USA needs more cattle?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I am sure you all heard of US Green Card Visa Lottery. This is a government program that has been going on for at least 15 years now, and every year 55000 green cards are granted to people form all over the world.
This is not a scam, at the begining odf 90-ies application forms were distributed through american embasies, I know people who actually emigrated to US after winning green card this way.

Now what is up with this?
It does seem very contradictive that country which has so many illegal immigrants and related problems instead of legalizing those continues to import new imigrants.

Or is this about diverse genetic material?
(One of the rules of this lottery is that only certain countries can participate, some countries like china for example are excluded- reason being given - too many chinese nationals already in USA)

My colleague at work today got spam mail claiming to win him 1000$ vaucher with UnitedAirlines, he followed the link and was taken to green card lottery page where he was required to fill in the form and promised in case he wins he will get a free airline ticket for one way trip.

being greedy and gullible as he is he duly filled the form.
But the story doesnt end there. Not even 15 minutes passed after he has submitted the form and his mobile phone rings. The number is wierd- 122333 (as far as I know numbers form USA start with 13 ).
Someone called to make sure that he is genuinely interested in living and working in USA.

Since he really filled the form hoping for free ride to USA and the lady ( with funny accent - not american at all) on the other side adopted gestapo investigating stance, my colleage freaked out and just declined the whole thing.
She sounded very angry he says.

Now I find this very strange.
I am sure there are so many desperate people in the world who would jump on the first opportunity for life in USA. So, why would anybody waste time and money on long distance phonecalls just to convince people to participate in this program.

Is it just me or the whole thing has similar feel as if someone would offer free tickets for trip to Aushwitz?!
Since you mentioned strange phone numbers...

For about a year, and ending about five months ago, the phone would ring and we would answer the phone and there would be no one there. No sound, nothing. And the phone numbers were wierd. On the caller ID some were 000-000-0000, or 000-999-9999. We recieved these calls at least 4 to 5 times a week. We tried calling the numbers a couple of times to see where it led, but we always got a recording that this number was no longer in service. We eventually just quit answering it. How could it not be in service when they had just called seconds before? We eventually stopped answereing the phone and the calls eventually stopped.

I know it made me wonder, because we read about how people are programed and their programs can be initiated through something as simple as a phone call. But again there was no sound on the other end of the line. So I really don't know what it was.

I would think maybe it was phone line work and they were checking the lines, but I don't think the numbers would show up like that and I know it would not go on for as long and as often as it did.

I have seen a french forum where a lot of people denouced a swindle with the Green Card lottery made by societies which contact people with spam mail and call them. They ask money and threaten them - even if they don't want to participate to the lottery- and when you want to call them, it's impossible, nobody answer.
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