TV Torture


Padawan Learner
TV Torture

At a few months old
They get you watching TV
Numbers, colours and sounds
Mould the world that you see
With a friendly face
And a benign smile
They know what's at stake
So your mind is beguiled
The world is a playground
With subliminal fear
And the magical monsters
Whisper lies in your ear
For the heart of the story
Is never revealed
If you see past the costumes
Programmes lose their appeal
It's set up to fool you
Re-run again and again
They know repetition
Will condition your brain
Ally you with sports
And music and chatter
Show you how to get slim
While you watch, getting fatter
And executive suits
Decide what you will watch
If it's on the agenda
They will call it top notch
Make it look like it's broad
And that you have a choice
What’s the best smelling soap?
BGT or The Voice?
But it's purpose is narrow
It wants the same for your mind
Make believe in a lie
That the world is unkind
All the news networks say it
Even though it's not true
And their own self-importance
Is projected on you
They decide what the news is
And what you must hate
Complicated opinions
Will muddy up the debate
There's a system to feed
And rules to instil
Give the leaders their power
Give the people their will
And it's all beamed at you
From that little square box
Where society gathers
And opportunity knocks
The darlings of TV
Can't believe their luck
We don't see their behaviours
Cos it's all covered up
With image and glitter
We let them into our homes
All those beautiful people
With perfect chromosomes
And the ones who don't question
Say it's just a bit of fun
Forgetting to mention
All the damage it's done
It pacified you
And it buried your heart
It made us afraid
And it drives us apart
But there is an escape
From the torturous screen
Cut the video tape
Don't bow down to the meme
That malevolent God
That scrambles your brain
Is a negative idol
That you entertain
It makes us sick
And society coughs
But here's the trick
Just turn it off
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