Very disturbing dream I feel I should share


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi everyone, I awoke at 4:30 this morning sweating and full of fear, and even cried a little in my extremely heightened emotional state.
Now the funny thing is, now that I've been back to sleep and don't feel those emotions anymore, I'm wondering if I'm just being silly and maybe I don't need to share it. However back at 4:30 when I was noting it down I felt it was deeply prophetic and needed to be networked about. I'm going to go ahead and post it just in case there is something I'm missing.

The furthest back in the dream that I can remember is having my close friend (C) and her boyfriend (A) around. It becomes apparent that we are in a house owned by my father's girlfriend (I haven't spoken to him for about 3 months). A is treating C very badly all night and he eventually goes home, leaving us to talk. I mention that he is doing to her exactly what I did to my ex-girlfriend a year ago (getting bored, sabotage the relationship). I don't know if any of this is relevant to what happens next but it's just what I remember.

There is a blurry part here. The next thing I remember is more of my friends being around, and we are sat with the doors and windows open on a warm evening. For some reason I am extremely paranoid, and make everyone close all the windows and doors. People leave and it's just me and C again. Now my dad comes down the stairs, drunk and far more unstable than ever. I can't remember how an argument started (though inevitably it did) but next thing I know he is shouting at C, becoming more and more threatening and eventually grabs her.

Now C is 5'1 and weighs about 100 pounds, as well as being one of the nicest people I have ever met and a very close personal friend. So if a strong, heavy psychotic man was screaming at her and threatening her physically, you can bet I would've used any means necessary to drop him.. Yet the disturbing part is in my dream I didn't! I just tried to reason with him, even though I fully understood that he was threatening the life of my friend! The end result was that he got tired and didn't properly hurt her, although no thanks to me.. Is this something I should really think about? It seems very important.

Now here's where it gets really weird. I'm outside in the garden and there is a big box of spiders in the middle (I really, really don't like spiders). I realise that I am dreaming, and try to wake myself up. I suddenly see myself sleeping from above, and a voice explains and gives me a vision about this horrible parasitic life form. I don't remember his words but It was absolutely disgusting.

Then I wake up, and this slimy cylindrical life form, about 30cm long and 10cm in diameter, with many eyes, jaws, and spikes coming off of its body is IN MY BED. It has 2 long tubes connected to my body, one just left of my bellybutton and one down my urethra (just imagine.. i still feel like I'm going to feint now). In my absolute horror I pulled both tubes out of me, picked this thing up and ran into the living room where I met my friend's mother.
I show it to her, and the horribly slimy liquid leaking out of the wound on my stomach (I remember how this felt even now.. ugh) and she doesn't seem phased by it.. "just get some rest". I'm like, "are you f****ng kidding me look at this thing!" but she doesn't seem to care and then this 50+ year old woman asks me if I want a threesome? (what?????) [I'm not sure if this end part has any relevance but just included it for completeness]

At this point the weirdness level was just through the roof and it woke me up in my own bed deeply thankful for being alive and without horrible alien parasites on me. The whole dream just seems to convey a message of people/things invading my life, and me being helpless to stop them. Could this dream be prophetic? Or maybe just my emotions running wild after doing EE yesterday?
It is certainly the most chilling dream I have had in a long long time.
That's pretty disturbing! It does sound like you're processing not only lack of control (or lack of action) but parasitic relationships or parasitic entities in your life. Processing is a good thing, even though it can be rather shocking. I'd suggest that you do some basic analysis of each of the characters/events in the dream and see if you can map them directly to your waking life. Pay attention to symbolic connections or representations more than literal ones. You might come up with some interesting insights...
anart said:
That's pretty disturbing! It does sound like you're processing not only lack of control (or lack of action) but parasitic relationships or parasitic entities in your life. Processing is a good thing, even though it can be rather shocking. I'd suggest that you do some basic analysis of each of the characters/events in the dream and see if you can map them directly to your waking life. Pay attention to symbolic connections or representations more than literal ones. You might come up with some interesting insights...

I have been trying to do that so far, with difficulty however as there are always many possible interpretations of things as abstract as dreams. I will be vigilant throughout my days to try and see how this applies to my life.

The lack of control/lack of action has been something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I've spent the last few months simply gathering knowledge and making changes to my personal life, but I have a constant sense of feeling that I'm just not doing enough. I've started applying for volunteering positions (as the job market for students is horrendous here) but that is probably partly due to narcissism and not just a genuine desire to do good. But I constantly feel blocked somehow. People don't return my calls and emails, I've not made any new friends in a while, and generally my physical life just seems to feel stagnant. In terms of gathering knowledge I progress every day, but I feel I don't get real chances to apply this knowledge (though my life has improved drastically since discovering the work, it's only in the last few weeks that things have slowed down).

In my prayer last night I asked for opportunities to get out there and be of service to others, and have been trying my best to practice non-anticipation about such things. However I suspect that I still have lessons to learn in the current state of play, and this dream seems to be a sign that I better learn them fast or bad things will happen.. time will tell i guess. For now I will just try to remember myself and consider others in my day to day life.
The answer will come to you. Those type of dreams are heavy in content.
My first impression is that of abduction attempt, but the key is that you resisted, exercising your Free Will.
RobertB said:
The answer will come to you. Those type of dreams are heavy in content.
My first impression is that of abduction attempt, but the key is that you resisted, exercising your Free Will.

Hi Robert, I don't see any reason to think this was an abduction attempt. Dreams do occur naturally - not everything is more than what it is. I've noticed that you tend to lean toward exotic explanations of things, so that might be worth examining, since it tends to be a waste of energy.
"I've noticed that you tend to lean toward exotic explanations of things, so that might be worth examining, since it tends to be a waste of energy."

As you wish.

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