very disturbing dreams


The Force is Strong With This One
I had two very disturbing dreams this week.
Both are taking place in the neighbourhood where I used to live as a child.

The first dream :
I am in de garden of the house I was born. I hear something in the sky and when I look I notice the sky filled with birdlike flying beings. I suddenly feel very aware end scared. I knew it is the end-time.
(since I was young I used to dream more often about being lucid in a dream and looking up in de the sky and see UFO’s. Sometimes is the whole sky filled with dark flying UFO’s who come to take over earth, very very scary and an image then will enver leav e me again)
One of those strange flying beings comes to me ande notices me. I have never seen something so strange as this being. It looks more like a sort of energy, but then looking somehow physical. The first thing I think of that it looks like the machines in the movie “The Martix. I feel how it observes me. Am scared and know(think) that I am the prey and t the predator. I feel so intense and how my live depends upon everything now.
I try to hide behind a bush, but this thing knows exactly where I am. I want to try to kill it and start to fight.

The second dream :
I am in the garden and there is a helicopter in the sky, quite close above the house. I am very aware and have intense feeling. I hide (out of fear) and cannot see the helicopter. I am scared (the same fear as in dreams when I see a UFO). My father is in the garden, but I notice that he is not my father, he just appears to try to look like him. He tries to comfort me and tells me that everything is oke.
Then he warns me for parts of the helicopter how are falling down, cause the enemy has shot the helicopter out of the sky. I jump when things fall down, but the things that fall remind me of a trailer not a helicopter. When I look from out of my shelter, I still see the helicopter, it hangs very strange in the sky, almost upside down.
The a strange object is coming down and lands into the garden. It looks like a star-gate. A voice speaks and explains that this gate will transport me to a military basis that is in orbit around the planet. It all feels so very intense and I am feeling that I fear for my live. I don’t trust them and don’t know what to do. Who is the real enemy? Why would they want to transport me and why would I want to be transported. This cannot be right.
The person who looks like my father is staring at me as if he tries to see what is going on inside me. He wants to convince me to come with them.
The I just decide to run away. But 2 beings follow me. One takes a wring turn, the other shouts that I am going the other way. A hide behind a bush and when the enemy comes I kick it very hard, so that the being flies high through he sky, and I again begin to run as if my life depend upon it. I am so very scared.
I a garden I find other people and I warn them for who is following me.

And a deferent dream the same night, about an elevator. With a few people we are in an elevator who is going up. Faster and faster, I get scared, this is not good. It goes so fast and high that it turn into light.

When I woke up this morning after dream 2 I felt so strange and intense. I have this kind of dreams more often and it takes several days to deal with all the emotions.
Maybe someone can give me a clue, what I could do next time they come? Is running away the best option. Or are there other ways to deal with them and make them disappear? I dream this more often and have been thinking a lot about what I should do, but I do not know. I hope to be able to find the clue, so that they will not come and bother me again.

And those dream, are they just derams, or are there really beings from an other dimension involved?

Little Star Orion
My Cousin, Scootie use to have recurring nitemares.

She had these nitemares for almost 19years-!

Our Grandma, listened to this tragedy- almost daily, ( i was there some days), Grama, told her to tell the monster "God Bless You!"!
In our dreams, you have to make a stand,
Granma said-"You have got to turn around and Face what ever is chasing you! -"then bless it"- there is no reason to lose your sleep, sweetie."

Scootie came down for breakfast a few days later and she said morning and she had a whole new look on her face. Granma asked her, "Cathy? are you OK?-

Cathy (Scootie), said, "The same monster in the same dream, has been chasing me for a long time! Tonite, He was chasing me even faster so then, I turned around and told the monster, "God Bless You!"
And the Monster turned into a regular man, and said thank you, "Thank you so much! I have been looking for someone to free from this nitemare, thank you so very much.!"

My Cousin Cathy has not ever suffered a nitemare since that day. Some times you gotta tell your dream-mates, to bring it!
Bring it on~!

Mostly you will know, how to handle dream-time!

