University shooter interested in 'peace, social justice'


University shooter interested in 'peace, social justice'

DEKALB, Illinois (CNN) -- Northern Illinois University on Friday identified the gunman who shot and killed five people in a classroom as Steven P. Kazmierczak, whom police described as an award-winning student "revered" by colleagues and faculty.

Students and faculty described Steven P. Kazmierczak as "a fairly normal, unstressed person," police say.

Kazmierczak, 27, who police said shot 21 people before shooting and killing himself, was an award-winning sociology student and a leader of a campus criminal justice group, according to school Web sites.

Kazmierczak was a student about 175 miles away at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, police said, and there "were no red flags" warning of any violent behavior.

"I found Steven to be a very committed student, extremely respectful of me as an instructor and adviser," said Jan Carter-Black, an assistant professor in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's School of Social Work.

The assistant professor at the School of Social Work said that she enjoyed having him as a student and that he was "a nice person; he was a nice kid."

In 2006, Kazmierczak was a student at Northern Illinois, police said, where he worked on a graduate paper that described his interest in "corrections, political violence, and peace and social justice."

The paper said Kazmierczak was "co-authoring a manuscript on the role of religion in the formation of early prisons in the United States."

University police Chief Donald Grady said Kazmierczak "was an awarded student. He was someone that was revered by the faculty and staff and students alike."

Fellow students and faculty described Kazmierczak as "a fairly normal, unstressed person," Grady said.

People close to Kazmierczak indicated that he was taking medication but had recently stopped, "and he had become somewhat erratic in the last couple of weeks," Grady said.

Police have found no notes that would explain the attack, and authorities have no known motive in the case, Grady said.

Kazmierczak's former landlord, Jim Gordon, said Kazmierczak moved out of DeKalb in June 2007 and left a forwarding address in Champaign.

Gordon said he didn't recognize the picture of his year-long former tenant "at all," but his records indicated that Kazmierczak "always paid on time, never a noise problem, left the place spotless."

The university sociology department's Web site said he was the recipient of a dean's award for his graduate work in sociology in 2006. He had been accepted for the graduate program that fall, the Web site said.

Kazmierczak also served as vice president of the university's Academic Criminal Justice Association, according to the group's Web site, and worked on a paper on self-injury in prisons with the group's current president.
Slain victims

Kazmierczak's paper, titled "Self Injury in Correctional Settings: 'Pathology' of Prisons or Prisoners?" was published in 2006, according to the university's sociology Web site.

The Academic Criminal Justice Association provides "NIU students and member of DeKalb community with an opportunity to learn about and promote knowledge and understanding of all areas of the criminal justice system, especially corrections and juvenile justice," the Web site says.

DeKalb police asked the Polk County, Florida, Sheriff's Department to make "next of kin" death notification to Kazmierczak's father, Robert Kazmierczak, sheriff's spokeswoman Carrie Rodgers said Friday.

"Please leave me alone. I have no statement to make," Robert Kazmierczak told CNN affiliate WESH from the porch of his Lakeland, Florida, home.

"It's a very hard time. I'm a diabetic," he said before breaking down in tears.

School President John Peters said Friday, without giving a name, that the shooter had graduated in 2006 with an undergraduate degree in sociology and then went on to do some graduate work through 2007.

He "had a very good academic record" and "was a very good student," Peters said, adding that there was "no indication" of any trouble involving him.

Kazmierczak had no arrest record and no known history of mental illness, and he did have a valid state-required firearm ID card, so he had no problem buying the guns, one law enforcement source said.

Link: _
This story hits too close to home, both literally and figuratively. Being a "normal, unstressed" and "nice person" with a "very good academic record" and "no known history of mental illness" with interests in "peace and social justice," not to mention being from the same state and of the same nationality (judging from the name), this story is very distressing.

I don't even know what to think about it other than I am utterly confused about this whole situation.

Just what is going on here?!


