US police seen in kicking video


Jedi Master
Outrageous and sick beyond belief. This is the only way I can describe the video I have just seen of three suspects in the US being dragged from their car, held on the ground and beaten with fists, kicked all over, and hit with what looks like a golf club. What a brave bunch of footsoldiers they are when they can pin a man to the ground and it takes no less than four police per person to beat them while they lie defenseless. I don't really know what else to say, Im just lost for words.

US police are investigating a video showing a group of officers in Philadelphia apparently pulling three suspects out of a car and beating them.

The incident was filmed by a TV helicopter overhead. The officers were responding to reports of a shooting nearby, police said.

Members of the force are said to have been put on edge by the killing of an officer on Saturday during a robbery.

The officer was the third killed on duty in the city in the last two years.

"On the surface it certainly does not look good in terms of the amount of force that was used," Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey admitted, after seeing the video.

"But we don't want to rush to judgement."

It was not clear what preceded the confrontation.

Attorney D Scott Perrine, who represents the three men seen in the video, called the police actions unjustified.

He said police told him all three men would be charged with aggravated assault.
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