two poems about planet, people and psychopathy


Jedi Council Member
I have over 10 years of writing poetry and short stories, in Russian, there are a few in English, but I'm not sure of their 100% accuracy. :D
Now I want to share two poems about planet, people and psychopathy - I translated them from Russian into English.
hereinafter I could translate some others.

there is no rhyme because I aimed to keep most accurate sense to actually there was no difference between translation and original.

So, this is 1st:

Your every step we watch,
each inhalation and exhalation is count,
we keep track of all your actions.
You don't belong to yourself,
ya'll belong to us.

Every thought you think [that comes to your head]
every emotion you experience,
all intentions, desires and fears
we read like from the CD,
and you allow all this by yourself.

Whatever you're men mused,
no matter how much efforts you apply,
we can not only to monitor,
but also to change as we need it;
so to squeeze out more juice of you.

Within several minutes we can
make you asleep and obedient,
lift you to go to cripple and kill
each other, brother against brother;
We placed in your narrow minds
ideas of destruction and differences.
You think that all of you are strangers,
and hate each other.
All this plays so good to our aims,
your animal needs and indifference.

Negative state and your starving,
infinitely inflated ego that has swallowed you,
inside the cell that you are buried -
that’s how you were made for subjection,
all you should care about -
survival and the vices satisfaction.

Thanks to your ignorance and blindness,
thanks to negligibility of your purposes
we hold all the levers for millenniums
in our absolute power over you -
you even pay us for it,
with your lives and the boundless force,
money and time - all for us.

Therefore continue to be mob,
send your children to fill their minds
with useless bullshit under the education wrap,
so that they join an army of slaves,
following you, and sponsoring
development of new methods of enslavement,
sponsoring slow destruction of themselves.

Choose from what we allow to choose.
We have invented for you disguised bombs
and armed all tools with them:
water and foods that you consume,
the whole biosphere and things without which
now you can not exist.

Policy, medicine, law -
everywhere we use our sacred and puppets,
it's all for your gradual decay.
We created religion and science
and then confrontation between them, also,
only for the reason to define what you should know,
everything else - we'll trace it
to be ridiculed, humiliated and erased.
Your will was given to us by yourself,
your souls are already exchanged for gold and bread,
for entertainment and the visibility of comfort.
All your existence and "awareness" -
solid illusion that you constantly feed.
You have no freedom and no rights,
only sense of self-importance
and the scenery of the world and your life in it.

We thank you for being so miserable creatures.
September 1, 2012



"The Wave will collapse in the decline of this cycle..."

Can you see?
Can you see Earth's wounds?
Magnificence of struggling for life planet?
We kill it while it’s taking care of us.

So expected spring begins not in the dates -
it should blossom inside,
at the place where joy and harmony should be,
but indifference and gaping hole rule.

When he said: "You shall love your neighbor",
we pounced and beat him at once.
In bronze radiance of the evening sun
our silhouettes of living corpses were disappearing.

We won’t go to the field to garner the crop
to feed all needy,
but with no hesitation we will poison food debris
and sell the killing fake.

Listen to your heart and be responsible -
all this was invented by insane visionaries.
To respect and take care for others -
is a terrible leprosy human's nature;
we need to get rid of all this quickly,
to avoid being mocked and have differences.

Police of thinking controls our minds,
but we think that think independently.
Self-confidence and selfishness - the credo of life,
and those who dispute with us or shows other perspectives -
are our hated enemies that must be destroyed immediately.

The ship is crowded and sinking,
and everybody are in anticipation of Beast appearance,
to submit themselves definitively into his hands
and to tear the bleeding Prophet into pieces.

In the meantime, let's continue all bloody entertainments.
We are sure that nothing will affect each of us personally.

"...They will arrive after a stone rain
and fiery tongues.
Riding on the Wave..."
And the online cinema will finish broadcast.

About my Tomorrow I'll take care yet Today...
March 27, 2013


  • Aegis Strife - Betrayal.jpg
    Aegis Strife - Betrayal.jpg
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Lumiere_du_Code, your poems of the darkened days here on Earth reminded me of a poem that says that life will be better in the near future, because the proper impulse has been given, that the transformation has begun; so we should just wait a little longer, while everybody should pitch in to make the impulse stronger. The poet died still waiting for the better days and the transformation – but then, what exactly is time? And perhaps, as in his last verse, the impulse has not yet been strong enough.

