very upset by a dream - any advice?


Jedi Master
I feel silly posting this, but I need to,

I couldn't sleep this morning and came downstairs so as not to disturb any one, and fell asleep on the sofa.

I had a dream and in it an uncle who died maybe 6 or 7 years ago walked in to a room where my brother and I were sitting on a couch. We were surprised to see him and told him so, and he asked me "did you choose me to die"? - I said no, and he said "well, I have chosen you and I'll be coming for you quickly"

I reached out to touch him saying please, no, but woke up, really distressed,

This morning I feel completely and utterly freaked and very low.

Things running through my mind:

I was never particlarly close to him, rarely think about him, but have spoken to my cousin, his daugter, this week on the phone,
as she is in another country and was trying to help a friend of ours who has a problem there.

Thursday night, was the first time since we all started that my wife and I missed doing the EE!

My wife suggest it might be my predator getting the better of me - right now though I feel horrible. ( She pointed out the uncle in question was a very predatory man!)

We have a busy weekend with the kids needing to be in different places and my wife and I will be away from home overnight but i needed to post about it.
alphonse said:
I feel silly posting this, but I need to,

alphonse said:
Thursday night, was the first time since we all started that my wife and I missed doing the EE!

Hi alphonse : There's nothing silly in expressing your feelings. And this this best place to gather intelligent in fighting your fears and gaining insight to what ale's one.
I to have been having dreams to questions aim thinking about at the moment, of what are the best results to the problem . I can say that I as well, the dreams are very disturbing visions, that have come to me over the last three days.
I to question the intimidation and threat to many whom have posted questions off attack and consider of late that the heat has been turn up a bit, by that element that considers this form and the work we do as problem . "SA-la-vie".

Is a bit challenging to putting in perspective as to interpreting to the dreams meaning of yours and mine.
For the dreams are quit clear that I have had in there message to those questions that aim contemplating. So i would consider attack the favored tool which has been repeated in my life to personal issue's all of my life! And make efforts to move around it, than through it .

As far as your issues, the consensus of the many here is that diet and EE program is the best approach for getting a better handle to to your feelings. As to become the master of of your ship, to guide you to safe passage and move towards your density. As to be moved by those whom seek to destroy that vision of your control. And by fighting of the attempts of conquest, through knowledge and by networking for strength and clarity. You will make progress!

Note: Moderator added quotes for clarity.
Hi Alphonse

I think MAO has given you some excellent advice.

Alphonse said:
My wife suggest it might be my predator getting the better of me - right now though I feel horrible. ( She pointed out the uncle in question was a very predatory man!)
We have a busy weekend with the kids needing to be in different places and my wife and I will be away from home overnight but i needed to post about it.

I think your wife has a point, it seems like quite an accurate conclusion.

Alphonse said:
I had a dream and in it an uncle who died maybe 6 or 7 years ago walked in to a room where my brother and I were sitting on a couch. We were surprised to see him and told him so, and he asked me "did you choose me to die"? - I said no, and he said "well, I have chosen you and I'll be coming for you quickly"
It perhaps should be noted that doing the work (as far as I understand it) our false ego (the false self) has to 'die' in order that the real self can take over.
Also, death in dreams tends to symbolise transformation/transition/change.

A few other forum members have recently reported encounters with entities/attachments of some sort, so again it could be something that has taken up residence that you are in the process of kicking out by doing the EE program.

Alphonse said:
This morning I feel completely and utterly freaked and very low.
fwiw it seems that this emotional result was intentional by either part of yourself or by something else. That particular state makes for good food for 4D STS.

Having said all that, it can only have that sort of impact if there is something within yourself (some past emotional injury) that it triggers (like pouring salt in a wound) to get this responce. So Perhaps it is worth looking within at the feelings that have come up, and perhaps try to recall where in your past they may have come from, or what emotional injury (fear of death perhaps?) they stem from.

Keep breathing and you'll do fine :)
Hi Alphonse, and thanks for sharing this. It's not silly! It's a dream, and it can have different meanings, be totallly irrelevant or be a message from your subconsious. Either way, it is interesting to discuss it because of the state it has left you in.

alphonse said:
My wife suggest it might be my predator getting the better of me - right now though I feel horrible. ( She pointed out the uncle in question was a very predatory man!)

[quote author=RedFox ]It perhaps should be noted that doing the work (as far as I understand it) our false ego (the false self) has to 'die' in order that the real self can take over.
Also, death in dreams tends to symbolise transformation/transition/change.[/quote]

IMO, Redfox's explanation could well be an possible reason for your dream. In the past, I've had similar dreams, and they happened to take place at times when I was seeing a part of myself that I knew was mechanical and not conducive to anything but suffering to others and myself. So, maybe some trait in yourself that is similar to your uncle is "dying".