Some red flags as I did more digging...
From _
Toward the end of September, Kazmierczak withdrew from Carter-Black's course to take a job in the prison system, and became a part-time student. In January 2008, Kazmierczak returned to full-time status.
This event seems strange. He was on the job in the 'prison system' for only three months, and he had to withdraw from courses to do it.
Earlier reports by NIU campus Police Chief Donald Grady indicated that Kazmierczak's behavior had become erratic in the past few weeks, and it is believed he had stopped taking his medication. The chief declined to specify the type of medication the gunman was on.
Guess we'll have to wait for more info about this medication that he was on and what 'erratic behavior' means.
On a music site message board from 2006, posters who claimed to be his co-workers wrote, "I remember Steve Kazmierczak … the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn't be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat … "
That last one is especially strange :/
Odd that he had no history of mental illness, yet he just came of medication (upon which his 'erratic behavior' is blamed - which implies it was psychotropic medication - yet he had no history of mental illness......)

I do wonder what medication he had stopped taking. At least one headline today led with "Shooter had stopped taking medication" - rather loaded with the 'don't stop your meds or you'll go on a killing rampage' message.

It is really difficult to read this story, with the witness testimony of his robotic, emotionless behavior and not think 'Greenbaumed' - so digging into his background and history some more might prove fruitful. What was he working on, who was he working with, had he attended any gifted student programs - that kind of thing.
If these are true, this guy wasn't as normal as the news agencies want us to believe.

From _
It didn't take long for online sleuths to identify the man behind the shootings at Northern Illinois University yesterday. Early this morning, before the police or the Associated Press released his name, online sleuths identified the 27-year-old man as Stephen P. Kazmierczak. Online, he went by "Steve Kaz," "Kazmier," and "StatisticsGrad."

Working from there, a few blogs went to work at discovering his online accounts and other trails he's left online. Here's what we know so far, and I'll be updating this entry throughout the day as I find more.



True Crime Weblog also discovered that he had problems with Paypal in this PaypalSucks thread from March 2007. He wrote, "Somebody please help me out, as I am desperate. I need this money to survive, as I am a poor graduate student just trying to make it by, which is why I started using Ebay in the first place, (to supplement the income I made through an assistantship)."


On a few sites, anonymous commenters that reportedly knew Kazmierczak have stepped forward to tell their stories. These are mostly anonymous, so it's impossible to verify their accuracy.

From Odd Culture, posted today:

I knew this kid, friend of a friend type deal. He was odd, quiet always gave me a creepy vibe, but then a lot of people give me that so I didn't think anything of it. Last I remember seeing him was in early jan. he showed me his tattoo's. They were all graphic an gory, but thats what guys like as tattoos. One was the doll from the Saw movies. I found that a little weird, why would a guy this age have a tattoo of some terrifying doll that signified nothing but a crazy serial killer. It scared me. But whatever floats your boat I thought. Then they started talking about his guns, he didn't bring it up, but just sat there and said a few things here and there jokingly, but quiet. I immediately thought why in the hell does this kid have a gun? He doesn't look like a hunter and didn't live anywhere I would consider dangerous enough for a gun, let alone two. The only thing I could think of is that he needed to prove something to himself or to someone else, since he was tall and gangly, and didn't look like he was mr popular. It's scary knowing that I hung out with that kid, that I sat there and discussed these things with him. He is one of those guys that you just know something is wrong with him the first time you meet him, but he's nice so you figure he is just a little odd. As for a motive goes, I do know that he had some issues with his sexuality, maybe it has something to do with that.
Also posted today on Odd Culture, by someone named "William":

I can't believe some of you, I grew up with Steve. I don't know what happened after we graduated high school to put him down this path but the kid I grew up with was a decent kid. I sat and ate lunch with him from grade school on up, we were in the same classes.

No matter how terrible his last acts I can't reconcile this with the adult I knew graduating high school, and the kid I grew up with.
In April 2006, Jim Schaffer posted a very long rant mentioning Kazmierczak on an Aphex Twin fan forum. Radar Online confirmed that Kazmierczak worked at the Elks Grove Pirates Cove children's theme park in 1995, so this one's definitely real.

steve motherfucking kazmierczak. yes thats exactly the problem here.

i was working at pirates cove in late 1995 and i was you know $4.50/hr child labor laws be damned and like i remember steve kazmierczak, the kind of kid who engaged in odd acts of fellatio with his dog, the kind of kid who'd go and masturbate in the bathroom while you were over at his house, the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn't be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat... when steve fucking kazmierczak ran up to me in late 95 early 96 proudly boasting his brand new copy of "i care because you do" like he was finally in with the cool kids.

both me and my friend joe died a little bit that day.
Well, PayPal is evil, so his complaining about PayPal doesn't say much and the anonymous comments and the personal comments aren't very convincing since, as you said, they are opinion - can't be verified. It might be a fact that he worked at this pirate's cove place, but that doesn't mean what this person is saying about him is true on any level - plus the way he puts it indicates he has problems of his own.

