US Inequality Now Literally Off the Chart


The Living Force
One more for the "ongoing immiseration of the North American populace" file:


Among the world’s major nations, documents the UN agency dedicated to labor matters, only one currently has a level of inequality both high and rising.
It is well known that the level of income inequality stretches much higher in the United States than in the other developed countries of Europe and North America. Now a report from the International Labour Organization shows that U.S. inequality has literally gone off the chart.
Income inequality in the United States is soaring so high, in fact, that the authors of the ILO’s new 2013 World of Work report couldn’t even place the United States on the same graph with the other 25 developed countries their new study examines.


The ILO report places the US Gini coefficient at 47.7, or almost half way toward the extreme where one rich household gets everything and everyone else gets nothing.
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