The Living Force
I have been noticing an unidentified flying object in the sky almost everynight in the same spot for quite awhile now. It is hard to tell that it is not a star until one really observes it for awhile. There are most times not even one other star visible when i observe it. I imagine because it is too early in the night, usually. I first noticed it when there were other stars, as it was so big, and bright. As i stared at it, i noticed that there were other colors, most notably red. It also moves, almost clumsily back and forth, and side to side. I finally, the other night, was able to make someone look at it long enough to agree with me, so now i know that it is not just me. I believe it is usually in the same area, but am not positive, as i have seen it in other areas of the city. For the last month, or so, it has been in the south from where i am in central Calgary. I would love to know if anyone else can see it?
I wrote this last night, so as to get it down and share it today without too much bother. I got up at 5 this morning, and went out for the express purpose of checking things out. I am now wondering if this is just the north star now, or something? I was looking at all the stars, and although i couldn't find the particular one i was speaking of, i am not sure if i just really never paid that much attention to stars, but now when i look at them, every single one of them look like sattelites or something. I see them all blinking with different colors, predominately red, as if they are on fire. Like i can see it so specifically. I remember as a kid, that they were just white lights to me, and now it is like i am seeing completely different things than what i remember them to be. They still weren't nearly a sbright as this other one, and they didn't seem to move the same, but it is amazing that i have never seen stars this way. Has anyone else noticed this, like maybe it is an effect of the oncoming wave, or is it just me?
I wrote this last night, so as to get it down and share it today without too much bother. I got up at 5 this morning, and went out for the express purpose of checking things out. I am now wondering if this is just the north star now, or something? I was looking at all the stars, and although i couldn't find the particular one i was speaking of, i am not sure if i just really never paid that much attention to stars, but now when i look at them, every single one of them look like sattelites or something. I see them all blinking with different colors, predominately red, as if they are on fire. Like i can see it so specifically. I remember as a kid, that they were just white lights to me, and now it is like i am seeing completely different things than what i remember them to be. They still weren't nearly a sbright as this other one, and they didn't seem to move the same, but it is amazing that i have never seen stars this way. Has anyone else noticed this, like maybe it is an effect of the oncoming wave, or is it just me?