"UFOs, Mass Mind-Control, and the Awliya al-Shayta" by Charles Upton


Jedi Master
A friend on facebook sent me this article the other day. Some parts that stood out for me are posted below.

- "UFOs, Mass Mind-Control, and the Awliya al-Shayta" by Charles Upton

The darkness of our era is the result both of cyclical conditions—the inevitable degeneration of the cosmic environment in these last days of the Kali-yuga—and the actions of organized human groups, groups that are made possible by these conditions, and who also actively exploit them, so as to actualize negative potentials that, without their intervention, would remain latent; in the words of Jesus, "there needs be evil, but woe to him through whom evil comes." Guénon called these groups working to invoke the most negative potentials of our times the "Counter-Initiation"; he also spoke of the opening up of "fissures" in the "great wall" that separates the material and the subtle domains, leading to the incursion of "infra-psychic forces" into our world, which will ultimately lead to its dissolution. It is my belief that the UFO phenomenon is an example of such forces, while the human groups who are apparently exploiting if not actually invoking these apparitions can accurately be described as agents the Counter- Initiation. The following article presents evidence of their activities, including their use of inverted forms of universal metaphysical principles as methods of mass social engineering and mind-control..... We cannot save the world, but we must, with God's help, save our souls—a task that will be doubly difficult if we do not grasp the precise nature and agenda of the spiritual evil that is moving against us.

According to the best available evidence, the UFO phenomenon has three separate yet intimately related aspects: 1)It manifests in terms of!real!material-world events, detectable by radar and sometimes leaving behind physical traces, events that are inexplicable according to mainstream science, though certain theories of post-Einsteinian physics might be able to speculate legitimately on!some aspects of them; 2) It is also a psychic phenomenon that profoundly alters the consciousness of those exposed to it; 3) It is apparently surrounded by deception activities which mimic it, produced by actual human groups, as Jacques Vallee has demonstrated in his book Messengers of Deception.


The prime enigma is: How do the!three aspects of the phenomenon relate to each other? Aren’t they mutually exclusive? If UFOs are a real physical phenomenon, doesn’t that mean that they!have to be!alien spaceships? If they are a psychic phenomenon, doesn’t that mean that they couldn’t be physical craft? And if the phenomenon is shown to be surrounded by human deception activities of the “Mission Impossible” variety, doesn’t that mean that!the whole thing is!a hoax?! No on all three counts.


I further conjectured as follows: That certain magicians found they were able to produce actual preternatural phenomena through autosuggestion; as with the Tibetan practice of psychically materializing a tulpu, their ability to alter their psychic state also ultimately altered their physical environment as well: the premise of all magic. And then, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as studies of the effect of propaganda on entire populations in the “radio age” advanced and became better known, certain black magicians came to an obvious and horrible conclusion: that if changing their own consciousness could produce local manifestations of the preternatural, changing the consciousness of the mass could produce global ones. (The mass dissemination of LSD by the CIA in as part of their MK-ULTRA mind control program might well have been an expression of this agenda.) Consequently the “cracks in the great wall” were immensely widened, and in flew the UFOs, and all the other spooks and demons and sinister forces that beset postmodern humanity. Certainly such entities have a long history of intervention in our world, but today’s mass interest and belief in them, and mass experience of them, has probably not been so widespread since late antiquity.


A major myth of the UFO belief-system is that “the government knows everything, or at least an awful lot, about UFOs, but it is hiding all this data from us because it wants to convince us that UFOs—who are probably extraterrestrials—don’t really exist.” One way mind control works, however, is through the implanting of assumptions like this in the public psyche. Beliefs that, because they deal with the fringes of consensus reality, are rarely subjected to logical analysis, often become the focus of! both “true belief” and “cynical debunking”—two equal and opposite departures from logical objectivity—two sides of the same coin. And to the degree that the effort to make sense of the UFO phenomenon is limited to the question “are they real or only an illusion?”, all questions of their spiritual quality or their possible use as a vector of mass mind-control are pushed into the background. You are either a true believer or a cynical debunker; the purpose of the cynical debunker is in fact to create the true believer, to separate the knowledge that he or she possesses of the reality of the UFO phenomenon, based on painstaking research if not personal experience, from the collective validation that such knowledge would normally enjoy, thus producing a state of paranoia. Undoubtedly those who are working to influence mass belief well know that an individual laboring under this kind of oppression will desperately seek to overcome his schizophrenic split from consensus reality by finding or developing an explanation for his experience that consensus reality will accept. Consequently he or she will be apt to accept uncritically whatever explanations the social engineers may wish, for their own purposes, to provide; see my account of the mind-control technique of “deferred closure”, below. And just as the cynical debunker causes the true believer to harden his position, so the believer has the same effect on the debunker.


