Well, I had a really rough one last night. After a decent enough day, things started to go wrong when I sat down to watch Avatar on dvd about 7pm. I just couldn't focus on it, I was constantly distracted by odd pseudo quibbles of an abstract nature, just BS basically, but it irked me enough to give up on watching the flick after about an hour in. I went to sleep noticing a current pattern, which bugs me enough to put me off sleeping, and yes I am an insomniac, but recently, since giving up meds and doing belly breathing meditation on the E/E, thing have gotten easier.
Not last night though.
The pattern begins as I drift off into an rem state, I start to hear rubbish chatter in my mind, like someone's just switched on the world's most useless radio station. Just unrelated words, pseudo words, work jargon, parabolic mumbo jumbo. I drifted off to sleep at 12 and woke at 4 in the morning with an awareness within me that I'd been hearing this pile of pants for 4 hours.
Then I got up, smoked a fag in a real bad mood, because I felt knackered but I now had "the thinks", as I call them. Which is me stressing about how I'm gonna chill enough out to get back to sleep. That took me three hours. Then I drifted into dreamstate after breathing myself to sleep. It was an interaction with my niece, set in familiar surroundings, but somehow they felt different.
So we're just chatting in the dream, but my niece, a very clever streetwise girl, is really grilling me for something, but I'm just not quite able to remember what. :( But I do remember the conclusion, where I warn her about dating a psychopath in the future. At this point a great serpentine figure emerged in my dreamvision as the dream receded like a decreasing sphere into the lizzie's chest. I went to call him a vile name but suddenly the did a psychic hold on my hands and I fell like luke in Jedi, and then awoke in my bed, 7:28am, gripping my hands super tight and wincing with agony. Amazingly, I was so relieved not to be in that dream anymore, I chilled out immediately and went back to sleep. Then this happened: Suddenly I was walking down my town centre's high street in a very strutting, confrontational way, not the way I actually walk, which is more of a lope. But I feel like I'm being moved along, and the best I can do is to steer my body, shoulders, away from other people, and thus avoid any unpleasantness. But the force starts growling when it can't get me to knock into anyone. I hear him, as I swerve past people like a mazda mx5!!! ;D
And then the dream receded again, but now I wasn't viewing a lizzie in the distance, he was right in my face. I panicked, the dream was a crazy battle and now the gamesmaster is angry because he couldn't beat me. I gasped and awoke slightly, in that almost suffocating state when you're trying to wake up from a nightmare, but you can't reach the etheric surface! The lizzie looked just like a green skinned humanoid, a little like the villains in a nintendo game called starfox adventures, fwiw. I was very scared, but I went to "punch" him in the face with my mind, and then his head blew off in a brilliant white light. But he stood there without a head and set this webbed thing on me, electroparalysing my hands again. I fell in agony in my dreamstate, then awoke with painful wincing hands again, at about 8:30. I smoked a fag to calm down, then had to get up and go to work. I had to get this down while I could articulate it thoroughly.
I feel like I don't understand the nature of these interactions. They're scary, but I'm no stranger to wierd paranormal states, as I wrote as skystalker on here before, in 2006. You just get hard to them, it's like being a dream warrior where you have to keep your nerve. But all I do is stoically repress suffering and deal with losing these interactions, if you will. There must be something I am doing wrong in life that is being reflected in these dreams? These dreams aren't new, I've had them since 06 and an old member here, esoquest, picked me up on an old one, but his reading of it was way off the mark and too subjective. They're like tests of the will, but I feel like I'm not reacting to the situations in the correct fashion. I lose my cool, panic and wake up with terrible pains in my hands. I just don't know what to make of it. This is my god's honest truth folks. A real shocker of a morning.
Any advice on how to keep your cool in a nightmare would be truly appreciated. :)
Not last night though.

So we're just chatting in the dream, but my niece, a very clever streetwise girl, is really grilling me for something, but I'm just not quite able to remember what. :( But I do remember the conclusion, where I warn her about dating a psychopath in the future. At this point a great serpentine figure emerged in my dreamvision as the dream receded like a decreasing sphere into the lizzie's chest. I went to call him a vile name but suddenly the did a psychic hold on my hands and I fell like luke in Jedi, and then awoke in my bed, 7:28am, gripping my hands super tight and wincing with agony. Amazingly, I was so relieved not to be in that dream anymore, I chilled out immediately and went back to sleep. Then this happened: Suddenly I was walking down my town centre's high street in a very strutting, confrontational way, not the way I actually walk, which is more of a lope. But I feel like I'm being moved along, and the best I can do is to steer my body, shoulders, away from other people, and thus avoid any unpleasantness. But the force starts growling when it can't get me to knock into anyone. I hear him, as I swerve past people like a mazda mx5!!! ;D
And then the dream receded again, but now I wasn't viewing a lizzie in the distance, he was right in my face. I panicked, the dream was a crazy battle and now the gamesmaster is angry because he couldn't beat me. I gasped and awoke slightly, in that almost suffocating state when you're trying to wake up from a nightmare, but you can't reach the etheric surface! The lizzie looked just like a green skinned humanoid, a little like the villains in a nintendo game called starfox adventures, fwiw. I was very scared, but I went to "punch" him in the face with my mind, and then his head blew off in a brilliant white light. But he stood there without a head and set this webbed thing on me, electroparalysing my hands again. I fell in agony in my dreamstate, then awoke with painful wincing hands again, at about 8:30. I smoked a fag to calm down, then had to get up and go to work. I had to get this down while I could articulate it thoroughly.
I feel like I don't understand the nature of these interactions. They're scary, but I'm no stranger to wierd paranormal states, as I wrote as skystalker on here before, in 2006. You just get hard to them, it's like being a dream warrior where you have to keep your nerve. But all I do is stoically repress suffering and deal with losing these interactions, if you will. There must be something I am doing wrong in life that is being reflected in these dreams? These dreams aren't new, I've had them since 06 and an old member here, esoquest, picked me up on an old one, but his reading of it was way off the mark and too subjective. They're like tests of the will, but I feel like I'm not reacting to the situations in the correct fashion. I lose my cool, panic and wake up with terrible pains in my hands. I just don't know what to make of it. This is my god's honest truth folks. A real shocker of a morning.
Any advice on how to keep your cool in a nightmare would be truly appreciated. :)