The Living Force
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No cellphone? No BlackBerry? No e-mail? No way? (It's true.)
By Janet Kornblum, USA TODAYThu Jan 11, 7:12 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO - Joan Brady can't even count the number of computers that friends have foisted upon her over the years. Laptops. Desktops. Monitors. It's as if they can't help themselves, as if they just can't accept her for who she is: a woman who dares to live without a PC in the heart of Techtropolis.
"I just don't need it," says Brady, 52, a personal chef and party clown.
No, she doesn't e-mail. And, really, she does not need you to call her and read the latest e-mail joke to her. She knows what she's missing, and she's grateful for it every day.
Call Brady a "tech-no," a member of a dwindling - some might say occasionally oppressed - minority who are resisting the worldwide movement to be constantly connected. They're just saying no to the very technologies that increasingly are captivating most everybody else.
Some tech-no's shun e-mail. Others don't use the Web or, like Brady, don't even have a computer. Many avoid cellphones. In a few rare cases, people say no to just about all of it.
Even tech-loving teens and twentysomethings are starting to think twice. They might use the Internet (93% of American teens ages 12 to 17 do, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project), but a few are turning away from the same social networking sites with which their peers are obsessed.
By choice, Shane Bugeja, 16, of Columbus, Ohio, doesn't have a Facebook or MySpace page. "I don't find it interesting - having someone reading about you, and you don't know them," he says.
That makes him unusual; 55% of online kids (51% of all teens) ages 12 to 17 have a social networking site, says Pew, and 64% of online teens ages 15 to 17 have one.
"You are not alone if you don't have one of these profiles, but you are bucking a trend," says Amanda Lenhart of Pew.
"I haven't found anybody who's sort of like me," Bugeja says. "Doing what everyone else is doing is not necessarily an attractive thing."
It is unclear how many tech-no's there are, but they are becoming an endangered species in a nation in which 81% of adults 18 to 64 are Internet users and 78% use cellphones, according to Pew.
These are not people avoiding the latest technologies because of poverty, age or lack of education.
Tech-no's "are making a conscious decision to say no to certain things," says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University-Dominguez Hills and author of TechnoStress.
"It's not a snap decision. They usually have a good reason. And it's not that they're giving up everything. We're not going back to the Luddite era. These people are using (only) what they absolutely feel like they need."
They might even be a sign of what is to come.
"It is going to become very fashionable at some point to be disconnected," Silicon Valley futurist Paul Saffo predicts. "There are going to be people who wear their disconnectivity like a badge."
'Don't think I'm missing out'
Alan Moore, 53, a writer in Northampton, England, has no e-mail, no Web access, no cellphone. His PC is a "glorified typewriter."
He knows all about blogs and Google and MySpace; an imposter even put up a MySpace page in his name. He understands the convenience of cellphones and knows that people can have hundreds of channels on their TVs rather than his few broadcast ones.
Despite this, "I don't think I'm missing out."
Instead of Googling every question, he refers to books. Instead of toting a cellphone on a walk, he just walks. "Not being able to be phoned when I'm out: that is blissful," he says.
"We live in a culture where we are completely swamped with information. It's like some invisible fluid. I try to control the flow of information through my life."
David Levy, a professor in the Information School at the University of Washington in Seattle, also tries to control the flow. An observant Jew, he shuts everything down for the Sabbath from Friday at sundown to Saturday night.
He recommends disconnecting once in a while to others, too. "The contemplative dimension of my life is very important to me," he says.
But would he ever consider giving up the Net entirely? "Absolutely not, and I wouldn't want to," he says. "The Web is a fantastic tool."
But unplugging is getting harder for most people to do - even for a little while.
"I don't think you can be disconnected," says Jim Taylor, vice president of the Harrison Group, a marketing and strategic research consulting firm in Waterbury, Conn. It's just about impossible "if you are employed, if people depend on you, if your children are out in the world."
People who don't do e-mail increasingly miss all kinds of things, from family photo albums and special-interest discussion groups to party invitations; 125 million people got e-mail invitations via Evite in 2005 alone, the company says.
That doesn't bother Brady: "If they care whether I'm there or not, they can call me," she says.
Or send a letter - the kind with stamps.