*its real life that sucks*
Hi Sandra,
what date did you have those dreams? I also had dreams one night this week of machines filling the sky (an invasion) and helicopters flying above and landing on the ground where I grew up. Hmm let me see, it was morning of 27th...

It was more real then "real life". I woke up quite disorientated.

As far as what is right or wrong I don't think there is a right or wrong response. It's not a matter of not being bothered by them. Maybe you need to be bothered. What can you learn from it? Some say to turn around and face the things that chase you, they may not look so scary. Sometimes this works for me, sometimes not. Only you can interpret your dreams, and maybe it is just a learning experience.

Some dreams are more brutal than anything you could imagine, and other dreams - physical reality could never be so sweet. They can bring out the entire spectrum of human emotion. Seth says some dreams shock us in order to bring about necessary changes in the body if we are not making changes in waking life. If you are being chased you could ask yourself "Is there something I am not dealing with in waking life?"

Whether the characters in you dream are more then just a dream I have no idea. What is 'just a dream' anyway?

Jeff. :)
I also had a dream one night last week of a sky being filled with UFO's. I remember seeing them and saying in a nonchalant manner "Well there they are." They were flying around all over the place "shooting" some type of laser beam at people.
In the last 2 months I also had dreams about UFOs (maybe 2 or 3 times) and the last one had been yesterday, were I woke up frightengly in the morning.
The main essence of these dreams are, that I'm afraid and feeling very discomfortable about these UFO's.
I also had my first (and only) UFO dream last October (a day or two before that 14 October 'first contact' rumour). I know I dreamt about it because we were discussing it and joking about it at the office.

I also 'knew' in the dream that they were not benevolent and the dream ended with me in a panic hiding in the house with a helicopter hovering low above the lawn shining a spotlight into the house.

I woke up with my heart racing a lay awake long afterwards.
My first alien (and so far only ) dream happened last week or so.

They were taking over. The skies have become giant fluid TV screens and their messages of peace and salvation of human race were continuously broadcasted. Most of the people completely mesmerized by this, including my own family and I couldnt do anything to wake them up. Joyful and in some sort of ecstasy they were just laughing at my panic attempts to tell them that something wicked is going to come out of this. I was rushing through the streets in complete horror after I have become aware that they know about me and they were after me, not just me but all those who knew their real motives.
Then all of the sudden I am about to cross northern sea (very cold and almost frozen) in a flimsy little airplane attempting to reach Iceland. Dont know why, all I remeber is that not just mine but also lives of others depended on it.
Woke up very disturbed and worried.
I've had dreams similar to these since about the age of 4 (over 25 years ago), way before I had a concept of what 'UFOs' where, I would dream of coming storms with coloured lights in the sky. At first I'd watch the lights on the horizon from my garden in the dreams (they start like stars, then move), with complete fascination. Then they would draw closer and I would be struck by great fear. The sky would darken, and the sky would fill with coloured lights.
I would always run in fear of my life for the house (where if I did make it the doors/windows would 'fail' to keep anything out/close properly).

These dreams went on for years and years, not always with lights/UFOs/helicopters/machines in the sky/garden, but always with the fear.

As to what causes those dreams, I have speculated on this a lot but have come to conclude that as I am asleep/dreaming that this may be relatively irrelevant as there is not much one can do while your not conscious you have a choice other than to react to great fear.

What has been of the greatest help is coming here and learning and understanding first the material here, then more about myself.
My nightmares where on the way out before finding my way here to some extent (I'd been working to understand more about my own psychology before coming here).
The 'running from the thing causing the fear' has all but ended as my understanding has grown.
The level of fear in my dreams has dropped dramatically too.

After reading the What to do when you realise you're lucid dreaming along with a lot of the Wave series and other material on the site I realised that the key to these sort of dreams is not the dream itself. Because of the great fear in the dream, you become attached to the dream and dreaming, where you cannot change anything.
You 'identify' with the dream/dreaming state. I've spent years obsessing about my dreams, with not real change at all as a result.
The key is not too identify with the dream, and to find the answer whilst awake. Take a step back from both the dream and the fear from the dream.
A lot of your energy gets tied up in the intense fear from those sort of dreams. So you need to untangle it from them.

