UFO sightings in Melbourne?


FOTCM Member
I stumbled upon the following two videos. First sighting occurred on 26th of April, 2016 and looks like maybe plasma? Another one occurred on 29th of April and looks like a "classic UFO sighting". It is also curious, how both the sightings happened in Melbourne, Australia. Also if you do a search for "Melbourne, UFO" and set the filter for the latest month, there appear to be even more sightings on different days in April. But all of them by someone Peter Maxwell Slattery (He has videos for 10th of April, 20th of March and 21st, beside the 26th of April). It doesn't look fake, but then how come he "catches" that much sightings? Does he live in a "high traffic area"? :huh: Very interesting.

Keit said:
I stumbled upon the following two videos. First sighting occurred on 26th of April, 2016 and looks like maybe plasma? Another one occurred on 29th of April and looks like a "classic UFO sighting". It is also curious, how both the sightings happened in Melbourne, Australia. Also if you do a search for "Melbourne, UFO" and set the filter for the latest month, there appear to be even more sightings on different days in April. But all of them by someone Peter Maxwell Slattery (He has videos for 10th of April, 20th of March and 21st, beside the 26th of April). It doesn't look fake, but then how come he "catches" that much sightings? Does he live in a "high traffic area"? :huh: Very interesting.

Very few people watch the sky. I think they feel it's a waste of time or, maybe they feel foolish, but the most foolish thing is probably not at least scanning the sky when you're outside. Anyways, I'm not surprised that a single person is seeing more. I mean how many people do you know who really, really watch the skies?

I don't know what these are in the video. Remind me of space critters more than anything else. However....if you take into account the story below, my story, and then add on a plasma covering for purposes of say making the craft invisible to radar, maybe then these things could be explained rather rationally?

I've seen a perfect V formation of saucers. That happened when I was outside on the rooftop of the Greyhound Bus Terminal in Reno NV. I was taking some training and they have a driving school there. When I saw them I decided right then and there that I'd rather see them than fumble with a phone and miss the whole thing. Those were clearly perfect saucers, flying in a V formation, about 13 of them, so one wing had an extra saucer. They were completely silent, not very high up from what I could tell. Maybe a thousand feet. If I hadn't been on the roof looking around I never would have noticed them.

So ya know, even if had a streaming video I don't think anyone would believe that it was real anyways. Now of course I could only really see the belly of the saucers but they looked to me like the craft Lazar described, or the one seen in the Google Earth Cape Horn image which google later removed. That kind of saucer is what I'd imagine the bottom of one would look like. I felt they were ours. They looked like they were man made to me. They certainly were flying in a military like pattern. There wasn't any distortion like the plasma orbs.

I'm just sure if I had a video everyone would say it had to be CGI because all you would see are perfectly round saucers flying overhead without any noise, and of course I was all alone when it happened so not even another person to validate the story. That's the thing, they were completely silent. Then the Reno Sky was crystal clear so that would have the clearest images ever captured...naturally, but then who would believe me? Maybe Bob Lazar?

Why they flew right over downtown Reno like that is beyond me, but so far as I know, I'm the only person in an entire city to have seen them. So either I'm crazy, which I'm not, or else no one else was looking up at the right time.

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