UFO abducts military helicopter


The Living Force
UFO Sightings Military Helicopter Abducted By UFO…: _http://youtu.be/6vs5ifnEtQk

Can't make claims for its authenticity, but it looks pretty real.
I'm highly skeptical about the source which is thirdphaseofmoon:

Pashalis said:
Looks very real.

The only thing I can say is that I've followed thirdphaseofmoon for a while and I'm a bit suspicious about them.
Namely, it seems that they have posted faked footage on purpose in the past.

There is an thread somewhere here in which thirdphaseofmoon stuff was posted and my strong guess back then was that it was a fake and they knew it and posted it as real. Can not find it right now...

Doesn't necessarily mean it is fake though, but at least something that makes me think into the dircetion of possible fake...

I don't trust them at all and I've the strong suspicion that they are professional disinfo agents.

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