Reading through the Recommended Books, especially the psychology ones, I've noticed a distinct change in my dreams and nightmares. There is alot less fear.

Hopefully this may be of help to you all.

I've not had any of these sort of dreams for a while now, and it will be interesting to see what my reactions are should I have another one again! This time, no fear! :)
Reminds me of the one and only "UFO dream" I remember having, perhaps one to a few weeks ago. Given that this thread seems to have become a place to post them in general, here I go with what I remember:

Earlier in the dream - which had a vastly more complicated and extensive plot than I remember the last parts of - I'd somehow seen a "movie" of some sort where in the near future, a certain kind of UFO would appear and the future was discussed. And then, a bit further on, it happened. Me and my mom saw it a few streets away, a large thing in the air with a large yellow circle light, that fired some sort of beam at one or more buildings and brought them down. I was worrying that "they" might know that I know and that I might be vulnerable being so near in the open, but if we were seen seeing it, there was no reaction, and we got away having seen it (and perhaps another? do not remember the dream in enough detail to know, and didn't write it down until now).

Having seen it, I vaguely knew that the time had come, and societal change was coming, and that there would be a new obligatory religion, as had been mentioned in the movie-message I'd somehow seen. Out of a little pile of yellow clay, I made the "religious symbol" (two yellow circles: oo) and put it up on the wall so that if "they" would visit, we would be alright, believed to be followers. Then, my mother suddenly destroyed the "symbol" put up to fool eventual enforcers and declared upon speaking to her that she had just come to believe (in a "fundamental" way) in Jesus and no longer could believe any of this, not even what she'd seen herself. (very unlike the actual person, I might add)
I don’t trust them and don’t know what to do. Who is the real enemy? Why would they want to transport me and why would I want to be transported. This cannot be right.
The person who looks like my father is staring at me as if he tries to see what is going on inside me. He wants to convince me to come with them.
The I just decide to run away. But 2 beings follow me. One takes a wring turn, the other shouts that I am going the other way. A hide behind a bush and when the enemy comes I kick it very hard, so that the being flies high through he sky, and I again begin to run as if my life depend upon it. I am so very scared.
I a garden I find other people and I warn them for who is following me.

From what I can garner from the 2nd dream, is that you didnt take what was happening at face value. You saw right through your "father", and didn't believe that stargate when it told you to go in it. You asked yourself important questions and attempted to discern the situation. Both asking questions and discernment prevented your father and the voice from manipulating you, which I believe is a big lesson from that dream.

Running away is common when faced with what you were up against. I have had a huge number of dreams where I'm running for my life and something big and scary is after me.

Question though. Were you actually Lucid, in the state where you could control what you were doing, thinking and saying, or in the state where your observing (from either a 1st or 3rd person perspective) but feeling the full emotion of the events transpiring?

As for dimensional beings, if you read an earlier topic on the dreaming forum called 'Carlos Castaneda and the Art of Dreaming, they talk about entities that can enter dreams.
RedFox said:
Reading through the Recommended Books, especially the psychology ones, I've noticed a distinct change in my dreams and nightmares. There is alot less fear.
Hopefully this may be of help to you all.
I've not had any of these sort of dreams for a while now, and it will be interesting to see what my reactions are should I have another one again! This time, no fear! :)

That's interesting because I can totally relate to this as well.
The star that moves then turns into an UFO has been a common denominator for many of these dreams.
I also had Ufo/Aliens (Edit : never greys or anything like that, more like shadowy presence coming from the ceiling...) dreams as young as four or five and I would wake up very distraught.

I had very few Ufo dreams for years (that i remember of) but in the last few weeks I think i had one, with lights coming up in the sky and moving closer to the ground,but there wasn't any fear at all.
Those kind of dreams start mostly lucid. But then an object/entity appears that makes me feel fear. I already learnt that when the fear comes the lucidity disappears. So they don’t seem to go together, when ones fears, one cannot act 100% conscious. So dealing with the fear is important to be able to become more conscious.

