U.S. Plan Envisioned Nuking Iran, Syria, Libya


Source: _http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004639.php & _http://www.fas.org/blog/ssp/united_states/revision03.pdf

U.S. Plan Envisioned Nuking Iran, Syria, Libya

By Spencer Ackerman - November 5, 2007, 1:00PM

Despite years of denials, a secret planning document issued by the U.S. military's nuclear-weapons command in 2003 ordered preparations for nuclear strikes on countries seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction, including Iran, Saddam Hussein-era Iraq, Libya and Syria.

A briefing (pdf) on the document obtained by the Federation of American Scientists, showed that the document itself was created to flesh out a 2001 Bush administration revision of long-standing nuclear-weapons policy, known as the Nuclear Posture Review. That review was a Defense Department-led attempt to wean nuclear policy off a Cold-War focus on Russia and China, but the shift raised questions about what purpose nuclear forces would serve apart from deterring an attack. In March 2002, leaks indicated that the review would recommend preparations for nuclear attacks against WMD-aspirant states. Arms Control Today pointed out at the time that planning to attack non-nuclear states that were signatories to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty reversed decades of U.S. nuclear policy.

The administration's response was to deny that the review moved the U.S. from deterrence to a first-strike posture. After the leaks, the Defense Department issued a statement in March 2002 saying cryptically, "This administration is fashioning a more diverse set of options for deterring the threat of WMD. ... A combination of offensive and defensive, and nuclear and non-nuclear capabilities is essential to meet the deterrence requirements of the 21st century." Speaking to CNN around the same time, General Richard Myers, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Nuclear Posture Review was "not a plan, it's not an operational plan. It's a policy document. And it simply states our deterrence posture, of which nuclear weapons are a part." Vice President Dick Cheney said at the time that the notion that the review paved the way for "preemptive nuclear strikes" was "a bit over the top."

But that now looks to be an explanation too clever by half. Perhaps the review itself didn't contain operational plans. But guidance documents created to flesh it out did.

One such document is known as OPLAN 8044 Revision 03. That document is an update of the basic nuclear-weapons plan, formerly known as the Single Integrated Operational Plan. It was created by the U.S. Strategic Command (Stratcom), which has responsibility for nuclear-weapons planning, doctrine and maintenance. Using the Freedom of Information Act, the Federation of American Scientists obtained a briefing on how Stratcom's OPLAN 8044 Revision 03 changed the nuclear-policy paradigm. For the first time in U.S. nuclear history, plans for nuclear attack on regional targets around the world were included in the basic nuclear war planning document.

It's not entirely easy to tell from the planning document what WMD-desiring countries are listed as targets for a possible U.S. nuclear attack. (See page 11 for all the redactions on this crucial point.) But the FAS hazards an educated guess based on photography included in the briefing document: Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Syria.

The briefing document also references a "target base" for prospective elimination with nuclear weapons. However, the actual document redacts what that target base might be. FAS contends it probably refers to either the stockpiles of WMD themselves or the command center for any state seeking to deploy WMD. And that's a further sign of specific planning for a full-blown nuclear conflict, the FAS writes: "The creation of a 'target base' indicates that the planning went further than simple retaliatory punishment with one or a few weapons, but envisioned actual nuclear warfighting intended to annihilate a wide range of facilities in order to deprive the states the ability to launch and fight with WMD."

It's difficult to tell whether OPLAN 8044 Revision 03 is still in place. A further revision of the plan, known as Revision 05, was still in effect as recently as July. "Presumably," writes FAS, Revision 05 carries with it planning for nuclear strikes on Iran, North Korea and Syria.

The new glimpse of OPLAN 8044 Revision 03 comes at an awkward time for the Bush administration. Just last week, a State Department official at an international arms conference met with rebuke for suggesting that U.S. nuclear forces weren't on "hair-trigger alert," even though the U.S. nuclear arsenal is known to experts to be capable of launching within minutes of an order. Certainly Iran, North Korea, and Syria are wondering at whom those weapons are currently aimed.
Not really related but interesting : Interesting quotes from the famous USAF general Curtiss LeMay "Dr. Strangelove"

"There are no innocent civilians."

