Two related dreams: A hindrance, and an uncertain performance


The Living Force
I had these dreams on the same night just a bit over a month ago, and think I've come up with a relevant interpretation.

1. I was driving down a road and had to choose direction; I chose to pass one fork in the road in favor of another - and when I had begun going down that road, suddenly a gray van became visible, standing right in front and blocking passage.

2. There was a musical performer who had organized a performance he was to give, which was somehow important; others taking part in it were on stage, but he had not yet gone up. A singer was presently doing a bad job on stage, and I wondered if the main performer, who was now seated in the audience near me, had a plan for resolving the situation and making the performance turn out successful.

(The perspective from which the stair-shaped scene was viewed by the audience was strange; it was wholly visible in the same way no matter on which audience floor one sat. But the whole view was surrounded by a "wrapping" or distortion of perspective, which differed a bit depending on where one sat; different floors had different levels of wrapping, the wrapping serving to make the scene look the same.)

My thought on the first dream was that it simply represented a "fork in the road" in my life, and that an obstacle, invisible until seen when right in front of it, had been put in the path. Probably the other path didn't have this hindrance, but that in itself is no reason to prefer it.

Indeed, lessons are in great part about dealing with obstacles. And I think (not entirely sure) I know what this obstacle is - a psychological issue, gradually formed and now fought, which impacts studies, creativity, learning in general, level of energy, and, in short, ability to Do. The present studies seem to be a cure; not enough in themselves, but helping, and the problem must be overcome to succeed in them as well.

The problem is an imaginary view and "sensing" of my inner world, mixed up with perceptions of "energy". It leads to constant judging of "energies" and their imagined significance - this has been fought for some time - my judgment has in part become independent of it, which is an improvement, but it still goes on "in the background". Faulty brain wiring gradually created by a decade-long habit. The cure, at least in part, is to force myself to really think, which implies mental activity wholly independent of these imaginings, and to rewrite my "narratives" and reshape my mental habits accordingly.

The cultural lie of introspection - of what it is (see the thread "The Adaptive Unconscious" in the psychology section) - mixed up with New Age nonsense is likely a cause of creating this imaginary perception of an inner world, I think.

Each time it loosens its hold a bit, my intellectual abilities (including ability to focus) increase. But it must be destroyed completely. Then I can at last use my intellect without an artificial hindrance in the way.

As for the second dream, of this I am less certain. But the theme, I think, is similar: I am my own hindrance (the bad performer), and as long as it is so, my potential (whatever it is) is "seated in the audience".

Thoughts welcome.

EDIT: Re-added note on the visual perspective in the second dream.
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