"UFOs - The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape II" (vid)


Jedi Master
Narrated by Jonathan Frakes
Duration: 45mins
Funny that one of the sighting (10:00) was located in Florida, displayed a cigar shaped ship and happened on the 2nd of September 1991 (http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=2890)

Later in the movie (41:23), a UFO sighting in Israel. The displayed date is : 2 9 1998 (2 of September or 9th of February ?).
Florida Florida Florida. Height of Lizzie activity. Also the home of good ole Jeb. As for the Miami Model...well, what did you expect, it IS miami. Cops look have been looking like stormtroppers there since I was a wee lad.
I'm continually frustrated by the lack of any, and I mean any close up and in focus images of non-traditional aircraft. I'm not advocating an opinion on UFO's-I'm sure they exist, but it continues to amaze me that I've never seen a crystal clear image of an Unidentified Craft. The show listed in this post is no exception. The film is always blurry, or a super long shot.

Has anyone else found this to be as strange as I do?

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