The Good Time Coming
Charles Mackay (1814–1889)

THERE ’s a good time coming, boys.
A good time coming:
We may not live to see the day,
But earth shall glisten in the ray
Of the good time coming. 5
Cannon-balls may aid the truth,
But thought ’s a weapon stronger;
We ’ll win our battle by its aid;—
Wait a little longer.

There ’s a good time coming, boys, 10
A good time coming:
The pen shall supersede the sword,
And Right, not Might, shall be the lord
In the good time coming.
Worth, not Birth, shall rule mankind, 15
And be acknowledged stronger;
The proper impulse has been given;—
Wait a little longer

There ’s a good time coming, boys,
A good time coming: 20
War in all men’s eyes shall be
A monster of iniquity
In the good time coming.
Nations shall not quarrel then,
To prove which is the stronger; 25
Nor slaughter men for glory’s sake;—
Wait a little longer.

There ’s a good time coming, boys,
A good time coming:
Hateful rivalries of creed 30
Shall not make their martyrs bleed
In the good time coming.
Religion shall be shorn of pride,
And flourish all the stronger;
And Charity shall trim her lamp;— 35
Wait a little longer.

There ’s a good time coming, boys,
A good time coming:
And a poor man’s family
Shall not be his misery 40
In the good time coming.
Every child shall be a help
To make his right arm stronger;
The happier he, the more he has;—
Wait a little longer. 45

There ’s a good time coming, boys,
A good time coming:
Little children shall not toil
Under, or above, the soil
In the good time coming; 50
But shall play in healthful fields,
Till limbs and mind grow stronger;
And every one shall read and write;—
Wait a little longer.

There ’s a good time coming, boys, 55
A good time coming:
The people shall be temperate,
And shall love instead of hate,
In the good time coming.
They shall use, and not abuse, 60
And make all virtue stronger;
The reformation has begun;—
Wait a little longer.

There ’s a good time coming, boys,
A good time coming: 65
Let us aid it all we can,
Every woman, every man,
The good time coming:
Smallest helps, if rightly given,
Make the impulse stronger; 70
’T will be strong enough one day;—
Wait a little longer.
I like your poems, Lumiere, they express what all of us know and the majority ignore. I was saying today to my husband how come people are not able to see what is happening? This is incredible! But you say how humanity is, now, the majority. Time will tell how stupid humanity is, how blind we were and how happy we were to be blind. Thanks to share the poems with us. I like to hear Russian, it is a very, extremely beautiful language to my ears. It seems to me that Russian language is a very poetic language. Surely your poems in Russian should be very beautiful also to hear. Thanks!
loreta said:
I like your poems, Lumiere, they express what all of us know and the majority ignore. I was saying today to my husband how come people are not able to see what is happening? This is incredible! But you say how humanity is, now, the majority. Time will tell how stupid humanity is, how blind we were and how happy we were to be blind. Thanks to share the poems with us. I like to hear Russian, it is a very, extremely beautiful language to my ears. It seems to me that Russian language is a very poetic language. Surely your poems in Russian should be very beautiful also to hear. Thanks!

Thank you. I also always thought these issues, why people are destroying own Home, place where they were born and live... any responsibility, absolutely no! This is cancer cells, not people. such attitude to nature, to other beings, causing resentment in me, so I expressed it in poems and stories. I have and others on similar themes, as time permits, I can try to translate them (at least approximately).

Here is original text of first poem:

За каждым вашим шагом мы следим,
каждый вдох и выдох считаем,
Следим за всеми действиями.
Вы не принадлежите себе,
все вы принадлежите нам.

Каждую мысль, которую вы думаете,
каждую эмоцию, что испытываете,
все намерения, желания и страхи
читаем мы как с компакт-диска,
и вы сами позволяете это нам.

Что бы вы ни помышляли,
сколько бы усилий ни прикладывали,
мы умеем не только следить,
но и менять это как нам нужно;
так, чтобы выжать из вас больше сока.

В течении нескольких минут можем мы
сделать вас спящими и послушными,
поднять вас идти калечить и убивать
друг друга, брат на брата;
мы поместили в ваши узкие умы
идеи разрушений и различий.
Вы думаете, что все вы чужие
и ненавистны друг другу.
Это всё так играет нам на руку,
ваши животные потребности и безразличие.