People who never go on the Web also miss out on a growing facet of American culture, such as Google and blogs and Craigslist and YouTube; they can't shop online or find out more about their favorite TV characters.
They miss instant access to news and never see the viral videos everybody else is talking about and forwarding to their friends.
100% tech-no?
Even if they don't care much about popular culture, people without cellphones or e-mail or buddy lists miss out on a world in which friends and family increasingly can get in touch instantly, whether there's an emergency or they just want you to know they're thinking about you.
That's why these days, most tech-no's find it's nearly impossible to stay away 100%.
John Mashburn, 57, a lawyer from Columbus, Ohio, reads paper maps instead of Googling directions. He couldn't e-mail someone "if my life depended on it," he says. However, he has an office staff and a wife who will, if necessary, print out e-mails for him to read.
Even San Francisco chef Brady says she sometimes asks her roommate or 8-year-old niece to look up information online for her. One recent night she even spent three hours looking at YouTube videos on her roommate's laptop.
But being a tech-no can have a high social cost.
When Brady tells people she doesn't have e-mail, many "kind of look at me like I'm crazy," she says. "One (now ex-) friend got drunk and went on and on about how I was very arrogant, and it wasn't very attractive to be anti-computer - not even charming or funny anymore. I had to get with it. I looked like a stupid idiot. Like some kind of weird little barbarian."
When she told other friends about the outburst, they were sympathetic. With her critic.
"They said, 'Well, you know, he has a point. There's nothing to be proud of.' "
E-mails just not 'useful'
Kevin Kertes, 41, a music promoter from Woodland Hills, Calif., has a similar frustration: his brother Jeffrey, 38, a clinical psychologist in metropolitan Detroit.
Jeffrey Kertes has a PDA, a pager and a computer. But he only got an e-mail address six months ago after his brother and others hounded him for years. Still, he checks it only "every couple of weeks."
"I'm not opposed," he says, but "I don't find e-mails useful. I like talking to people. I like to hear their tone, their laugh. I can't get that from e-mail. The message is lost."
He does have a cellphone, but you generally can't reach him on it; he only turns it on when he needs to make a call.
"I've sent e-mails to him but have never got a response back," Kevin Kertes says. "It's frustrating. If I want to talk to him privately or there's an urgent matter, I have to go through his wife."
But as much as he complains, he acknowledges that his brother "is not at the mercy of it like we are. You can't leave your house without a cellphone. Hell freezes over. You freak out."
He also has a BlackBerry. "I check it all the time. But why? Nothing urgent ever comes over it."
Says the Harrison Group's Taylor: "The advantages in society of connectedness are astonishing. The difficulty is the inability of people to disconnect. Some become addicted to being gotten to; for most of us, it's a bit of a burden."
That's pretty much how Brady's roommate feels.
Mark Hawkins, 42, works for an Internet company, so he's connected nearly all the time. He says he really doesn't mind helping Brady; in fact, he admires her.
"I like technology, and I like being on top of all the new things that are happening," he says. "But there's a part of me that's like, 'Oh my gosh, get out of here.' I have a love-hate relationship with it, really.
"I think so many people feel that technology holds all these answers for us, and if you're not embracing it, you're somehow missing out on this key to life or something."
He's amused that people try to give Brady their hand-me-down technology: "It's like they're all lining up to give her access to this world that she has made a conscious decision to just not fall into."
Her attitude "keeps things real for me," he says.
"It's so easy to get caught up in all of it. It's refreshing to know that hey, you don't have to. You can make choices in life to, you know, do things however you want."
Copyright © 2007 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
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My Husband is a software engineer, and we can't be totally disconnected all the time. But neither one of us will carry a pager or a cell phone. We both use the internet for work, and email. But the line is drawn at anything else.
Like chef Brady, cited above, neither I or my spouse need to be wired to a gadget 24/7. We don't understand the need for it. We know people who can't live without cell phones, Ipods, handheld widgets galore. There is a kind of prejudice attached to refusing to be "Plugged in". My sister chalks it up to being "Irresponsible and childless."
I like to have a balance in my life, and while it might be silly, I wanted to share this article and let other forum readers know you arn't a freak if you refuse to be wired all the time.
