Ukraine: Amazing UFO landing filmed by ufologists, video.

Ukraine: Amazing UFO landing filmed by ufologists, video.
Michael Cohen

A truly amazing UFO story has emerged from the Ukraine involving a veteran UFO hunter and some very confused townsfolk.
The residents of the Ukrainian town of Senelnikovo in the Dnepropetrovsk region had been seeing strange objects in the sky for weeks and were at a loss as to explain what they were. Many were suspecting that they were UFOs controlled by aliens. Talk of a UFO landing base near the Black Sea had been going on for decades.A town resident called on a team of Ufologists headed by Mr Vladislav Kanuka, a veteran Ufologist with decades of experience, for help.

The Ufologists arrived at the scene last month and waited with a video camera near the railway station, a spot where many had seen the UFOs from. The Ufologists struck gold and at least one UFO did not disappoint them. A very bright pink orb was seen and the Ufologist agreed it was following a controlled trajectory. They managed to capture the craft on film as it landed in nearby woods. On realising the object had landed they made a rush for the landing spot but midway the engines of all three cars they were travelling in conked out! When they managed to restart the engines the cars started sinking in mud. They were only able to reach the site in the morning and found no evidence of the landing. Now the discs are seen by residents almost every day and once panicky residents are no longer scared: they have accepted that aliens use a spot near their town as a UFO landing base. Vladislav Kanuka remains thrilled by the success of the mission.

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In the video linked to by this article, the UFO bore a striking resemblance to this:


What to make of it... I don't know.
SeekingtheTruth said:
Now the discs are seen by residents almost every day and once panicky residents are no longer scared: they have accepted that aliens use a spot near their town as a UFO landing base.

They seem to be getting more and more brazen, like they want to be seen. If there is an "acclimatization" program going on, it certainly seem to be working....
Here is a picture of the UFO from that video:

Or the Vail is thinning, to the point that "they" can no longer hide, and or the Vail is becomeing harder to manipulate, or control, so to say...............................................?
There referance to serve man was part of Twilight Zone show where supposed contact was made by ets with earth population in that episode the near the end of that show the ets are boarding people on there craft for escape to ? ( don't remember ) and one the friends trys to inform the gentleman whom is being lead by the ET up the ramp of the craft yelling that to to serve man was not about help,.......... but to eat them..................i thought you were referring to that show ( "T o Serve Man" was the name of the book the ets were handing out for the pop.).............but there was no reference of such.................. what did u mean.................i am curious?
Yes, you are correct with your explanation of the Twilight Zone
episode of: `To Serve Man'. The point of this episode being,
that ETs are not coming here for our benefit, but for theirs...
to 'collect' us as their `harvest' or bounty: food.
And i just remembered that the the book handed to the pop. was coded and the coded was not figured out till the last minute ................the code read that was a cook book ....................thus To Serve Man ....................interesting one could apply the scenario to Wall Street :evil: theft .........they seem to promise everyone the moon in profits when in reality it was just the other was around, with greed as the bait .....!
Yes, but perhaps therein the lesson: the manoeuvre was
very successful only through deception and manipulation. If
one has knowledge and was made aware, perhaps one would
not so readily give up their free will?
I agree whole heartily and thus avoided ( knowledge ) the frenzy of promised riches by gambling what was real for false promises (not bragging nor spouting .).......just aware at that moment.!

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