Considering the publicity on this, freaks will be crawling out of the word work to say they knew him and that he did this or that.

Might be best to keep the search to verifiable stuff, if possible.
It is really difficult to read this story, with the witness testimony of his robotic, emotionless behavior and not think 'Greenbaumed' - so digging into his background and history some more might prove fruitful. What was he working on, who was he working with, had he attended any gifted student programs - that kind of thing.

Do gifted student programs have a history of producing 'greenbaumed' people? I ask because I was in a gifted student program for quite awhile, and it was a bit strange.
Tical1207 said:
Do gifted student programs have a history of producing 'greenbaumed' people? I ask because I was in a gifted student program for quite awhile, and it was a bit strange.
Yes, there is evidence that certain 'gifted children' programs (especially those run by the State, or by NASA or certain other government organizations) are used to find and evaluate candidates for the type of mind control discussed in the Greenbaum speech -

While it certainly does not mean that every gifted student program is linked to such things, it would be a small clue in this situation if the young man who did the shooting were involved, even peripherally, with such an organization or program. In this situation, I just suggested looking for such connections in case they are there - not to say that every 'gifted' program is necessarily suspect.
Shizo963 quoting from elsewhere said:
Kazmierczak's former landlord, Jim Gordon, said Kazmierczak moved out of DeKalb in June 2007 and left a forwarding address in Champaign.

Gordon said he didn't recognize the picture of his year-long former tenant "at all," but his records indicated that Kazmierczak "always paid on time, never a noise problem, left the place spotless."
Whatever that means, supposing that I understand correctly what is written and meant here.
Then, there is this from alternet:


Northern Ill. University: Was the Killer Crazy, or the Campus Hopeless?

By Mark Ames, AlterNet. Posted February 16, 2008.

Unlike Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui -- a sullen misfit who could
barely look anyone in the eye, much less carry on a conversation --
Kazmierczak appeared to fit in just fine. -- Deanna Bellendi, Associated

Why? Why did this rage massacre at Northern Illinois University happen? Why
did Steven Kazmierczak, "armed with three handguns and a brand-new pump-
action shotgun he had carried onto campus in a guitar case," step from
behind a screen on the stage of a lecture hall at NIU and open fire on a
geology class, killing six, wounding many more?

The explanations are a repeat of the ones we hear after every other
massacre, leading nowhere: gun crazy, evil perp (Nazi, anti-Semite), didn't
take his meds, broke up with girlfriend ... none of them are satisfying,
none of them lead us anywhere except away from genuine examination.

In my book Going Postal I proposed looking at these uniquely American and
uniquely post-Reagan massacres without cheap moral blinders. Look at the
setting of the crime, look at the people who live in that setting, and look
at the genealogy of the crime.

These rage massacres began in the mid-1980s in post offices, one after
another, all seemingly "senseless." Mass killings like the one in Edmond,
Oklahoma postal massacre in 1986 which left 14 dead, were quickly
transformed into water cooler joke material: The phrase "going postal"
replaced "having a cow," and the clash between the Happy Days-era world of
mailmen and dawning age of rampaging maniacs was too silly, and seemingly
safely confined, to be spared this transformation into cheap black comedy.

But by the end of the 1980s, the water cooler crowd started getting shot as
well: workplace massacres spread like a nasty virus from the postal service
to wider private sector, and they haven't stopped. The jokes got more
nervous. Workplaces transformed into little Atticas, with surveillance
cameras, badges, armed rent-a-cops, along with snitches and mutual

But the jokes about "going postal" didn't really end until rage massacres
spread to the next logical place in Middle American life: our middle-class
schools. Suddenly horror and revulsion overwhelmed the irony. Privately, in
the safe anonymous world of the Internet, the Columbine killers have become
heroes to untold numbers of America's kids, just as they'd set out to do.
Like so many terrorists and insurgents, Columbine killers Eric Harris and
Dylan Klebold set out on a suicide mission to "kickstart a revolution." And
like many successful terrorist or insurgency movements, they succeeded by
spawning an ever-growing supply of schoolyard killers.