Yahoo! News
No cellphone? No BlackBerry? No e-mail? No way? (It's true.)
By Janet Kornblum, USA TODAYThu Jan 11, 7:12 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO - Joan Brady can't even count the number of computers that friends have foisted upon her over the years. Laptops. Desktops. Monitors. It's as if they can't help themselves, as if they just can't accept her for who she is: a woman who dares to live without a PC in the heart of Techtropolis.
"I just don't need it," says Brady, 52, a personal chef and party clown.
No, she doesn't e-mail. And, really, she does not need you to call her and read the latest e-mail joke to her. She knows what she's missing, and she's grateful for it every day.
Call Brady a "tech-no," a member of a dwindling - some might say occasionally oppressed - minority who are resisting the worldwide movement to be constantly connected. They're just saying no to the very technologies that increasingly are captivating most everybody else.
Some tech-no's shun e-mail. Others don't use the Web or, like Brady, don't even have a computer. Many avoid cellphones. In a few rare cases, people say no to just about all of it.
Even tech-loving teens and twentysomethings are starting to think twice. They might use the Internet (93% of American teens ages 12 to 17 do, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project), but a few are turning away from the same social networking sites with which their peers are obsessed.
By choice, Shane Bugeja, 16, of Columbus, Ohio, doesn't have a Facebook or MySpace page. "I don't find it interesting - having someone reading about you, and you don't know them," he says.
That makes him unusual; 55% of online kids (51% of all teens) ages 12 to 17 have a social networking site, says Pew, and 64% of online teens ages 15 to 17 have one.
"You are not alone if you don't have one of these profiles, but you are bucking a trend," says Amanda Lenhart of Pew.
"I haven't found anybody who's sort of like me," Bugeja says. "Doing what everyone else is doing is not necessarily an attractive thing."
It is unclear how many tech-no's there are, but they are becoming an endangered species in a nation in which 81% of adults 18 to 64 are Internet users and 78% use cellphones, according to Pew.
These are not people avoiding the latest technologies because of poverty, age or lack of education.
Tech-no's "are making a conscious decision to say no to certain things," says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University-Dominguez Hills and author of TechnoStress.
"It's not a snap decision. They usually have a good reason. And it's not that they're giving up everything. We're not going back to the Luddite era. These people are using (only) what they absolutely feel like they need."
They might even be a sign of what is to come.
"It is going to become very fashionable at some point to be disconnected," Silicon Valley futurist Paul Saffo predicts. "There are going to be people who wear their disconnectivity like a badge."
'Don't think I'm missing out'
Alan Moore, 53, a writer in Northampton, England, has no e-mail, no Web access, no cellphone. His PC is a "glorified typewriter."
He knows all about blogs and Google and MySpace; an imposter even put up a MySpace page in his name. He understands the convenience of cellphones and knows that people can have hundreds of channels on their TVs rather than his few broadcast ones.
Despite this, "I don't think I'm missing out."
Instead of Googling every question, he refers to books. Instead of toting a cellphone on a walk, he just walks. "Not being able to be phoned when I'm out: that is blissful," he says.
"We live in a culture where we are completely swamped with information. It's like some invisible fluid. I try to control the flow of information through my life."
David Levy, a professor in the Information School at the University of Washington in Seattle, also tries to control the flow. An observant Jew, he shuts everything down for the Sabbath from Friday at sundown to Saturday night.
He recommends disconnecting once in a while to others, too. "The contemplative dimension of my life is very important to me," he says.
But would he ever consider giving up the Net entirely? "Absolutely not, and I wouldn't want to," he says. "The Web is a fantastic tool."
But unplugging is getting harder for most people to do - even for a little while.
"I don't think you can be disconnected," says Jim Taylor, vice president of the Harrison Group, a marketing and strategic research consulting firm in Waterbury, Conn. It's just about impossible "if you are employed, if people depend on you, if your children are out in the world."
People who don't do e-mail increasingly miss all kinds of things, from family photo albums and special-interest discussion groups to party invitations; 125 million people got e-mail invitations via Evite in 2005 alone, the company says.
That doesn't bother Brady: "If they care whether I'm there or not, they can call me," she says.
Or send a letter - the kind with stamps.
