Jedi Master
These Ukranian Nazis are complete lunatics! I mean, what is Russia supposed to do? Just sit by while ukranian psychopaths literally shell their cities and kill their men, women and children? How is this gonna pan out? They are playing an extremely dangerous game here.
OF COURSE NON OF THIS IS REPORTED ON THE NEWS OR ON THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA (not to add to that the disgusting pro-israel bias...). And to think some people have the nerve to accuse RT of "russian propaganda" and think their media is free. What has this world become?
These Ukranian Nazis are complete lunatics! I mean, what is Russia supposed to do? Just sit by while ukranian psychopaths literally shell their cities and kill their men, women and children? How is this gonna pan out? They are playing an extremely dangerous game here.
OF COURSE NON OF THIS IS REPORTED ON THE NEWS OR ON THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA (not to add to that the disgusting pro-israel bias...). And to think some people have the nerve to accuse RT of "russian propaganda" and think their media is free. What has this world become?