"I think there are many times when it would be most efficient to use nuclear weapons. However, the public opinion in this country and throughout the world throw up their hands in horror when you mention nuclear weapons, just because of the propaganda that's been fed to them." -- 3 October, 1968

"If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting."

Polls Sell A US Attack On Iran by Charles E. Carlson


We Hold These Truths

The campaign to bomb Iran is centered on the Bush Administration's stated desire to do so, supported by the establishment media, the Israeli Lobby, and the voting power of the Christian Right.

The call for attack is at a crescendo. It will be an unimaginable holocaust upon people who have done nothing significantly to injure us, nor do they threaten the USA. Public opinion polls are playing a major part in bending Americans to accept, if not endorse, an attack on Iran.

We are inclined to think polls are taken to measure public opinion, but this is not always true; polls are being used, if not designed, to bend opinion toward an attack. Examples are found in a recent Gallup poll on Iran, paid for by USA Today, and a Zogby Poll on Iran. The press brazenly distorted both telling readers and listeners that the majority of Americans favor a preemptive attack on Iran. The administration counts on peer pressure to diminish further opposition to attack.

Polls have value to We Hold These Truths. Both tend to confirm three long held conclusions; first, 28% or more of all Americans from all walks of life and all religions are strongly opposed not only to war in Iran, but also the continuation of war in Iraq. This group is growing.

Second, Judeo-Christians are the most feverish fans in support of war in the Middle East and an attack on Iran. They are not aliens. They are our neighbors, brothers, bosses and children. Fortunately, many who now oppose warmaking most fervently were once influence by this apostate theology. This author is an example. The Zogby poll identified them as "born again."

The Judeo-Christians' cheerleaders call themselves "Christian Zionists;" they are a powerful minority of some 23% of the American voting public. "Judeo-Christians” are identified by a belief that the Bible prophesies more wars, and that these wars must be supported if they are deemed desirable to, or beneficial for the State of Israel, and Jews in general.

The small, but powerful, additional support for attack on Iran comes from Zionists currently known as Neo-Conservatives that includes many American Jews, and an even smaller minority of business-minded Warmakers who understand they material to gain from the conflict. The total number firmly in favor of bombing Iran appears to be about 26%, and is shrinking.

Third, the rest of Americans, some 46%, seem not to have a strong or firmly fixed opinion about war in Iran or Iraq, and can be moved and influenced by the establishment media, as well as personal contacts, which include their churches and groups like ours. Distorted public opinion polls can and are being used to soften up this big swing group.

We Hold These Truths is not a polling company, and our view and observations are informal, based largely on the careful reading of polls taken by others. Our view on what Judeo-Christians' beliefs comes from our Vigil experiences at some 60 churches, schools, and religious organizations over the last four years. Most of these Vigils target churches influenced by Christian Zionism. We defined them as those teaching that Political Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy.

Pollster John Zogby’s family is involved in Arab humanitarian causes, is said to have Arab ancestry, and has a reputation for fairness and moderate independence from media pressure especially where the rights of the Palestinians are concerned. He might be expected to have a balanced view about Iran. But an October 27th Zogby International Poll did a disservice to the cause of peace and to the people of the Middle East and to all Americans by publishing a poll and being quoted in a varnished opinion that leads media listeners to believe that the majority of Americans favor bombing Iran. Zogby made a well-publicized interview with Tucker Carlson of MSNBC dated October 31st, in which he allowed himself to be part of an interview that concluded, “A slim majority favor a U.S. attack on Iran.” In our view, the results of his poll seem to indicate otherwise.

More damaging yet, Zogby also editorialized that the American people seem to be about as much inclined to bomb Iran as they were to hitting Iraq five years ago. His conclusions and the interpretation of his own poll seem to shade toward the Zionist- Administration bomb-‘em-now bandwagon. Zogby seems to have allowed himself to used in the growing media push to convince us that we who do not want to see Iran bombed are in the minority. To this end it appears that Zogby distorted his own poll by what seems to us to be a very strange interpretation.