Over the past few years, the killings leapt from the K-12 schools to
universities. Not the top universities, which seems significant to me, but
rather to obviously-second-rate universities, as well as the third-rate
"vocational" schools. This is relevant, because in a culture so obsessed
with being number one, and where the socioeconomic gap between the Number
Ones and Everyone Else is growing so wide that it's starting to take on
medieval dimensions, it's the ones stuck in the vast middle who face real
existential terror.

We're just starting to learn a bit about the NIU killer, 27-year-old Steven
P. Kazmierczak: he's been described as a "fairly normal, unstressed person,"
as well as a bright honors student. Before there was a photo and a name, he
was described as a "skinny white guy" wearing all black and a ski mask. In
other words, a caricature of evil. Now, one look at the photo of the pimply,
pinheaded, goggle-eyed Kazmierczak, and it's hard to match the evil to the
recognizably twerpy, sympathetic face.

A Northern Illinois law student told the Washington Post, "The person who
did it is a loser. He doesn't deserve a name or picture reference. You're
not Kurt Cobain if you do that."

Let's assume he's at least partly right: Kazmierczak probably was a loser,
by the standards of Midwestern American winners. For now there's too little
information to sort out. But judging from previous massacres, it's likely
that Kazmierczak reached a point where life no longer was worth living. His
medications are now being held up as a cause, but they just as easily could
have been the effects of living the life he lived.

While most of the media focuses on the healing Christian spirit of Dekalb,
Ill., home of Northern Illinois University, I've done some searching of what
students wrote in anonymous forums, particularly, about
NIU and Dekalb. Not what they're saying now, when the cameras are on and
everyone's officially grieving and Wondering Why, but from last year to
three years ago, when they were honest. What you find is an enormous amount
of anger and regret -- the sort of regret you'd expect from a middle-aged
Willy Loman looking back on a wasted life.

"NIU is a glorified community college," writes one former student. "Let's
just say there aren't many Albert Einsteins on campus. If you got solid C's
in high school and otherwise are destined for a career path that involves
shoveling shit, then NIU is the right school for you. If you are a gang
banger from the inner city who has just enough smarts to con a subsidized
college education out of the system, then NIU is the right school for you.
If your greatest career ambition is to one day be the assistant manager at
GNC or Radio Shack, then NIU is the right school for you. If your dream
mobile involves one day owning an eleven year old minivan with half the trim
missing, then NIU is the right school for you. If you think Pabst Blue
Ribbon is a "high end" beer, then NIU is the right school for you. If you
like following a football program that hasn't been to a bowl game since
1983, then NIU is the right school for you. If you like following a
basketball program that is lucky to draw 1,200 fans to a home game, then NIU
is the right school for you. If you like going to a school that ranks as one
of the butt ugliest campuses on planet earth, then NIU is the right school
for you."

The physical ugliness and intellectual mediocrity are a recurring theme:

"NIU is the pits. It's a suitcase school with a horribly ugly campus that
ought to re-label itself Northern Illinois Community College."

"The academic rigor required to do well at NIU is a joke .... Best advice to
any high school students considering NIU? Do everything in your power to get
yourself into a better school like U of I, Illinois State or some other well
regarded public or provide school .... And don't even get me started on the
NIU campus. If there is an uglier or more disorganized one on this planet, I
haven't seen it in all my travels. There are rundown CHA buildings in the
most blighted parts of Chicago that are in better shape then the NIU dorm
complex. Outside of Barsema Hall and a few others, the rest of the other
buildings are dreadful and embarassing. The first thing 95% of NIU students
do upon receiving their diploma is to run like hell from DeKalb and never
turn back."

DeKalb is a small farming town full of cornfields; its population is 40,000,
while NIU has roughly 25,000 students. Both town and school are
overwhelmingly white. One student described the town this way: "[A]llergies
are bad because of the cornfields, and it smells in the summer because of
the PIG FARM!! Also, people in the area are generally not very nice."

