FREMONT: Falling hunk of ice damages roof of East Bay home
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Another recent report from the US with video -
Falling ice puts hole in roof
EDGEWOOD, Wash., June 14 (UPI) -- A Washington state man said he does not know the origins of the giant ice chunk that crashed though his roof and into his home.
Sam Edmon of Edgewood said he was in bed at 11 p.m. June 4 when he heard a noise that sounded like an explosion, The Seattle Post Intelligencer reported Thursday.
Edmon said he investigated the next morning and found a hole in his roof surrounded by wet insulation and chunks of ice.
The homeowner said he suspected the ice came off the wing of a plane, but the Federal Aviation Administration told him there were no planes over his house at the time of the incident.
Edmond, who said a piece of airplane engine landed in his back yard in 1984, said the repair bill from the ice crash was just under $1,000.