It is buyer beware. Most polls are commercial business, including Zogby’s. A spokesman for Zogby International, Fritz Wenzel, told this writer that a client did not pay for this poll. He also stated in response to my question that for the record Zogby (Wenzel being the author) “did not construct the poll with the intent to influence politics toward war with Iran”…but considers important to probe because it will become an important issue in the 2008 election.

Zogby made his statement on MSNBC, and concluded that 52% of Americans support bombing Iran. Tucker Carlson responded that he was “stunned” because the vast majority of Americans now oppose the war in Iraq. MSNBC posted a backdrop headline reading: “Most Americans Support Strike,” while the interview was going on. Those reading the headline would assume bombing to be the popular course among the majority of Americans.

Zogby responded to Tucker Carlson’s “stunned” disbelief by explaining briefly that the 52% assumed bombing was for the purpose of preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons. But having obtusely set the record straight, Zogby then compounded the misconception by comparing the present attitude of voters to those of voters five years ago, who by a similar margin, he said, favored bombing Iraq, right after Day 911.

The tip-off that Zogby was skewing the results of his own poll is that he failed to recite the exact question asked by the poll of 1,028 persons. The Zogby International Website does not display the actual question asked in the poll.
If you don’t know the question what good is the answer? Zogby’s website summarizes the poll: “a majority of likely voters – 52% – would support U. S. Military strike to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon.” But the poll itself is not there.

To find out, we called Zogby International and obtained the results via e-mail to the actual question asked. The first thing I discovered is that only registered voters were polled. This leaves out a big part of the population, the disaffected, and dissenting. Those that are too disgusted with politics to vote are not inconsequential, nor are those old enough to pay taxes, but not yet registered. It turns out the poll was really all about which candidates are the strongest, it is not about Iran, and guess what, Hillary Clinton and Rudi Giuliani come out on top.

Question (6) which MSNBC and Zogby discussed: “Based on what you know about Iran's development of a nuclear program, how supportive are you of a U.S. military strike to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon?” Choices: (Very supportive, somewhat supportive, not very supportive, not at all supportive, no opinion)

Zogby’s question (6.) appears to be written to be a little easier to answer in the affirmative, pro-bombing, and harder to say “no” to. It assumes the person asked knows something about Iran’s nuclear program, which most of us do not. It is phrased with the hint of fear, like asking someone if they would do an aggressive act to defend himself from a thug, knowing for sure he had a gun, and is planning to rape your wife; We Hold These Truths’ volunteers hear this exact question frequently from Christian-Zionists who wish to dramatically liken the war on Iraq to self-defense at ones’ own doorstep.

The Iraq poll results: 26% said they were “very supportive;” an additional 26% said they were “somewhat supportive”, and from this the 52% figure was derived; 27% were not at all supportive and the rest did not offer an opinion. What do these numbers mean?

It is no surprise that 26% of Americans would be in favor of bombing Iran because there are about that many Christian Zionists, plus a few Jewish Zionists and Arab Zionists, plus Israel favors bombing.

Who are the next 26% who are “somewhat supportive of bombing?” What value is “somewhat supportive” of bombing Iran if and only if it is to prevent nuclear weapons? Who would not be “somewhat supportive” of a question that hypothetically implied self-defense?

Does anyone oppose bombing Iran?

Question (7) in the poll was never mentioned by Zogby, but reveals a very strong negative to any bombing even if Iran is found to have nuclear weapons. Some 28.8% of those polled volunteered that the USA “should not attack” now or later. Here is the question and answer: “If U.S. leaders decide to launch a military strike against Iran, do you believe that it should be done before the end of President Bush's term in office, or do you believe the U.S. should wait to strike until after a new President is in office?”

This question also begs for a positive choice, attack either now, or for the moderates, later. But a 28.8% answered, “should not attack.” This is 296 of the 1,028 absolutely rejecting attack even if our leaders think Iran has Nuclear Weapons.