I study my dreams already for 15 years, I started when I was 16, writing them down and trying to analyze them. I started this study to understand the nightmares, especially the ones about the UFO’s.
I learnt a lot and much other nightmares (others than UFO-kinda dreams) have disappeared.

But the UFO-kinda dreams still make me scared. But the biggest fear comes also from the intensity of the experience.
It feels more real than real, as someone here also said. That is such a strange feeling. Being faced with something so different than the things/situation from everyday life.
Perhaps that causes the fear, the intensity and the unknown. I have thought about this. I sometimes think it is a sort of test, a test to try to learnt to go right through the fear, cause in the end fear is a barricade. Going right through the fear, mastering it and daring to face the unknown, creates more consciousness. But then how would one respond to something one has never seen/experienced?

That is also why I try to analyze the dream and make up other kind of reactions I could try next time. A “better” reaction, with the idea of making the fear disappear and stay lucid.

I also have learnt that when I dream and am somehow I accidentally think, or fear, that an UFO may come, they do come. I found out that dreams respond to what ones fears. Quite odd, because I am quite good in making my fears real. So dealing with fear in the right way is really an important thing. I still learn, just like you all. But then there is still fear that has to be overcome.

I have been reading a few book written by Carlos Castaneda. I just downloaded the summary of some book here _

I did not read the topic on the dreaming forum called 'Carlos Castaneda and the Art of Dreaming, so I will search it and hopefully learn from it. Thanx for mentioning it.

Little Star Orion
Sandra said:
Those kind of dreams start mostly lucid. But then an object/entity appears that makes me feel fear. I already learnt that when the fear comes the lucidity disappears. So they don’t seem to go together, when ones fears, one cannot act 100% conscious. So dealing with the fear is important to be able to become more conscious.

Interesting observation. The link between the level of fear and the level of consciousness. I think this would be a very useful observation to apply to waking life.

Sandra said:
I sometimes think it is a sort of test, a test to try to learnt to go right through the fear, cause in the end fear is a barricade. Going right through the fear, mastering it and daring to face the unknown, creates more consciousness.

Did you read the link above about lucid dreaming?
The reason I ask is because I use to think exactly as you do now. I placed a lot of importants on my dreams and being as conscious as I could within the dreams. I spent lots of my time and energy thinking about dreams and analysing my own and others. I was even about to start learning how to lucid dream from a book I'd bought just before finding the C's/Wave series.

The trouble is as you pointed out above, you cannot face the fear in the dream because you are not conscious enough. And even if your lucid, you are not awake. And not being awake means you are not fully conscious.
You need to be awake to be able to deal with and process any hidden fear within yourself. If you are dreaming, all you can hope to do is act at your current level of consciousness, never progress beyond it (which is required to deal with the fear! you have to grow beyond it)
The recommended psychology reading lists above helps in dealing with the fear/learn about yourself, and as I and others have found your dreams change as a result. The thing is though, the dreams become less important to you once you start to realise this.

Sandra said:
But then how would one respond to something one has never seen/experienced?

If you don't know yourself well enough, you respond by reacting automatically. As you discover each time you have these dreams. Pure reaction.
Facing yourself and your own fears makes facing outside unknowns look like child's play.

Tigersoap said:
That's interesting because I can totally relate to this as well.
The star that moves then turns into an UFO has been a common denominator for many of these dreams.
I also had UFO/Aliens (Edit : never greys or anything like that, more like shadowy presence coming from the ceiling...) dreams as young as four or five and I would wake up very distraught.

I had very few UFO dreams for years (that i remember of) but in the last few weeks I think i had one, with lights coming up in the sky and moving closer to the ground,but there wasn't any fear at all.

Interesting! fwiw you may be interested in something I posted recently about an experience I had which I think is the root of most of these dreams (or at least linked too them).

Well, as were sharing dreams I thought I'd post a summary of some of the types of reoccurring knightmares of the same flavour I use to have (along with the UFO type ones).
The UFO ones where always related to running from the garden area/outside the house. Followed by hiding inside with doors and windows failing.

Others starting inside the house would go one of several ways...
If the dream started and it was dark inside the house, I would eather get dragged by an unseen force towards the back door or my bedroom window (depending on where I was in the dream)....

