U.S. Provides Least Maternity Benefits Of All Nations


The Living Force
More "Compassionate Conservatism" from the "beautiful mind" of the Grand Old Moral Majority Party of Family Values, and Nauseating Hypocrisy:

According to this world map in the current National Geographic (August, 2007), the U.S. (and Australia) mandate the least (i.e. none) paid maternity leave in the world. Maybe it's me, but somehow that just doesn't seem all that "Pro Life"--but then neither does war.

My God! Even Iraq mandates more paid maternity leave than America does!

This is what you would expect from the U.S. who, compared with other countries, has hardly any decent medical care, no support or care for its elder citizens, and its only concern is with making money and gaining power over others so helping others without profit is not a consideration.

JGeropoulas said:
My God! Even Iraq mandates more paid maternity leave than America does!
This was probably true before the U.S. introduced their form of "democracy" to Iraq.
Though it's hard to miss on the map, I wanted to be sure and point out something:

The level of maternity leave mandated by the (oft-used-for-Cold War-terror) "Godless Communism" of Mother Russia is the antithesis to that mandated by "One Nation Under God Blessed America."
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