The UN nuclear arms regulators, who were proven to be dead right about Iraq not having “weapons of mass destruction,” and who were ignored, have already recently publicly stated that Iran is telling the truth when it says it is not even attempting to accumulate weapons grade fuel. It is instead on the road to building nuclear power plants not unlike every other country that can afford to do so. The United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency also says it would take years for Iran to make a weapon, if it had such a program, which it does not. Many nuclear scientists testify that it would be a longer and slower road for just one weapon, and it takes at least one to have a test. The time lag to go nuclear is years away.

Zogby went so far as to theorize what kind of war Americans want: “a quick hit… with no ground troops.” But none of this is in the poll. How convenient is Zogby’s language for President Bush, who says he wants to make a “surgical strike” against Iran.We are supposed to believe all is great after the “surgery.” In fact, nothing kills more innocent people than long distance smart mega-bomb strikes; we just do not see the body parts flying around and being incinerated. We are talking about bombing uranium-processing sites with very large bombs.

The mainline Neo-Con sympathetic press, starting with MSNBC, is shaping Zogby’s conclusions to support bombing. It chose this headline: “Most Americans Support Strike.” The media and our Administration act outside the realm of morality, and without respect for human life. So do Christian Zionists, and so do most candidates I have heard, with the obvious exception of Ron Paul.

Zogby asks about religion in question (10.): it actually asked the 1,028 people polled if they are “born again,” to which 237, or 23.1% said “yes.” It is no coincidence that about the same percentage (26%) were “very supportive” of bombing Iran, and by reading Zogby’s own poll we can clearly state a slightly greater number outright oppose war, some 28.8%

This Zogby poll confirms what we already know, that Christian Zionists (“born again” in this poll) are the rabid public fans in favor of more devastation in the Middle East. They are most of the 26% of voters who support bombing Iran. They should naturally choose life, not war.

We who are among the 28.8% or more who unalterably oppose an attack must now convince some 80 million misled Judeo-Christians to join our narrow path toward peace. If we can do so our American civilization will not be lost.

The bright spot come from the undecided many. It is clear for all polls that most Americans have no firm abiding opinion on war, but are influenced by propagandists we have mentioned. Our best hope is that slumbering Mainline churches, and their dormant common sense for self- preservation are already at work awakening them.

Shakespeare Revisited by Peyvand Khorsandi


To be (bomb), or not to be (bomb)–that is the (their) question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind (Iran) to (buffer) suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous (amassing) fortune
Or to take [nuclear] arms against a sea of troubles (shekels)
And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep(sheep)
No more–and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks (stocks)
That flesh (cash) is heir to. ‘Tis a consummation (consumption)
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep–
To sleep–perchance to dream (cream): ay, there’s the rub (baba),
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil (quest for oil),
Must give us pause (cause). There’s the respect (disrespect)
That makes calamity (Kalashnikov) of (so) long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’ oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th’ unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels (infidel)s bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary (hairy) life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller (groveller) returns, puzzles (pizzas) the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus (Lack) of conscience does (makes) cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution (UN resolutions)
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprise of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action. — Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia (Georgedubia)! — Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.

Will Cheney and Pelosi Be Partners in Mass Murder?
by Jeffrey Steinberg

This article appears in the November 23, 2007 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

If the United States goes ahead with the bombing campaign against Iran that Vice President Dick Cheney has been strenuously promoting, there is no doubt that he will have the blood of millions of people on his hands, surpassing even the crimes of Hitler. What should be equally clear is that if "preventive war" is launched, Speaker of the House Nancy "impeachment is off the table" Pelosi (D-Calif.), will go down in history as Cheney's partner in genocide, for her role in keeping the Vice President in office, in the face of overwhelming evidence of impeachable crimes, and a groundswell of popular demand for his ouster.

As Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized, at this late date, the only reliable war-avoidance path for the United States is the "preemptive impeachment" of the Vice President. Unless Cheney is forced out of office now, it is a virtual certainty that the United States will attack Iran militarily, and that this will trigger an asymmetric World War III, which will result in the deaths of tens of millions of people, at minimum, and destroy the United States forever as the republican "beacon of liberty" for mankind.

