Valuing your time more than money is linked to happiness

Shared Joy

Jedi Council Member
Maybe we need more of these kind of articles to remind us that conscious choice of priorities can make the difference - loving what you do and being able to do what to love !


If people want to focus more on their time and less on money in their lives, they could take some actions to help shift their perspective, such as working slightly fewer hours, paying someone to do disliked chores like cleaning the house, or volunteering with a charity. While some options might be available only for people with disposable income, even small changes could make a big difference, Whillans said.

I definitely prefer to have quality time over fretting about having more money - it makes me stay open to new approaches in various walks of life, stress doesn't seem to have such an effect on me, I become more detached from emotional-fear drives choices. I can feel gratitude. I am more open to communicate, socialize. I feel more energy afterwards to tackle even unpleasant or hard tasks. And, surprise, surprise...even more opportunities for making money would appear down the road! ;)
I agree, Shared Jothers. And it's sort of intuitive however, as was mentioned by a caller on Saturday's Truth Perspective episode, many overwork just to get by as options may be limited to start out. Small changes can accumulate and bring about changes and returns that help you prioritize over time.

Worth sharing OSIT; thank you :)
Whoops... predictive text and now I cannot modify that last post.

Ergo, edit: Shared Joy*
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