UFO dreams


Hey everyone.

Since I've started reading High Strangeness I've been having a lot of dreams that involve UFOs. Most of these have just been about craft flying around in the sky or in space. Some of them seem to be "man-made" while others are ultra-terrestrial.

Last night I had a dream that a classic flying saucer landed in front of my house and a Grey got out. Normally I would be terrified - I've had a fear of aliens since childhood - and this would have turned into a nightmare. This time though I remembered the part in High Strangeness that talks about discipline, so I stared straight at the Grey even though I was scared.

Looking at it, it seemed to be false, like it was wearing a façade. I'm not sure how else to describe it: it was like it was wearing make-up of some kind and when I looked at it the make-up started to peel off. When this happened it didn't seem all that scary any more, and he got back into his craft and just flew away. At least that is the way I remember it.

What dya think? A dream about facing fears or something more? It was certainly interesting, but I never take dreams involving Greys to be anything but bad.

Thanks for reading. :)
Rod Serling put it best of your question.

“You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.”

Dreams are a great way to work through different challenges in our lives. They can promote valuable insight, and direction to over coming so many obstacles we maybe challenged with. Sort of like, self reflection (metal house cleaning) of the conscious, and unconscious mind.

I am no expert in this subject, but this what i have come to appreciate about dreaming (be it nightmares, or peaceful bliss). They have tremendous significance's, and are much valued towards gaining knowledge about ourselves, and the world that try's to engulf us, 3Dsts.

Take it for what it's worth, the dreams you have experienced, and just move on. As the grays, are small part of the puzzle. Granted an important part of the 4thDsts game play.

And knowing this, you have some tools, to combat the efforts of the Lizzie's to keep you in the quagmires of 3rdDsts environment, and mentality. :)
c.a. said:
Rod Serling put it best of your question.

“You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.”

Dreams are a great way to work through different challenges in our lives. They can promote valuable insight, and direction to over coming so many obstacles we maybe challenged with. Sort of like, self reflection (metal house cleaning) of the conscious, and unconscious mind.

I am no expert in this subject, but this what i have come to appreciate about dreaming (be it nightmares, or peaceful bliss). They have tremendous significance's, and are much valued towards gaining knowledge about ourselves, and the world that try's to engulf us, 3Dsts.

Take it for what it's worth, the dreams you have experienced, and just move on. As the grays, are small part of the puzzle. Granted an important part of the 4thDsts game play.

And knowing this, you have some tools, to combat the efforts of the Lizzie's to keep you in the quagmires of 3rdDsts environment, and mentality. :)

So I might get more dreams that involve UFOs or 4Ds, but I should just take them for what they are and not get attached or worried.
It is up to you. This forum promotes networking your ideas, and thoughts. It is STO.

Session 15 April 2000

Q: (L) I didn't think so. Just the cycle of things. A lot of people are writing to me about dreams lately. They seem to be having a lot of dreams about beings in the sky, entering our reality. All kinds of strange things.

A: Beings come and go at will always, it is the awareness that is expanding.

Q: (L) Another trend of the dreams is being pursued, attacked, split up from their families, being put in concentration camps - just all kinds of things.

A: All are possible futures, just wait and see. There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new "model."

Q: (L) What are they going to do with the old models?

A: "Retire them."

Q: (T) Which race is this?

A: Orion STS.

Q: (L) Is this essentially what happened with Neanderthal?

A: Yup!

Session 5 December 1994

Q: (F) I think this should be noteworthy, if Karla Turner claims that you can't trust anything that comes from this source because it will only tell you what it wants you to hear and so forth, this proves that this source does not just tell us what we want to hear. (L) Most assuredly {Speaking sarcastically}. (F) It sometimes tells us what we don't want to hear and sometimes it tells us what ever it feels like. Another thing that should be noteworthy is, every time you try to do something to verify something, it keeps answering that verification does not depend upon personal information. (L) Does this mean that I have to can my last three questions?

A: Aren't things of universal significance more important?

Q: (L) Well, didn't you say before, when I was asking things that had to do with the various events of the past two years that knowledge of them was protection. If that is the case, why can't I ask about these things now?

A: Yes, but we have repeatedly told all you need to know for your protection.

Q: (L) In regards to my protection and V__'s and Frank's, and this is going to be the last on this series of questions, V__ and I both received cards from A__ B__ who, as you know, is hooked up with the metaphysical church group, I also received a card from S__ V__ who is hooked up with G__ and J__, is there any underlying motivation from these individuals to send these cards and should we just disregard them?

A: Up to you.

Q: (F) Well, Laura, you can't ask for advice every step of the way on how to deal with everybody you know. (L) I know. (V) Have I been abducted in the last month?

A: No.

Q: (V) Do we need to interpret our dreams through this source?

A: Why not?

Q: (L) You mean you will discuss our dreams?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) What a relief! A concession! Okay, I had a dream last night, I dreamed about large mechanical flying "V's" that had flapping wings like metal bat boxes. They scared me. Then, I was with my family and we were going to see my cousin who is deceased and she had just had a baby. The baby was walking and talking and quoting Shakespeare. My Aunt got very upset and said it was unseemly because the baby was illegitimate and she walked out. The baby was only 10 days old. My aunt ran out the door and said it was evil.

A: Suggestion, get on computer net ASAP.

Q: (L) In other words, I really need to take my computer down and get the A drive fixed etc and log onto the network?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) What does that have to do with the dream? (Laura) I think it relates back to when Terry and Jan were here and we were talking about dreams and the suggestion was given to hook up to the network and discuss and share dreams. Like a dream forum kind of thing. Is there any significance to the ten days in this dream?