Speaking of not very nice people, DeKalb's most famous son is Joseph F.
Glidden, was the inventor of barbed wire. The university's most famous
living graduates, are Dan Castellaneta, the voice actor for Homer Simpson,
and slimeball Republican Dennis Hastert, who famously declared after Katrina
that certain "neighborhoods" [read: black and poor] should be "bulldozed"
rather than rebuilt. So there you have it: DeKalb's most celebrated citizens
are a pair of creeps and and the voiceman for the epitomal American loser.

As one woman from NIU's class of 2006 shows, it's really the people who make
life there a living Hell [I'm including her grammar mistakes]:

"[D]on't make the same mistake I did, NIU is a terrible school a
complete waste of my time and money. I came into NIU as a transfer student
despite the fact that i had several friends that told me how horrible it
was. WEll they were right!! First of all the students here are completely
self centered and ignorant. Not a friendly campus AT All. everyone stays in
there own cliques and groups even out at the bars, dont expect anyone to be
friendly to you. Apartment and house parties are closed here usually just
groups of friends. The faculty here are extremely unhelpful and unwilling to
help you. The financial aid and other administrative offices treat you like
shit, not to mention their "offices" look like prison cells. Coming from a
school which had everything remodeled it was very hard coming here. This
school looks ilek it hasnt been remodeled since 1800. ALl the buildings
(except Barsema) are disgusting SICK i wouldn't be surprised if huge rats
were crawling around. The on campus dorms and dining facilities I will not
even get into that if you unfortunately decide to invest your time into an
education here you will find out BEWARE!! THe library is terrible, I had a
better library at my grade school. The gym: I have a better gym in the
basement of my house. It looks liek a bunch of treadmills thrown into a
basement. This is a suitcase school. 70% of students leave for the weekends.
WARNING: Massive amounts of drug consumption at this school. Extremely high
drug scene, so if you aren't into that you will have ahard time finding
people like you. Dekalb is an awful, ugly town with nothign to do. There is
no mall nearby. There are no places to work in town. NIU has been the worst
experience of my life. I would give anything to go back and have listened to
the 10-15 people who advised me not to go here. So here is your chance right
now for anyone reading this, before you make the same mistake and regret it.
Don't choose NIU!!! Invest your time, money, and college experience
somewhere else."

It's not just the transfer students who grieve about the people in DeKalb,
as one psychology major explains:

"I think NIU is the shittiest decision a person can make as far as
picking a university that will broaden their horizons. I was very motivated
with my studies before I moved out there and the lack of job opportunities
doesn't give you a way to apply your studies so I've lost a lot of
inspiration. It may be reasonably priced financially, but I was absolutely
miserable so it wasn't worth saving the money. If you're planning on
depending on your bike to commute around town good luck. It seems that
people in Dekalb are unfamiliar with the invention of the bicycle. When I've
ridden on the sidewalks I get harassed. When I ride on the street on one
trip I have numerous people yelling obscenities at me to get out of the
street. Last year when I was living in the dorms while My bike was chained
to the bike rack somebody stole my entire front wheel. I got it fixed this
year and within two weeks of the repair while I was in class somebody
seemingly attacked my bike (the front wheel's rim was bent and tire was
flat.) I don't understand why anyone would do something so pointless, but it
seems that's how a lot of people in Dekalb are. I managed to make a few
close friends but the majority of the people in Dekalb are insensitive,
uninspired (with reason considering their surroundings), and pretentious
even though they have no reason to be cause a lot of them are very lucky to
have even gotten into NIU. Even if you're motivated and don't have trouble
finding a job where you're from, it's very hard to find a decent job in
Dekalb. Almost everything is minimum wage. I was making $11 an hour before I
transferred to NIU and then the best I could find was a job at a gas station
making $6.50/hr. The only way for you to get experience in your field is
through volunteer experience because there are very very few decent jobs in
the surrounding area. This is going to sound ridiculous but the weather is
seriously always worse in Dekalb than anywhere else. I'm from the south
[Chicago] burbs and when I take the hour and half drive to Dekalb it's
always storming harder, snowing more, more humid in the summer or the wind
is much more extreme. Dekalb is always very windy though probably because of
all the farm land and lack of trees breaking the wind. Whatever it's from,
NIU is like a wind tunnel. The majority of my professors are also
insensitive and don't understand unusual family situations. The campus is ok
in some parts but hideous in most areas and it doesn't have a lot of natural
beauty. The most scenic part of campus the main entrance by the lagoon is
ruined by ugly looking satellites scattered about. I could go on forever. I
attended for a year and a half an now i'm transferring. I had a bad feeling
about the campus from the start when I visited and I guess I should have
gone with it. I'm just trying to keep other people from making the same

