Unusual Lightning Where You Are?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
SOTT's been reporting an increase in lightning strikes recently, generally getting several people at once. Here's a source by state for the US: http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/fatalities.htm. According to this site, 21 US deaths by lightning to-date for 2012.

Anyone else noticing unusual lightning strikes where you live?
Yes, 7 people struck by lightning in France within the past 2 days:

Bodacious, is the word that comes to mind to describe them now.

About 2 days ago, the people who live next door had a few guests over, a storm was rolling in and they were talking about the weather, they were talking about the differences in their various locales and when it came the this locale, the guy said "it sounds like someone's dropping bombs," that is a direct quote. ;)
Well, today lightnings were pretty intense, more than usual, each one was powerful more than usual.
Just doing a quick google returns quite a few mass deaths by lightning for july and august; 3 laides killed on a golfcourse in Germany, Family of 4 killed in Poland and 13 killed in a make do mosque in Bangladesh. The strikes must be more charged these days, more than 1 casualty per strike has been rare up untill now, to my knowledge.
There was a very strange lightning storm 3 nights ago, here in Cincinnati. I noticed the bolts struck both vertically and horizontally, and forked out to a dozen or more endpoints, unlike usual lightning for this area. That was the noteworthy part that I and others witnessed - the excessive forking. Perhaps it is a particular system moving about?
Let's collect links and stories. I'm with parallel, it seems to me there are more multiple deaths happening and that strikes me as odd. Do you have links to those, parallel?
3 killed by lightning in Crimea

Lightning kills 3 women on German golf course

Polish hikers killed by lightning strike in Pieniny mountains

Lightning Kills 13 Outside Bangladesh Mosque

4 killed in lightning in UP (India)
Here's one from Japan, just posted on SoTT:


The pictures sure looks like a "pillar of light."
We had weird lightning storm 2 weeks ago. There was no rain and lightnings were somehow different then ''usual'' lightnings.

Also for first time in a long time I was actually afraid of being outside during the lightning storm. It was almost instinctive feeling, I think, so I went inside.

The other day, I read in the news that lightning started wildfire in the place that is located 7 km away.

And incidentally, there were 3-4 other fires in the 15 kilometers range, the next day.
In just read (looking this subject at the news) that two firemen died during a fire and the title or the news says: "A kind of lighting surrounded the two firemen that died". But they don't inquire about the lighting. Supposedly this lighting provoked a big combustion where the two man were unable to escaped.

The lightening has been worse here in southeastern u.s. as well. However, it is the thunder that I find stranger. It sounds more shallow, like somebody rattling a tin pie pan, rather than a deep boom.
In the 22 July 2012 transcript :

Q: (L) So water coming up, gas coming out, we've got land sinking in, overhead cometary explosions... (Ailen) Earthquakes, volcanoes... (Belibaste) Crazy weather. (L) Oh, what about these kids that were killed in two separate incidents, one in Missouri and one in Tennessee, on the same day by an unknown source of electricity in the water?

A: Oh! Gosh! Did we forget to mention electric charge enhancing man made sources or even acting without guides?

Q: (L) What's a guide? Wire? I guess "guides" is a wire...

A: Yes.

Perhaps some of the 'strange' lightning occurances are also unguided electrical discharges?

Also the 21 June 1997 Session, a comment in this thread : I wonder if any of the people being struck are becoming 'enlightened' ... just an interesting thought!

Biomiast said:
Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the 'Shepherd.' All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the 'shepherd,' or the 'Shepherd King.'

A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"

It is interesting that in the same session C's point out the staff of a Shepherd, first connecting it to "enlightenment" then on Rhineland clue. So, I wonder what is the symbolism here. They say due to staff shepherd is most likely to struck by a lightning, which might indicate a connection with higher realms that makes one enlightened?

Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland as in Germany proper?

A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who is to tell?

Q: Who?

A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures.
I haven't actually noticed that the lightning is much different but the thunder has really been odd. :)

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