unusual dream experiences


Dagobah Resident
I have been having an unusual dream experience (outside my normal pattern), which last night happened for the 3rd time. In each instance, these dreams take place within 30 min from the time I fall asleep at night, and in each instance I wake up immediately and remember the dream. It is very unusual for me to wake up so soon after falling asleep, and I usually sleep through the night. Typically, I only remember the last dreams I have before waking in the morning.
It is my custom to sit quietly and do pipe breathing and then a short meditation (15 min or so) before getting into bed, using POTS like a mantra. Usually I keep the POTS going while I fall asleep.
The first time this happened about 2 weeks ago, I dreamt I was in a big house where Laura and many other people were busy doing things. There was quite a bit of activity, and a young man was showing me around and introducing me to people. Everyone was busy doing their various tasks, but each took time to greet me. Even though there was much activity, there was no stress. Everyone was very calm. My host & I eventually made our way over to where Laura was sitting and he introduced us. She was very kind and gracious. What was really strange about this was that I kept having trouble standing up straight. It was very perplexing. In the midst of interactions with people, I would start to lose control of my body and start to fall over. It was entirely involuntary. I expected someone to make some sort of comment or ask what was the matter, but no one thought it was unusual or made any remark. As soon as the interaction with Laura was over, I woke up.
The second time, I was again in some kind of house or series of rooms. This time there was no host or guide, but everyone in the place was a member of this forum. I went around introducing myself and some came up and introduced themselves to me. It seemed the whole purpose of the action in this dream was for all of us to meet each other. I only remember the last person I met (Bud) as he and I discovered we had some common interest which neither of us had been aware of and were talking about it when I woke up.
The third time, last night, I was again in a big house with Laura and many people, some of whom I remembered from the first dream. Again, a young man was guiding me around, but this time he was familiarizing me with what to do, as I was joining in with the work everyone was doing. Just like before, there were many people, all focused on their various tasks, except this time there were also many children all around. Not infants, but maybe 3- 5 year olds. All the adults were tending to the children while they did their work, but the children were all very calm and content and not requiring much attention. Like before, I was having brief interactions with various people, but this time it was centered on orienting me to the tasks I was going to be doing as part of the overall work being done. This time I had no problems keeping my balance or having loss of control over my body, but when I tried to speak, my mouth felt partially paralyzed and it felt like my words were garbled and wouldn't come out right. No one had any trouble understanding me, though, and no one made any comment. Laura was sitting at a desk doing something at a computer, and each time I passed by her she said some friendly thing to me. Eventually I was shown to a computer and a desk and I sat down to begin working on my task. Just as I was getting settled in, I noticed a little girl who had come and sat down next to me. She looked by size and dress to be maybe 4 or 5 years old. I greeted her and said 'How old are you, sweetie?' She paused and then said 'I'm not supposed to answer if anyone asks me that question' in a little girl voice, somewhat apologetically. I smiled at her and told her that it was ok with me if she didn't tell me. I briefly looked away, and when I looked back at the little girl, she had the face of a very old woman. I was quite surprised at the change, but didn't really show it. She then said, still in her little girl voice 'You're not like most people. You didn't get upset at me when I wouldn't answer your question.' And then boom- I woke up.
Hi thevenusian
I'm wondering if this should be merged with the E-E thread?
fwiw I had a whole series of dreams almost exactly the same as you described about a month or so ago (which I think I posted on the E-E thread)...the only difference was that in my dreams everyone was mostly stressed (it coincided with the week Bob and Sue where there), and I mostly only observed rather than joined in.
My dreams where also nearer the morning than just after falling asleep.

Recently however (a few days ago) I've started having them again....except they seem different. Less house and more open/outside of the house. Also less of the group in one go. I recognised a few people, and in at least one of the dreams I was talking with Joe and Anna. Faces in dreams seem to be getting clearer and clearer, and at one point Anna came into really clear focus. She had her hair back and was sat on a small sofa (possibly made of wicker), waring what appeared to be a green and white either flowery or swirly patterned poncho. I was taken back by how clear every became and woke up. For some reason I've had Joe and Anna on my mind since then....pretty weird considering I don't actually know them.
Thinking about it, this may well have been just after doing the POTS before sleep. So yes, I think I can say I'm having a very similar thing happen to you.

As to the little girl becoming old, that reminds me of a dream I had way before finding sott etc. In part of the dream I was stood by a window (third or forth floor of a building) holding a key and watching a women in a white dress riding a horse at speed in a field. She noticed me and came rushing up to the building and flew up the wall....her appearance changing from young to old several times. She hovered at the window and stared at me with yellow slitted eyes (I'll never forget those, I was quite identified with dragon archetypes at the time, so they looked like dragon eyes to me). I handed her a key through the window and she left.

I had a follow up dream involving finding a very old church in the grounds of the house I was stood in...and met her again outside. She said that I had found the way, and it was up to me to find her now. The religious/church flavour confused me at the time.
After finding the C's I took that to be more of a negative dream than anything else....mostly because of the eyes.

But the context of yours seems quite positive.....so I'm not sure what to think about that part. Perhaps that was your essence?
Thank you for your insight, RedFox. It is very interesting to hear of your similar experience. I must confess that these events have kind of excited and intrigued me, like perhaps they are indicators of progress in cleaning myself out. So last night I doubled my effort and did extra pipe breathing and really settled into a calm, centered space while falling asleep. Once again, I had a dream almost immediately.
This time, I was sitting in a chair watching our littlest dog play on the floor. Suddenly, from across the room in a doorway leading to outside, a young woman appeared with a hose and a spray nozzle and promptly shot a blast of very cold water across the room and directly into my face. I was shocked, to say the least, and soaking wet. I got up and followed the girl to a little cottage where she and 3 other women were busy making things. In my most offended manner I explained what had happened and demanded that the girl come back and clean up the water. The 3 older women agreed and claimed to have had no idea that the girl would ever do such a thing. I took the girl by the arm and walked back toward the first scene. As I approached the house, I asked the girl whatever had prompted her to do such an outrageous thing. She said they all had decided it would be a good idea- and I woke up.
I do understand that these experiences are all for me, and I don't plan on keeping a steady stream of reports about them coming, but I thought this made for a good addition to the first report. I am heartened to know that my inner self has, in addition to far more wisdom than my thinking mind, a sense of humor.

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