unfinished poetry


Jedi Master

I was flipping through the pages of one of my old notebooks and came across that unfinished poem. It has a date 2-6-13
I do not exactly remember the events that inspired it - either 1%er movement in NYC or something was happening in Gaza...
I decided to post it here since there may be no other opportunity for this poem to be born.. It has no title...

Shut, shut,
shut your mouth boy!
The who oppose us,
we destroy.
Down the toilet
we'll flush your career
And your social image
we'll smear, we'll smear!
As the last resort,
we'll help you decide
That you really want
to commit suicide
You can shove up your ass
that stupid flower
We have all the money
what we want is more power
We are psychopaths
and we can't feel
Many people we tortured,
many people we killed
We'll kill you professionally,
with no ill will
Long live USA,
long live Israel.

By 2013, I was running out of my creative juices. Since 2008, I already wrote around 150 poems and I encountered a proverbial writers block.
You can see - this poem had an interesting opening, but it did not go too far... and it never got a closure. Dated 03-4-13


How was Friday?
Friday was quiet...
The whole hell broke on Saturday
and we had a riot
We burnt tires,
cars were set ablaze,
threw some Molotov cocktails!
And all brothers were upset...

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