If you're wondering why Kazmierczak transferred out of NIU to the University
of Illinois-Champaign last spring, this might help explain it; if you're
wondering, as many bloggers have, why he'd come back and shoot up NIU rather
than his current university, these sentiments are at least worth

Kazmierczak's hometown, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, is also revealing of
the vast, flat middle of Middle America. Located on the edge of Chicago's
hyper-busy O'Hare Airport, Elk Grove Village has a humble population of
roughly 40,000 almost all-white middle-class citizens (mostly German and
Polish stock), yet it hosts, as it proudly boasts, the largest consolidated
business park in North America. Packed into its humble 5.4 square miles are
3,800 business, hosting over 100,000 workers servicing O'Hare Airport alone,
and several Interstate highways servicing the wall-to-wall giant flat-roofed
warehouse structures, corporate offices and, yes, suburban tract homes.

Two years ago, Kazmierczak's parents moved from Elk Grove Village to
Florida, where his mother died of Lou Gehrig's Disease.

Scratching the surface of his life -- a very familiar, flat sort of American
Hell -- makes his need for medications a bit more understandable, as is the
case for the millions of Americans like him who take psychiatric medication.
Indeed, someone who wouldn't turn to antidepressants would, in my opinion,
be the sick one.

If we bracket his massacre as the work of an evil lunatic on drugs, we'll
miss yet another opportunity to genuinely examine what life is like for most
Americans today, who live in that terrifying gap between the official
propaganda about a nation of happy fun-loving Number Ones, and the reality
of mediocrity, petty malice, and a flat physical setting that reflects the
malice and mediocrity of its town elders.
geez, the description of the campus above gave me the creeps and it was a bit unexpected,
the thing is here in europe we mostly have hollywood images of american campuses

also I ve seen some in WA state which were very nice

in any case I definitely agree - you have to be preety darn screwed up to invent a barb wire :rolleyes:
Considering the types of medication Kazmierczak may have been taking, here's a clue:

alternet said:
Two years ago, Kazmierczak's parents moved from Elk Grove Village to
Florida, where his mother died of Lou Gehrig's Disease.
This is a long post. First, some information about Lou Gehrig's Disease:

from _

Lou Gehrig's Disease, also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive and usually fatal disorder that attacks the nerves and muscles.

It is sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famed New York Yankee slugger whose death in 1941 was caused by this disorder.
The most common form of ALS is known as "sporadic" ALS. It may affect anyone at anytime.

Causes and Risk Factors of Lou Gehrig's Disease

"Familial", ALS suggests the disease is inherited, although no heredity pattern exists in the majority of ALS cases. About 5 to 10 percent of all ALS patients appear to have a genetic or inherited component. In those families, 50 percent of the all offspring are expected to have the disease.

Most who develop ALS are between the ages of 40 and 70. There have been many cases of the disease attacking teenagers, though generally, ALS occurs in greater percentages as men and women grow older.
from _

There is no known cure for ALS. The drug riluzole has been approved for treatment and may slow progression of the disease but it is expensive and only modestly effective. Generally, treatment is designed to help control symptoms.

Drugs such as baclofen or diazepam may help control spasticity. Trihexyphenidyl or amitriptyline may help patients swallow saliva. Gabapentin may be prescribed to help control pain. Because choking is common as ALS progresses, patients may need a tube called a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube or feeding tube to be placed into the stomach for feeding. A referral to an otolaryngologist, an ear, nose and throat specialist, may be advised.

Physical therapy, rehabilitation, use of appliances such as braces or a wheelchair or other treatments may help muscles work as well as possible and improve your general health.
ALS patients gradually lose the ability to function and care for themselves. They may survive from two to 10 years after the onset of the disease, with about 20 percent of ALS patients living more than five years after diagnosis.
Next, some information about the drugs listed. Note that not all side effects, if any, will manifest in every patient.


Riluzole is a drug used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It delays the onset of ventilator-dependence or tracheostomy in selected patients and may increase survival by approximately two months.