There has definitely been a concerted government effort to debunk the reality of UFOs; I certainly don’t want to deny this obvious fact. But as I have stated, I believe there has also been a parallel attempt to plant the idea of their reality the public mind. It is possible that these seemingly opposed efforts may represent different factions within the power elite, but it is equally possible that both are part of a single overall strategy.


As I have already made clear, I entirely accept the reality of the UFO phenomenon and the existence of “aliens”, but I see the aliens as demons and the true reality of ongoing alien- human contact as the systematic invocation of such demons by elements of the military and intelligence communities operating under deep cover,


I believe that the evidence is quite strong that elements of the U.S. government and the governments of other nations have been doing all they can to implant the idea of the reality of UFOs as extraterrestrial spacecraft in the public mind while simultaneously debunking this belief.


Retired astronaut Edgar Mitchell, in a 2008 interview, made a “startling new revelation” about UFOs, claiming that the U.S. government has been trying to hide their existence for years but that the truth finally leaked out!despite their best efforts. He also revealed that he had been briefed by the Pentagon on several occasions—one of these briefings, he implied, being fairly recent—to the effect that the UFO phenomenon is real, and the government is!in ongoing contact with the extraterrestrials. We know, however, that Mitchell has been making claims like this for many years; why would the Pentagon reveal information to him that they hoped would never be made public when, judging by his past statements, he was all but certain to make it public, as he in fact did? And why was he never subject to persecution or legal action for revealing classified information? This makes no sense—unless the true intent of the unknown source of this “informa-tion” (and of Mitchell himself), is to implant the belief in UFOs in the public mind. As Levenda points out, Edgar Mitchell (who also happens to be a Freemason) has a long-standing involvement in paranormal research; he was the one who was on hand to welcome Uri Geller to the Stanford Research Institute.

One of the methods employed in this mass social engineering campaign is illustrated by the following anecdote: Someone admitted to an American Air Force base catches a glimpse of an object resembling a UFO through an open hangar door. As soon as he sees it, the door is closed and he is told “You weren’t supposed to see that”. Then, a few days later, the proverbial “men in black” arrive at his house, threatening reprisals if he tells anyone what he saw. This is a classic case of psychological manipulation, where an event that might have made little impression on him suddenly, through the use of terror, assumes the status of a dark revelation: “If these people are desperate enough to threaten to harm me or my family if I reveal what I know, THEN WHAT I SAW MUST BE REAL.”

So it appears that various governments, possibly taking their orders from an authority that transcends the national state, have been trying to capitalize on the UFO phenomenon by officially denying that it exists (against massive and mounting evidence) while at the same clandestinely leaking stories confirming that it does exist. Why would they do this, other than as an opportunity to employ the subliminal contradiction technique on a mass level, or as a way of “easing” the public into an acceptance of the reality of extraterrestrials so as to minimize social chaos when the big “disclosure” arrives? For one thing, if they were to officially admit the existence of the UFO phenomenon, they would either have to say “we don’t know what it is and we can’t control it”—thus undercutting their own authority—or else they would have to produce the alien diplomats they are claiming to be in contact with so they could appear on the Oprah show. Since they can’t produce those diplomats, they would rather let a growing segment of the population believe that they are in contact with extraterrestrials, but that they must hide!this to prevent mass panic. By acting in this way they are suggesting to the populace that they have immensely powerful allies, and at the same time preventing their lack of a full understanding of the UFO phenomenon (which Jacques Vallee believes to be the case) from being publicly exposed. So what we have is a mass mind-control project piggybacking on a real phenomenon, which would explain why some UFO encounters are truly inexplicable, while others appear to be deceptions most likely produced by human action.