No 'Seven Days in May'

On Nov. 12, Adm. William Fallon, the Commander-in-Chief of CENTCOM, gave an extraordinary interview to the Financial Times, in which he categorically rejected the idea of an American preventive attack on Iran. Admitting that dealing with Iran was "a challenge," he nevertheless declared that a U.S. attack was not "in the offing." Admiral Fallon told the reporters, "None of this is helped by the continuing stories that just keep going around and around and around that any day now there will be another war, which is just not where we want to go. Getting Iranian behavior to change and finding ways to get them to come to their senses and do that is the real objective. Attacking them as a means to get to that spot strikes me as being not the first choice in my book."

The CENTCOM chief next implicitly hit at Cheney and at President George W. Bush—who have both threatened Iran and U.S. allies with World War III if Iran gets close to having a nuclear bomb—warning that "generally, the bellicose comments are not particularly helpful." The admiral called on the Iranians to signal their openness to cooperate: "We need to see them do something along the lines of 'we are serious about having a dialogue' and then maybe we can do something."

The Financial Times also quoted from two former CENTCOM commanders, who both seconded Fallon's rejection of a military attack. Gen. John Abizaid (USA-ret.), the man Fallon replaced at CENTCOM, said that the United States should avoid confrontation with Iran, since it would be "devastating for everybody." He went so far as to say that the United States could even live with a nuclear-armed Iran, echoing earlier statements by Gen. William Odom (ret.), former director of the National Security Agency. Gen. Anthony Zinni (USMC-ret.) emphasized that U.S. military forces were "stretched too thin" to engage in a protracted confrontation with Iran.

The Financial Times noted that Fallon's "comments served as a shot across the bows of hawks who are arguing for imminent action. They also echoed the views of the senior brass that military action is currently unnecessary, and should only be considered as an absolute last resort."

Indeed, Admiral Fallon, speaking for the vast majority of American flag-grade officers, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, went about as far as any active duty officer could go—short of a fundamental breach of the constitutional doctrine of civilian control of the military.

The admiral's intervention was, most of all, directed at Congress, which has the constitutional responsibility for impeachment—and has, so far, demonstrated a potentially fatal dose of institutional cowardice.

In the case of Speaker Pelosi, the issue is not cowardice. The issue, as most leading Democrats know, is that she is owned by fascist banker Felix Rohatyn, who, along with Bush Administration "Godfather" George Shultz, is a driving force behind the privatization of war, and of such earlier war crimes as the Pinochet coup in Chile in the 1970s.

The Impeachment Mandate

As reported last week in EIR, on Nov. 6, the U.S. House of Representatives, by a bipartisan vote of 218-194, referred a privileged resolution by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), calling for the impeachment of the Vice President, to the House Judiciary Committee, for action.

Following a Nov. 14 Capitol Hill forum, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the House Judiciary Committee chairman, told reporters that the impeachment resolution against Cheney is "under active consideration." The chairman refused to provide any further details, describing the Cheney impeachment, accurately, as "the most sensitive matter before the nation." During the forum, Conyers candidly admitted that "every member up here is being besieged by people demanding an impeachment action be begun." He went on to say, "This is the subject that governs what happens in 2008. This is the subject that people are coming to us, asking 'if they [the impeachment provisions of the Constitution] don't apply now, when will they ever apply?' "

During the Nov. 6 House floor showdown on the Kucinich resolution, Speaker Pelosi was conveniently out of town, leaving House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) to bungle the effort to table the motion and bury it until the clock runs out on the 110th Congress. Congressional sources confirm that a behind-the-scenes brawl is under way among House Democratic leaders, over how to deal with the Cheney impeachment, given that an overwhelming majority of Americans both want Cheney out, and believe that the Vice President has already committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

Two senior Democratic staffers acknowledged to EIR that the issue driving the debate is Iran. "If there wasn't the looming threat of a U.S. preemptive attack on Iran," one Hill Democrat admitted, "we would just leave Cheney hanging there, as the perfect hate object going into 2008. But nobody is confident that a hit on Iran is off the table. That is the dilemma Democrats are struggling with."

