamentarians will altogether vote "no" but if all of his AKP's parliamentarians would vote "yes" that would be enough. But since AKP was a new party and Erdoğan was relatively a new leader of this party he didn't have the total control on all of his parliamentarians like now. And AKP was not totally homogeneous then and it had some anti-imperialist parliamentarians in it.

So on March 1 2003 the voting took place and the most surprising result came out (surprising for Erdoğan and US Neo-Cons) and result of the voting was "NO" with a few number of difference. And eventually, the US demands were not accepted by the Turkish Parliament on March 1, 2003.

From this link : _http://www.turkishweekly.net/article/220/march-1-2003-how-to-explain-the-turkish-foreign-policy-decision.html :

"Eventually, on March 1, 2003, in the closed session of the Parliament, 264 MPs voted for the Bill, 250 MPs voted against the Bill and 19 MPs abstained. Although the majority supported the Bill, it was void since according to the Article 96 of the Constitution, “unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution, the Turkish Grand National Assembly shall convene with at least, one-third of the total number of members and shall take decisions by an absolute majority of those present.” Thus, the bill was not admitted by a margin of 4 votes."

8- As another side note; Short after this, on July 4th 2003, US troops raided a Turkish outpost in Northern Iraq and put the sack over the heads of fourteen Turkish officers and sergeants as punishment. Those troops were commanded by David Petraeus who became this summer the head of CIA.

Sorry for this historical long part but i think in order to understand and analyze today it's mandatory to understand the roots of establishment of Erdogan's AKP .

edit: typo
Hi guys, just wanted to say that I read your posts with fascination and I think you both did a great job of summarising the current situation. FYI, I'm half Turkish and I grew up there. I have always had the feeling even when I was quite young that Turkey had incredible potential but was always held back or constantly knocked down by some kind of shady but powerful group, country or organisation. Turkey, despite its immense natural and cultural riches, was never allowed to be 'its own man'. Every time some potential came close to being realised something happened that knocked the country back 10 years, too many times to be explained by mere bad luck. Maybe this was (is) partly due to some kind of atavistic fear that the West subconsciously had towards Turkey but not all of it.

un chien d'anadolu, I guess you are also Turkish (or partly Turkish) and I'm quite sure that if you grew up there you share the strong feeling that the secret games played all over the world by the PTB are much more blatant and much less hidden in Turkey than almost anywhere else. In fact, looking back at the last 30-40 years of Turkish history (the part that I experienced personally) it's riddled with obvious, bare-faced lies, badly hidden misdirections, open corruption and deliberate cultural sabotage. So, the issues that Turkey has (or has been made to have) with Syria and Iraq is just more of the same blatant games being played... Do you remember the Taksim Massacre, Operation Gladio, the Iraq Hammer Force, Ergenekon? Such a dark and complicated web of deceit and intrigue with the Turkish people (as always) paying the price.
Giray Khan the Brave said:
Hi guys, just wanted to say that I read your posts with fascination and I think you both did a great job of summarising the current situation. FYI, I'm half Turkish and I grew up there. I have always had the feeling even when I was quite young that Turkey had incredible potential but was always held back or constantly knocked down by some kind of shady but powerful group, country or organisation. Turkey, despite its immense natural and cultural riches, was never allowed to be 'its own man'. Every time some potential came close to being realised something happened that knocked the country back 10 years, too many times to be explained by mere bad luck. Maybe this was (is) partly due to some kind of atavistic fear that the West subconsciously had towards Turkey but not all of it.

un chien d'anadolu, I guess you are also Turkish (or partly Turkish) and I'm quite sure that if you grew up there you share the strong feeling that the secret games played all over the world by the PTB are much more blatant and much less hidden in Turkey than almost anywhere else. In fact, looking back at the last 30-40 years of Turkish history (the part that I experienced personally) it's riddled with obvious, bare-faced lies, badly hidden misdirections, open corruption and deliberate cultural sabotage. So, the issues that Turkey has (or has been made to have) with Syria and Iraq is just more of the same blatant games being played... Do you remember the Taksim Massacre, Operation Gladio, the Iraq Hammer Force, Ergenekon? Such a dark and complicated web of deceit and intrigue with the Turkish people (as always) paying the price.

Hi Giray,

thank you. Yes i am Turkish. Yeah i have the same feeling that "the secret games played all over the world by the PTB are much more blatant and much less hidden in Turkey than almost anywhere else", maybe not at most, but sure one of the mosts. Maybe because of geopolitics, maybe because of sacred history of Anatolia (Anadolu) . But generally speaking , i think everywhere is the same that is we have psychopats on our backs.

I remember all though i was a kid during some of them. Having said that, i am almost sure, that the juristic Ergenekon case being prosecuted for 4-5 years is nothing but a witch-hunt for allmost all opponents to AKP, Super Nato, USA etc. I am not saying that Ergenekon (or whatever the name is ) doesn't exists but this case is a cover up and %80-90 of the detainees have nothing to do with it whilst the real ones walk among us. We are living in an era worse than McCarthy era i guess.

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