A: When you network, your entire life will dramatically improve immediately! See, sometimes we do advise when appropriate.

Q: (L) Alright. Point well taken. Would you please elaborate on the concept that alien abductions are "the scourge of God" and are manifested so that consciousness may grow and differentiate itself by a refusal to accept negative experience within the delusive material world?

A: Nonsense!

Q: (L) Well, that was real elaborate! Would you comment on the Biblical command to not make graven images. Why was this command issued?

A: In order to prevent control by too many sources.

Q: (L) How would not making graven images prevent control by other or too many sources?

A: Deception.

Q: (L) Who issued this command to not make graven images?

A: Central.

Q: (L) What is "Central?"

A: Level 7.
c.a. said:
It is up to you. This forum promotes networking your ideas, and thoughts. It is STO.

Session 15 April 2000

Q: (L) I didn't think so. Just the cycle of things. A lot of people are writing to me about dreams lately. They seem to be having a lot of dreams about beings in the sky, entering our reality. All kinds of strange things.

A: Beings come and go at will always, it is the awareness that is expanding.

Q: (L) Another trend of the dreams is being pursued, attacked, split up from their families, being put in concentration camps - just all kinds of things.

A: All are possible futures, just wait and see. There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new "model."

Q: (L) What are they going to do with the old models?

A: "Retire them."

Q: (T) Which race is this?

A: Orion STS.

Q: (L) Is this essentially what happened with Neanderthal?

A: Yup!

Session 5 December 1994

Q: (F) I think this should be noteworthy, if Karla Turner claims that you can't trust anything that comes from this source because it will only tell you what it wants you to hear and so forth, this proves that this source does not just tell us what we want to hear. (L) Most assuredly {Speaking sarcastically}. (F) It sometimes tells us what we don't want to hear and sometimes it tells us what ever it feels like. Another thing that should be noteworthy is, every time you try to do something to verify something, it keeps answering that verification does not depend upon personal information. (L) Does this mean that I have to can my last three questions?

A: Aren't things of universal significance more important?

Q: (L) Well, didn't you say before, when I was asking things that had to do with the various events of the past two years that knowledge of them was protection. If that is the case, why can't I ask about these things now?

A: Yes, but we have repeatedly told all you need to know for your protection.

Q: (L) In regards to my protection and V__'s and Frank's, and this is going to be the last on this series of questions, V__ and I both received cards from A__ B__ who, as you know, is hooked up with the metaphysical church group, I also received a card from S__ V__ who is hooked up with G__ and J__, is there any underlying motivation from these individuals to send these cards and should we just disregard them?

A: Up to you.

Q: (F) Well, Laura, you can't ask for advice every step of the way on how to deal with everybody you know. (L) I know. (V) Have I been abducted in the last month?

A: No.

Q: (V) Do we need to interpret our dreams through this source?

A: Why not?

Q: (L) You mean you will discuss our dreams?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) What a relief! A concession! Okay, I had a dream last night, I dreamed about large mechanical flying "V's" that had flapping wings like metal bat boxes. They scared me. Then, I was with my family and we were going to see my cousin who is deceased and she had just had a baby. The baby was walking and talking and quoting Shakespeare. My Aunt got very upset and said it was unseemly because the baby was illegitimate and she walked out. The baby was only 10 days old. My aunt ran out the door and said it was evil.

A: Suggestion, get on computer net ASAP.

Q: (L) In other words, I really need to take my computer down and get the A drive fixed etc and log onto the network?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) What does that have to do with the dream? (Laura) I think it relates back to when Terry and Jan were here and we were talking about dreams and the suggestion was given to hook up to the network and discuss and share dreams. Like a dream forum kind of thing. Is there any significance to the ten days in this dream?

A: When you network, your entire life will dramatically improve immediately! See, sometimes we do advise when appropriate.

Q: (L) Alright. Point well taken. Would you please elaborate on the concept that alien abductions are "the scourge of God" and are manifested so that consciousness may grow and differentiate itself by a refusal to accept negative experience within the delusive material world?

A: Nonsense!

Q: (L) Well, that was real elaborate! Would you comment on the Biblical command to not make graven images. Why was this command issued?

A: In order to prevent control by too many sources.

Q: (L) How would not making graven images prevent control by other or too many sources?

A: Deception.

Q: (L) Who issued this command to not make graven images?

A: Central.

Q: (L) What is "Central?"

A: Level 7.

Well, I think I'm being interfered with, but am becoming aware of it from reading High Strangeness and practising EE. Because I am aware I can stay calm get on with whatever I'm doing.

For example, a few days ago I was reading and this pressure clapped over my ears. After the "clap" my ears started to ring very loudly.
Instead of freaking out I just keep reading and did pipe-breaths. The ringing eventually went away. This has happened before, and I'm tense when it happens, but now I keep a cool head, just like in the dream. I'm not as intimidated as before.

Maybe UFOs are all over my area and reading about them is making me aware in my dreams. The other day I posted a thread in the UFO sub-forum about a series of sightings over my city and what looked like falling debris. A crater was found nearby. I had a dream about a fleet of craft on the night of the sighting, and the area where the crater formed is very close to me. This might be a coincidence, and the UFOs could be anything, but I feel it significant that I had a dream about craft on the night of a sighting that made the local paper.

Ultimately, I think these dreams and experiences are confirming what Laura has written in High Strangeness. Then, since I know, I am more aware, and since I am aware I can keep calm and not get taken over by fear. The fear is still there, but is not as strong.

My two-cents.

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