War in Sixty Seconds

U.S. military experts, polled by EIR, have told Members of Congress, in private discussions, that there is no time to stop a bombing of Iran, once President Bush gives the order. According to one source, the Eighth Air Force, assigned to the Strategic Command (STRATCOM), has a detailed, updated bombing plan ready to go, as part of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's "Global Strike" doctrine. An initial bombing run would not necessarily involve assets of the Central Command, but merely strategic bombers from STRATCOM. Most Americans—including Congressmen—could wake up one morning to find that war against Iran had already begun.

According to these experts, the only way to actually stop such an attack, is to make it 100% clear to Cheney and Bush, that if they bomb Iran, impeachment proceedings will begin the next day. LaRouche, speaking for a vast majority of Americans, has gone further, insisting that only Cheney's removal from office before an attack is ordered, can assure that World War III will not be launched from Washington.

Clearly, a handful of Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle agree with LaRouche's assessment. On Nov. 9, Kucinich wrote to Conyers, asking the Judiciary Committee chairman to act right away on the Cheney impeachment mandate.

The Kucinich letter, released to the public, read, in part: "Recent reports indicate that the Vice President is attempting to shape the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran to conform to his misperceptions about the threat Iran actually poses. Much like his deceptive efforts in the lead up to the Iraq war, the Vice President appears to be manipulating intelligence to conform to his beliefs.

"If the reports are true, they add additional weight to the case for impeachment. I believe impeachment remains the only tool Congress has to prevent a war in Iran."

The same day, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) called for Congress to hold televised war games, to show the American people the consequences of a U.S. attack on Iran.

In a brief statement on the House floor, McDermott explained, "My concern that the President might launch a military strike against Iran is well known, but my mission here today is not rhetorical.... We know the Pentagon has conducted war games to examine the casualties and consequences of a U.S. military strike against Iran. We should, too. Here are some of the questions we could consider: How many dead? Wounded? How much destruction? Would we pulverize Iranian targets with bunker buster bombs?

"A group of recently retired, high-level CIA intelligence agents brought the idea to me. These are patriots whom we trusted with keeping and protecting America's secrets. They and others, including a retired Air Force Colonel who conducted war games in the Pentagon, would accurately produce a U.S.-Iran war game, just as it's done in the Pentagon. I know because they gave me a plan.

"A military strike against Iran would involve life and death issues. We need to understand what that would look like. I urge my colleagues and the media to join me in demanding that we publicly conduct a U.S.-Iran war game as soon as possible."

While a televised war game. aimed at educating the American people about the horror-show that an Iran war would be, might be useful, it is not a replacement for the one sure way to stop the war: the immediate impeachment of Vice President Cheney.
It seems that just as Congress is allowing (and thus condoning) the continued slaughters in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is now holding the door open for the Cheney administration to attack Iran and other nations. Lots of talk here, lots of paralysis, no action. Pelosi is just awful in her enabling of Cheney, but I hardly think there would be much difference if she were gone. I think the voting records on Iraq-slaughter funding show that the American people are being ignored anyway. It's not like having Pelosi out of action would change any minds of Republicans to stop the slaughters or funding for them. (Republican votes are most needed to stop the atrocities.)

Here's another article regarding Pelosi, Larouche's claims that she and Feinstein are under Felix Rohatyn's thumb, etc. http://hiddenmysteries.net/geeklog/article.php?story=20071029103050955&mode=print

I haven't found any illumination of this Pelosi-Rohatyn connection yet, though. So far, all I see are blog and forum entries by people who claim that Rohatyn owns the Democratic party because he funds major campaigns. The claim is that he is a "fascist infiltrator" of the Dem party, an ally of the neocons, who uses his money as influence to take pressure off the Cheney administration. Anyone know anything about this for real?
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