Ufo photographed by a merchant sailor amaze Chiloe's islanders



CHILOÉ, Chile, november 19.- A UFO was accidentaly photographed by a merchant sailor, Alex Haro Brintrup, who achieved the image in Ancud and only he noticed it when he checked his camera, when already it had passed one month.

The case was taken by the Corporation for the Investigation(Research) of Anomalous Phenomena of Chile, Cifae, who have studied this one and others photographies sent by chilotes in which appear ufos in different landscapes of the Island.

" With my son we were checking some photos and he realized that in one of them there was appearing a little object that was turning out to be strange ", told Haro Brintrup to the diary the Estrella de Chiloé, where he revealed that before the fact happened he was very sceptical with regard to anomalous situations.

The site where the image was caught in Ancud is in a remote place approximately forty kilometres of the city. According to the Cifae, in the original image the object is perfectly visible and thanks to the approximations also it is possible to see with clarity the form.

The ufologists made clear that it was a question of an oval object and of dark color and the investigation on the case might last months.

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