Unusual sighting


A Disturbance in the Force

The link is to a (poorly done) gif that depicts the way a silver sphere disappeared that I witnessed above my hometown in Wisconsin in the Spring of '98. It was not a weather or hot air balloon. I grew up an Air Force brat, and also served from '78 to '82, and have always been able to identify planes, balloons and dirigibles. This was a silent, still sphere. I have researched but have never seen or heard of a UFO disappearing in this manner. The shape of the 'sections' as they disappeared were more uniform than depicted in the image. They disappeared instantly, each disappearance taking place approx. 1.5 seconds apart, evenly, as though to a metronome.

If anyone has seen a UFO disappear in this fashion before or even heard of it, please let me know. I reported this several times to UFO reporting sites but to my knowledge it was never included in their data.


  • [gickr.com]_d22babf4-e84d-74e4-29f2-7be7449b37fd.gif
    26.2 KB · Views: 56
strevane said:

The link is to a (poorly done) gif that depicts the way a silver sphere disappeared that I witnessed above my hometown in Wisconsin in the Spring of '98. It was not a weather or hot air balloon. I grew up an Air Force brat, and also served from '78 to '82, and have always been able to identify planes, balloons and dirigibles. This was a silent, still sphere. I have researched but have never seen or heard of a UFO disappearing in this manner. The shape of the 'sections' as they disappeared were more uniform than depicted in the image. They disappeared instantly, each disappearance taking place approx. 1.5 seconds apart, evenly, as though to a metronome.

If anyone has seen a UFO disappear in this fashion before or even heard of it, please let me know. I reported this several times to UFO reporting sites but to my knowledge it was never included in their data.

Couldn't see the video as Firefox judge it dangerous and a malware.
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