Unidentified object flying directly over Stonehenge


The Force is Strong With This One
On old film stock,
1950s, can be seen flying in the sky UFO. Unidentified object flying directly over the heads of the builders who erected the monument of Stonehenge in England. Now, to understand why the UFO appeared over Stonehenge, you need to know the very origin of this megalithic complex. The monument itself was built in the mid-twentieth century, not in ancient times. This fake artifact created by Masons to strengthen their false historical science. Until the mid-twentieth century on the place where now stands Stonehenge, there were no stones. You now see the construction of Stonehenge frames, these frames are trying to hold back, but if they float, the Masons have come up with a silly excuse. What is it supposed reconstruction, ie fix the ancient monument, which was allegedly destroyed by someone. In order to reconstruct something, you need to have a repair facility, but until the fifties on the site of Stonehenge, nothing ever stood. Builders in the fifties first poured the foundation, and then placed in a concrete block covered with a thick layer of granite outside, put by a method of manufacturing a polymer concrete. Such polymer units externally indistinguishable from natural stones.​
The flying object is unidentified, but it could be a plane. The footage quality doesn't allow to decide whether it's a UFO (in the paranormal sense) or anything more ordinary.
As for the history of Stonehenge, it has been studied for a long time and there is no reason for freemasons to build an ante dated monument, especially a megalithic one (there are thousands of megaliths over the world) since their obsession is with the temple of Solomon (a rectangle, not a circle).
migras said:
On old film stock,
1950s, can be seen flying in the sky UFO. Unidentified object flying directly over the heads of the builders who erected the monument of Stonehenge in England. Now, to understand why the UFO appeared over Stonehenge, you need to know the very origin of this megalithic complex. The monument itself was built in the mid-twentieth century, not in ancient times. This fake artifact created by Masons to strengthen their false historical science. Until the mid-twentieth century on the place where now stands Stonehenge, there were no stones. You now see the construction of Stonehenge frames, these frames are trying to hold back, but if they float, the Masons have come up with a silly excuse. What is it supposed reconstruction, ie fix the ancient monument, which was allegedly destroyed by someone. In order to reconstruct something, you need to have a repair facility, but until the fifties on the site of Stonehenge, nothing ever stood. Builders in the fifties first poured the foundation, and then placed in a concrete block covered with a thick layer of granite outside, put by a method of manufacturing a polymer concrete. Such polymer units externally indistinguishable from natural stones.​

PRE-:welcome: to our forum migras :D!

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So far all I know of your story is your post to Tigersoap on August 15, 2014.

Thanks, did not read the book,
I found you among the many interesting discussion forums, by Google search.

You don't have to write a book. It would be nice to know if you have found any more interesting topics since you joined.

Looking forward to your introduction and participation.

Your video was interesting in showing the assemblage of Stonehenge but I am not sure that the Masons did it or the object in the background is a UFO as mkrnhr mentioned. Just checking on the reconstruction period I found:
William Gowland oversaw the first major restoration of the monument in 1901 which involved the straightening and concrete setting of sarsen stone number 56 which was in danger of falling. In straightening the stone he moved it about half a metre from its original position.[54] Gowland also took the opportunity to further excavate the monument in what was the most scientific dig to date, revealing more about the erection of the stones than the previous 100 years of work had done. During the 1920 restoration William Hawley, who had excavated nearby Old Sarum, excavated the base of six stones and the outer ditch. He also located a bottle of port in the Slaughter Stone socket left by Cunnington, helped to rediscover Aubrey's pits inside the bank and located the concentric circular holes outside the Sarsen Circle called the Y and Z Holes.[55]

Richard Atkinson, Stuart Piggott and John F. S. Stone re-excavated much of Hawley's work in the 1940s and 1950s, and discovered the carved axes and daggers on the Sarsen Stones. Atkinson's work was instrumental in furthering the understanding of the three major phases of the monument's construction.

In 1958 the stones were restored again, when three of the standing sarsens were re-erected and set in concrete bases. The last restoration was carried out in 1963 after stone 23 of the Sarsen Circle fell over. It was again re-erected, and the opportunity was taken to concrete three more stones. Later archaeologists, including Christopher Chippindale of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge and Brian Edwards of the University of the West of England, campaigned to give the public more knowledge of the various restorations and in 2004 English Heritage included pictures of the work in progress in its book Stonehenge: A History in Photographs.[

Thanks for sharing, :)


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