But my first thought about it was the possibility that it may have something to do with your brother. Perhaps you want to observe your relationship with and the way you view your brother and yourself. Why did your uncle pick you and not him? Could it be your subconscious expressing some insecurities or fears?

In any case, try not to worry too much. Even if now you can't figure out what the dream was about, at some point it may make sense. Or it may just be a "bad night", chemicals out of balance, etc.

I hope that the EE program helps you recover. :)
Hey alphonese,

alphonse said:
I feel silly posting this, but I need to,

Whenever anyone feels the need to post, they're welcome to do so. That's the beauty of this place. We're all adults (or learning to be), and we all enjoy respectful communication and honest, direct feedback.

That said, everyone else has given you some stellar advice, keep up the breathing, and post if you feel the need to. :)
Not sure how useful this is, but in my own dreams and those of my girls I use this distinction; if the dream only generates fear then I assume it is sent from some negative source(i.e. predator, outside bad alien/spirits, tuned into that wrong channel etc) If the dream is threatening or frightening but then some sort of constructive advice/warning etc is offered then I take it more seriously and consider it a warning of some kind.

So for instance, your dream, at least in my book would fall into the first category, it only generates fear. On the other hand let's say you had a dream where your had a car wreck and died. Well, I might check my tires and such the next day. Or let's say you had a dream where you were really ill and in the hospital, I might get a checkup. In other words I would look for some clue in the dream that could be used constructively, if no such clue presents itself, then chock it up to bad dudes, either internal or external. Just my 2 cents.
Kila said:
Not sure how useful this is, but in my own dreams and those of my girls I use this distinction; if the dream only generates fear then I assume it is sent from some negative source(i.e. predator, outside bad alien/spirits, tuned into that wrong channel etc) If the dream is threatening or frightening but then some sort of constructive advice/warning etc is offered then I take it more seriously and consider it a warning of some kind.

So for instance, your dream, at least in my book would fall into the first category, it only generates fear. On the other hand let's say you had a dream where your had a car wreck and died. Well, I might check my tires and such the next day. Or let's say you had a dream where you were really ill and in the hospital, I might get a checkup. In other words I would look for some clue in the dream that could be used constructively, if no such clue presents itself, then chock it up to bad dudes, either internal or external. Just my 2 cents.

I think your approach can be useful as long as one doesn't ignore a dream just because it could come from the "bad dudes", as you put it. If it is one's predator, it is also important to acknowledge it. Sometimes fear, anger, jealousy, etc, are buried inside us. And some dreams can help us bring to the surface the presence of those feelings that we suppress because we see them as being "bad". If we don't recognize them, they'll just be lurking inside us anyway. So sometimes it is better to sit on that feeling we got after a dream and analyze it, find its roots, and try to work towards stopping it from controlling certain aspects of our lives.

I'd even say that if it is from "external bad dudes", it can also be a good opportunity to study ourselves and see what is making us vulnerable at a certain point.

Apologies if you meant that already in your post. :)
Firstly, thanks Puck and all of you for reassuring me that it is not “silly” to share things like this.

Thanks M.A.O. for your quick response, and Redfox, I thought about what you said here:
“It perhaps should be noted that doing the work (as far as I understand it) our false ego (the false self) has to 'die' in order that the real self can take over.
Also, death in dreams tends to symbolise transformation/transition/change.”

Having thought about it , I think you are right, I am changing through the work, and your suggestion could be very valid indeed.

Ailén, thank you for your thoughts too, especially that it might relate to aspects of my uncle's character that I may have shared and am becoming aware of, and hopefully changing, through the work.

And also Ailén your observations concerning my brothers presence in the dream,
But my first thought about it was the possibility that it may have something to do with your brother. Perhaps you want to observe your relationship with and the way you view your brother and yourself. Why did your uncle pick you and not him? Could it be your subconscious expressing some insecurities or fears?
I too wondered if it might have had more to do with my brother than was initially apparent. (At one stage, I thought perhaps my uncle was talking to him, and I just assumed it was me – then I just became worried about him! )

But it’s true that I am insecure about about my relationship with him, we don’t socialise much apart from if we are both at my parents house at the same time, I like and love him and enjoy his company, but neither my wife or I get along very well with his wife. I am sure that I would like a better relationship with him, and I need to look at how I can make that happen.

Kila, thanks for your thoughts too, on reflection I think I see it more of a warning to look at the state of my mind as opposed to my physical health, as my dreams have never been of a prophetic, nature (if they were I would try and focus on the lotto numbers! ;))

That dream was very unpleasant , but it has been a catalyst for looking at quite a few things about how I am progressing in the work – and besides, in reality my uncle who, had a fair few character traits that were not ideal, did love me (I believe) and would never try to scare me like that!

Thanks all for helping in this little episode.
Incidentally, we did the POTS in bed before sleeping last night, and I slept like a log!
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