Side effects from _

Abdominal pain
Sleepiness (somnolence)
Alteration in results of liver function tests
Weakness or loss of strength (asthenia)
Noticeably increased heart rate (symptomatic tachycardia)
A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands, feet or around the lips or mouth

Baclofen is a muscle relaxer and an antispastic agent.
Baclofen is used to treat muscle symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis, including spasm, pain, and stiffness.
Baclofen can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Avoid drinking alcohol. It can increase some of the side effects of baclofen. Do not use baclofen at a time when muscle tone is needed to assure safe balance and movement for certain activities. In some situations, it may endanger your physical safety to be in a state of reduced muscle tone.

You may have withdrawal symptoms such as seizures or hallucinations, when you stop using baclofen after using it over a long period of time. Do not stop using this medication suddenly without first talking to your doctor. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely.
Baclofen can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Avoid drinking alcohol. It can increase some of the side effects of baclofen.

Side effects from _

Disturbances of the gut, such as nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea
Slow, shallow breathing (respiratory depression)
Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
Mood changes
Muscle weakness
Shaky movements and unsteady walk (ataxia)
False perceptions of things that are not really there (hallucinations)

Rapid involuntary movements of the eyes (nystagmus)
Dry mouth
Increased need to pass urine
Decreased blood pressure
Fits (convulsions)
Visual disturbances
from _

Diazepam is a type of medicine called a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines are used for their sedative and anxiety-relieving effects.
As diazepam increases the activity of GABA in the brain, it increases its calming effect and results in sleepiness, a decrease in anxiety and relaxation of muscles.

Diazepam has several uses. Firstly, it can be used to calm severe anxiety and agitation. For example, benzodiazepines such as diazepam are effective at quickly reducing the symptoms of anxiety and agitation that occur in a manic episode of the psychiatric illness, bipolar affective disorder.

Side effects from _

Drowsiness and lightheadedness the next day
Shaky movements and unsteady walk (ataxia)
Muscle weakness
Loss of memory (amnesia)
Skin rashes
Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
Difficulty in passing urine (urinary retention)
Visual disturbances
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Unexpected increase in aggression (paradoxical aggression)
Changes in sex drive
Blood disorders
from _

Trihexyphenidyl is a type of medicine called an anticholinergic. Anticholinergic medicines (sometimes also called antimuscarinics) work by preventing the activity of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.
Side effects

Dry mouth.
Blurred vision.
Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia).
False perceptions of things that are not really there (hallucinations).

A state of well-being, optimism and cheerfulness (euphoria).
Memory problems.
from _

Amitriptyline works by preventing serotonin and noradrenaline from being reabsorbed back into the nerve cells in the brain. This helps prolong the mood lightening effect of any released noradrenaline and serotonin. In this way, amitriptyline helps relieve depression.
Amitriptyline is also occasionally used for a completely different purpose - for the treatment of bedwetting in children. It works in this situation by blocking receptors called cholinergic or muscarinic receptors that are found on the surface of muscle cells in the wall of the bladder. This prevents a chemical called acetylcholine from acting on these receptors.

Dry mouth
Blurred vision
Difficulty in passing urine
Drop in blood pressure when going from lying or sitting to sitting or standing, causing dizziness and lightheadedness (postural hypotension)
Involuntary muscle movements such as tremors or twitching
Confusion or delirium
Sexual problems
Changes in behaviour
Increased appetite and weight gain
Taste disturbances
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood
Abnormal heart beats
Faster than normal heart beat (tachycardia)
Convulsions (fits)
from _

Gabapentin works by stabilising electrical activity in the brain.
Gabapentin prevents epileptic fits by preventing the excessive electrical activity in the brain. It is thought to do this by mimicking the activity of a neurotransmitter called GABA.
GABA is a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural 'nerve calming' agent. It helps keep the nerve activity in the brain in balance. Gabapentin is structurally similar to GABA and so is thought to mimick its action. This helps calm the nerve activity in the brain.
Side effects
Sleepiness (somnolence).
Shaky movements and unsteady walk (ataxia).
Gut disturbances such as dry mouth, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea or abdominal pain.
Changes in appetite.
Weight gain.
Swelling of the legs, ankles or face due to excess fluid retention (oedema).
Skin reactions such as rash or itching.
Small haemorrhage (bleeding) in the skin (purpura), often seen as bruises.
Visual disturbances.
Pins and needles sensations (paraesthesia).
Tremor or twitching.
Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
Anxiety or nervousness.
Unstable moods (emotional lability).
Confusion, loss of memory (amnesia).

Decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood (leucopenia).
Whether Kazmierczak was actually taking any or all of these drugs is unknown. However, there is an interesting pattern of side effects of mood changes, hallucinations, confusion, delirium and so on. Perhaps Kazmierczak was chosen because the medications he was taking for inherited Gehrig's disease made him an easy subject for Greenbauming. The effects of the medications could also be trotted out later as a reason for his homicidal behaviour.

Edit: missing link added
Alleged image of Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho. Nice uniform.


Virginia Tech was founded as a military college, and is one of the few public universities in the United States which continues to maintain a corps of cadets (a full-time military training program.) Virginia Tech is one of the six senior military colleges (five are public, one private) due to the nature and presence of the corps of cadets.

Shizo, I found some corroboration on one of the comments you listed in this AP article - about the Saw tatoo -

AP said:
DEKALB, Ill. - Steven Kazmierczak, at 27, looked like an average schoolboy — except that his arms were covered with disturbing images, including a doll from the horror movie "Saw."

Professors and students knew him as a bright, helpful scholar, but his past included a stint in a mental health center.
It is an AP article, so no way of knowing how much spin is in it - but fwiw.

Interesting they say he was in a mental health center when initially it was reported that he had no history of mental health issues...

(on the sott page here - 0

"He was lightening his course load so he could take on a position in the prison system, she said.

She didn't know if the position was in the federal or state system, but said he had discussed the decision with several faculty members. He later left the position at the prison, she said, but she didn't know under what circumstances.

"He was very committed to pursuing a career with prisoners," Larrison said. He said it was likely that the career interest corresponded with Kazmierczak's concentration in mental health."

Meanwhile, the AP reported that Kazmierczak's parents had placed him in a Chicago psychiatric treatment center after high school. A former employee of the center said Kazmierczak habitually cut himself and wouldn't take his medication, according to the AP.

The ex-employee, Louise Gbadamashi, told the AP she could not recall Kazmierczak acting violent during his stay of more than a year at the Thresholds-Mary Hill House in the late 1990s.

"He never wanted to identify with being mentally ill," she told the AP. "That was part of the problem."

As an undergraduate at Northern Illinois in 2006, Kazmierczak wrote a paper called "Self Injury in Correctional Settings: 'Pathology' of Prisons or Prisoners?" Former professors said he had a keen interest in prison social work.

The AP also reported Kazmierczak briefly had a job as a prison guard in 2002 before then failing to show up for work.

He also told a friend that he was given a psychological discharge from the Army after six months in the service in 2001-2002, according to the AP.
Other than Dennis Hastert, ( notable alumni of NUI include:

Deirdre “Dee” Battaglia
Warden, Statesville Correctional Center
B.A., Sociology, '75

Battaglia is the first woman to head an all-male maximum-security prison in Illinois. As warden of the Statesville Correctional Center in Joliet, she oversees 3,000 inmates, 1,200 staffers and three satellite facilities. Previously, Battaglia served as assistant warden at Dwight Correctional Center, a downstate women's prison, and she spent 10 years working at Statesville as a casework supervisor before being promoted to Dwight.

Just FTR (for the record)

The problem is at first he is this model person, then because he does this shooting, there is suddenly all this dirt on him a mile long. Are we manufacturing some of this stuff? I saw one of those articles, and his grandfather who he spoke to like the day before said he sounded just fine, but more importantly he had not been aware that his grandson was on any medication.

I mean I knew the clean cut image that the papers reported the first day would not survive, anyone who does school shootings has to be bad, scary, mental, on medication, or off medication.

If this had not happened, he would have been writing papers for society, people would have been gobbling up his work, he would have been working as a prison guard in the system? What would he have done to the prisoners if he was such a monster?

Also on another forum someone mentioned that the post about him and the freaky things he use to do with his dog, was a post that had been edited the morning after he did the shooting. I checked out the post, I could not find an edited on this date, but someone did mention that the post had been changed.

I am just wondering if these people are trying to demonise him because he is that bad, or because anyone that does this stuff has to be made to look that bad one way or another?

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