Негатив и ваше вечно голодное,
беспредельно раздутое поглотившее эго,
внутри клетки которого вы погребены -
такими вас сделали для подчинения,
всё, что должно вас заботить -
выживание и удовлетворение пороков.

Благодаря вашему невежеству и слепоте,
благодаря ничтожности ваших целей
мы тысячелетиями держим все рычаги
в своей абсолютной власти над вами -
и вы даже платите нам за это,
своими жизнями и беспредельной силой,
деньгами и временем - всё нам.

Поэтому продолжайте оставаться чернью,
отправляйте детей заполнять ум
бесполезной ерундой под оберткой образования,
чтобы затем они вступали в армию рабов,
вслед за вами, и финансировали
разработку новых методов порабощения,
финансировали медленное разрушение самих себя.

Выбирайте из того, что мы позволили выбирать.
Мы изобрели для вас замаскированные бомбы
и вооружили ими почти все инструменты;
воду и продукты, что вы употребляете,
всю биосферу и вещи, без которых
вы теперь не можете существовать.

Политика, медицина, юриспруденция -
всюду наши посвященные и куклы,
это всё для вашего постепенного гниения.
Мы создали религию и науку и столкнули их, также,
лишь мы определяем, что вам следует знать,
всё прочее - мы проследим чтобы это
было высмеяно, унижено и стёрто.
Вашу волю вы отдали нам в наследство,
ваши души разменяны на золото и хлеб,
на развлечения и видимость комфорта.
Всё ваше существование и "осведомленность" -
сплошная иллюзия, которую вы постоянно питаете.
У вас нет никакой свободы и никаких прав,
только чувство собственной важности
и декорации мира и вашей жизни в нем.

Мы благодарим вас за то, что вы такие ничтожные существа.

and second:


"Волна обрушится на закате этого цикла..."

Видишь ли ты?
Видишь ли раны Земли?
Великолепие борющейся за жизнь планеты?
Мы убиваем ее, пока о нас заботятся.

Столь ожидаемая весна начинается не в датах -
Она должна расцвести внутри,
Там, где место радости и гармонии,
Но властвует безразличие и зияющая дыра.

Когда он сказал: "Возлюби ближнего своего",
Тотчас мы набросились и избили его.
В бронзовом сиянии вечернего солнца
Исчезали наши силуэты живых мертвецов.

Мы не выйдем в поле дабы собрать урожай
И накормить им всех нуждающихся,
Но без колебаний отравим остатки пищи
и продадим убивающую нас фальшивку.

Слушать сердце и нести ответственность -
Это придумано безумными фантастами.
Уважать и заботиться о других -
Жуткая проказа и не свойство человека;
От всего этого нужно спешно избавиться,
Чтобы не быть осмеянным и отличающимся.

Полиция мышления контролирует наши умы,
Но мы думаем, что думаем самостоятельно.
Самоуверенность и эгоизм - кредо жизни,
И кто спорит с нами или открывает другие перспективы -
Это ненавистный враг, подлежащий немедленной расправе.

Судно переполнено и с креном тонет,
А все в предвкушении выхода на сцену Зверя,
Чтобы передать себя в его руки окончательно
И вместе растерзать кровоточащего Пророка.

Пока же, давайте продолжать кровавые развлечения.
Мы уверены, что ничто не коснется лично нас.

"...Они прибудут вслед за каменным дождем
и огненными языками.
верхом на Волне..."
И онлайн-кинотеатр завершит трансляцию.

О своем Завтра я позабочусь еще Сегодня...
Ynna said:
Lumiere_du_Code, your poems of the darkened days here on Earth reminded me of a poem that says that life will be better in the near future, because the proper impulse has been given, that the transformation has begun; so we should just wait a little longer, while everybody should pitch in to make the impulse stronger. The poet died still waiting for the better days and the transformation – but then, what exactly is time? And perhaps, as in his last verse, the impulse has not yet been strong enough.

The Good Time Coming

really powerful thing, he seemed actually looked into the future, giving prophecy / revelation. It as "one who has ears, let hear" and "one who has eyes let see".
I will keep this poem, thanks for sharing.
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