If the house was in daylight and generally ok, I would end up having to run from a flood of intelligent yellow liquid that came from the backdoor. I had to get as high as possible and it would chase me up the stairs.
Alternatively if the house was quiet, there was sometimes something I'd find (a black object) that would sit in the bathroom and draw me too it (same feeling as being dragged) to presumably my doom (same type of fear I was running from in the other dreams), before my mum could help me (I'd always call for her in this one).

Another sort would be a male stranger (dressed in black) turning up at my front door, my mum knowing them and inviting them in. The problem was not so much the man, but what came with him. A hovering black box (I called it the hoover dog) that would hunt me inside and outside the house. When it found me it would pull me in like the other black object, only worse.

Finally there was the hoover itself.....if I found it in the house in my dreams I would know what was coming. It would sit there and be quiet....but when my fear reached a certain level (that it always would because of it), it would hunt me and do the same as the hoover box. I would be forever trying to unlock the front/backdoor to get out of the house before it got me....

I learnt how to avoid, outrun, escape from, climb higher than, jump over (onto the house roof), and even fly from or pass through walls to avoid these 'things' and the great all consuming fear that came with them......I would even sometimes fight them quite aggressively...but concluded that it may just be another avoidance (running from automatically) strategy.
All in all however its only though starting the Work on myself that I've noticed a major difference in the flavour and occurrence of these type of dreams. I react less. I don't run automatically, and the fear is greatly diminished.
In the meantime I have read a piece of the messages of the `what to do when you realise that you are lucid dreaming`. It has theories I never heard of, so I guess I have to read it all over again and.
I do guess I put too much importance unto my dreams. That could be quite true. Hmm, makes one wonder.

The trouble is as you pointed out above, you cannot face the fear in the dream because you are not conscious enough.

I did not know this. I am not sure if this is really true? I did face some fears in dreams (lucid dreams), by trying to remember that if some sort of thing would happen that it would only be a dream (things that only seem to appear in dreams), and that no serious harm could be done to me.
Sometimes it works, facing a UFO, wild animal, being afraid and wanting to run and hide, but then realising that it is just a dream, and then turning around and going back to meet up with the UFO, or a wild animal, just to ask them what/who they are and what they do in my dream. Sometimes beings in a dream respond quite odd to such questions.
But then I think you mention dream in which the things happen the way they do and you cannot handle them?
Did you ever become lucid while being afraid in one of the dreams in which you meet up with the "objects of fear" in your dream and know that you are dreaming and facing something you fear?

Oke, mostly fear is a hard thing to overcome, in dreams and in waking life. When I was a teenager, my life was very difficult. I had a lot of fears and in the end did also fear live itself. But I found the theory to overcome fears by the means of lucid dreaming. And it seemed to work quite well. I once used to be very afraid, of lot of things, of other humans (social phobia), to deal with things (fear of failure). Most of these things are still hard to do, but I can handle them now. I try hard to overcome them, for as far as that will ever work. And I hope to be able to do that through dreams, and becoming lucid in them and facing the fear.

Little Star Orion
Sandra said:
Oke, mostly fear is a hard thing to overcome, in dreams and in waking life. When I was a teenager, my life was very difficult. I had a lot of fears and in the end did also fear live itself. But I found the theory to overcome fears by the means of lucid dreaming. And it seemed to work quite well. I once used to be very afraid, of lot of things, of other humans (social phobia), to deal with things (fear of failure). Most of these things are still hard to do, but I can handle them now. I try hard to overcome them, for as far as that will ever work. And I hope to be able to do that through dreams, and becoming lucid in them and facing the fear.

Little Star Orion

Hi Sandra. What you're discussing here is dissociation:

"The dissociative adult may automatically disconnect from situations that are perceived as dangerous or threatening, without taking time to determine whether there is any real danger. This leaves the person “spaced out” in many situations in ordinary life, and unable to protect themselves in conditions of real danger."

Source here:

Turning to dreams to solve an issue with fears isn't a very productive method, osit.
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