Two fraudster bankers let off while terminally ill lose benfits


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Two RBS bankers found guilty of a property fraud worth £3m are walking away without jail time because the judge believes they have already “suffered” as they were “embarrassed” by the incident.
T.C. said:
Two RBS bankers found guilty of a property fraud worth £3m are walking away without jail time because the judge believes they have already “suffered” as they were “embarrassed” by the incident.

:curse: :curse: :curse: :curse: :curse: :headbash: :headbash: :curse:
Sickening. I wonder how much of a bribe the judge got for letting this scum of a banker off the hook. :mad:
The laws were invented by the chiefs and kings, so they can lead the people, small people, slaves and servants. Most have rises in the hierarchy, the more one is freed laws.
Perceval said:
T.C. said:
Two RBS bankers found guilty of a property fraud worth £3m are walking away without jail time because the judge believes they have already “suffered” as they were “embarrassed” by the incident.

:curse: :curse: :curse: :curse: :curse: :headbash: :headbash: :curse:

That's exactly how I feel Perceval.
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