People who never go on the Web also miss out on a growing facet of American culture, such as Google and blogs and Craigslist and YouTube; they can't shop online or find out more about their favorite TV characters.
They miss instant access to news and never see the viral videos everybody else is talking about and forwarding to their friends.
100% tech-no?
Even if they don't care much about popular culture, people without cellphones or e-mail or buddy lists miss out on a world in which friends and family increasingly can get in touch instantly, whether there's an emergency or they just want you to know they're thinking about you.
That's why these days, most tech-no's find it's nearly impossible to stay away 100%.
John Mashburn, 57, a lawyer from Columbus, Ohio, reads paper maps instead of Googling directions. He couldn't e-mail someone "if my life depended on it," he says. However, he has an office staff and a wife who will, if necessary, print out e-mails for him to read.
Even San Francisco chef Brady says she sometimes asks her roommate or 8-year-old niece to look up information online for her. One recent night she even spent three hours looking at YouTube videos on her roommate's laptop.
But being a tech-no can have a high social cost.
When Brady tells people she doesn't have e-mail, many "kind of look at me like I'm crazy," she says. "One (now ex-) friend got drunk and went on and on about how I was very arrogant, and it wasn't very attractive to be anti-computer - not even charming or funny anymore. I had to get with it. I looked like a stupid idiot. Like some kind of weird little barbarian."
When she told other friends about the outburst, they were sympathetic. With her critic.
"They said, 'Well, you know, he has a point. There's nothing to be proud of.' "
E-mails just not 'useful'
Kevin Kertes, 41, a music promoter from Woodland Hills, Calif., has a similar frustration: his brother Jeffrey, 38, a clinical psychologist in metropolitan Detroit.
Jeffrey Kertes has a PDA, a pager and a computer. But he only got an e-mail address six months ago after his brother and others hounded him for years. Still, he checks it only "every couple of weeks."
"I'm not opposed," he says, but "I don't find e-mails useful. I like talking to people. I like to hear their tone, their laugh. I can't get that from e-mail. The message is lost."
He does have a cellphone, but you generally can't reach him on it; he only turns it on when he needs to make a call.
"I've sent e-mails to him but have never got a response back," Kevin Kertes says. "It's frustrating. If I want to talk to him privately or there's an urgent matter, I have to go through his wife."
But as much as he complains, he acknowledges that his brother "is not at the mercy of it like we are. You can't leave your house without a cellphone. Hell freezes over. You freak out."
He also has a BlackBerry. "I check it all the time. But why? Nothing urgent ever comes over it."
Says the Harrison Group's Taylor: "The advantages in society of connectedness are astonishing. The difficulty is the inability of people to disconnect. Some become addicted to being gotten to; for most of us, it's a bit of a burden."
That's pretty much how Brady's roommate feels.
Mark Hawkins, 42, works for an Internet company, so he's connected nearly all the time. He says he really doesn't mind helping Brady; in fact, he admires her.
"I like technology, and I like being on top of all the new things that are happening," he says. "But there's a part of me that's like, 'Oh my gosh, get out of here.' I have a love-hate relationship with it, really.
"I think so many people feel that technology holds all these answers for us, and if you're not embracing it, you're somehow missing out on this key to life or something."
He's amused that people try to give Brady their hand-me-down technology: "It's like they're all lining up to give her access to this world that she has made a conscious decision to just not fall into."
Her attitude "keeps things real for me," he says.
"It's so easy to get caught up in all of it. It's refreshing to know that hey, you don't have to. You can make choices in life to, you know, do things however you want."
Copyright © 2007 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
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My Husband is a software engineer, and we can't be totally disconnected all the time. But neither one of us will carry a pager or a cell phone. We both use the internet for work, and email. But the line is drawn at anything else.
Like chef Brady, cited above, neither I or my spouse need to be wired to a gadget 24/7. We don't understand the need for it. We know people who can't live without cell phones, Ipods, handheld widgets galore. There is a kind of prejudice attached to refusing to be "Plugged in". My sister chalks it up to being "Irresponsible and childless."
I like to have a balance in my life, and while it might be silly, I wanted to share this article and let other forum readers know you arn't a freak if you refuse to be wired all the time.