This social engineering program has already produced, among other things, the Disclosure Movement, many of whose sponsors have military or intelligence backgrounds (they are quite open about this), which is dedicated to pressuring the U.S. government to come clean on what it knows about UFOs and alien contact. And every time they “force” the government to reveal another item of data about the “reality” of this contact, the greater their sense of triumph after so many years of social marginalization, of being typed as mentally imbalanced cranks. In view of this long-delayed “success” it is highly unlikely that most Disclosurites would be willing to consider the possibility that they are being manipulated by the very people they believe they are finally triumphing over after a lifetime of lonely struggle.


To sum up, the “outer” explanation of the UFO phenomenon and the human activities surrounding it is as follows: The phenomenon is real, and largely inexplicable according to conventional science, though theories abound. In view of this, national governments, or cabals within them, or various extra-governmental power blocs, have said to themselves: “If we can’t explain or control the UFO phenomenon, we can at least use it to our benefit.” Consequently they have been playing a game with the public of issuing both official denials that the phenomenon exists, or is inexplicable, or is in any way significant, while at the same time planting spurious evidence that suggests it is all too real—evidence to which are attached various items of belief, or various commands, that they wish to disseminate. In particular, they apparently want to spread the belief that national governments know a great deal about the phenomenon and what’s behind it, and that such governments are in fact in ongoing contact with intelligent extraterrestrial beings, but must officially deny this for obvious reasons. In other words, the actual disinformation being disseminated is not in service of the alleged Massive Government Coverup, which in practical terms would be almost impossible to pull off, but rather a highly successful attempt by some group or groups to make the population believe that a Massive Government Coverup exists, that the government wishes above all things to debunk the UFO phenomenon—a much easier task. (This is not to say that the military and the intelligence community do not possess great masses of classified data on UFOs and alien contact, simply that they do not necessarily understand what they are or why they are appearing; this, at least, is Jacques Vallee’s belief.)

The effect of this affirmation/denial technique in terms of the more “exoteric” aspects of social engineering is five-fold:

1) It protects the national governments from being called upon to actually produce the alien diplomats they are supposedly in contact with;

2) It lends such governments an aura of preternatural power, and terror, since they appear to have as allies highly “advanced” beings, beings from Beyond, who certainly do not rule by the will of the people;

3) The practice of openly denying while covertly affirming the existence of extraterrestrials is an example of two mind-control techniques. The first, detailed above, is the one that I have termed “subliminal contradiction”: Contradictory bits of information are proposed to the human mind as equally true, and the contradiction between them carefully kept from rising into consciousness; this technique stuns the critical faculties and put the mind of the individual or collective subjected to it into a highly suggestible state. The second technique, which I call “deferred closure”, by continually promising to satisfy and at the same time continually frustrating the innate need and function of the human mind to come to a consistent view of reality, produces a state of “closure-starvation”, after which almost any belief that promises to provide the desperately needed closure will be seized upon as true, and believed implicitly, like a straw clutched by a drowning man. It will be believed because it is seen not as an alien notion that is being imposed upon the subject against his will, but as the product of his own creativity, insight, perseverance, and self-sacrifice.

4) It makes the true UFO believers feel as if they are part of a growing and increasingly successful campaign to force the hand of the U.S. government, that they are both persecuted martyrs and victorious heroes. This is a perfect example of the government co-optation of anti- government action, the creation of a “controlled opposition”—a method of social engineering that is certainly not limited to the UFO field;

5) By fostering the mass belief in alien contact, it acts to break down traditional paradigms of reality, including religious worldviews, in order to make the imposition of a One World Government, and possibly a One World Religion, easier to swallow.


I believe that UFOs and alien contact are both very real phenomena and elements of a modern myth that has been partly created, and certainly widely manipulated, by various governmental and globalist forces for their own purposes. Until the UFO debunkers take the hard evidence for the reality of UFOs seriously, and the UFO believers do the same with the hard evidence that their conception of the phenomenon is being manipulated by people who do not have their best interests at heart, no sort of scientific, or psychological, or political objectivity will be possible with regard to the UFO phenomenon and its profound effects upon the human race.
Just stumbled across this myself today - very interesting. Wondering if his book "Cracks in the Great Wall: UFOs and Traditional Metaphysics" is worth getting. Anyone else read this?

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