Very vivid & real dream


The Living Force
I was doing pipe breathing and POTS before I fell asleep. I had a dream and it was VERY vivid and real.

In it, Neema and I were standing outside our bedroom balcony having a cig. All of a sudden I noticed a beautiful white owl (Like the one Harry Potter has) sitting on the balcony railing. I said to Neema, “oh my god look how beautiful that owl is- go get the camera so we can take a picture.” So he went inside to get a camera. When he came the owl was still there, so I took a picture of it. But all of a sudden my attention was brought to an ugly grey owl sitting on the other side of the railing because it made a sound. And the white owl flew away into the sky and there was like thousands of white owls flying in the sky swarming in the sky. And then it started to rain beautiful white feathers all over the place, it felt warm and beautiful.

Right then, the grey owl flew away and into the swarm of white owls which was being followed by a swarm of grey owls. They intertwined and were flying within each other like black and white. It reminded me of Ying & Yang. And as this happened, it started to rain dead bugs. It was disgusting, main bugs I remember were dead moths, and grasshoppers and little tiny spiders. But there were live spiders too. I hate bugs so I began to be very grossed out and ran by Neema.

As this was happening Neema noticed that there was a man in the house to the left of ours who was alone. He was in the balcony looking at the birds. He was older- around 40ish. He seemed kind of frightened so neema asked him to come over to our house if he likes so he doesn’t have to be alone. He accepted and came over- but weird thing was neema layed out a latter for him across our balcony to his balcony and he came over like that- not through the door.

He was standing there and we were watching the swarm of owls that continued to dance around in the sky. At this point I was standing beside the railing and Neema was by the door of the balcony. I said “I’m a little scared.” So The neighbor- put his arms around me which made me feel very uncomfortable and ran over to neema. Neema put his arm around me and said, “don’t worry I will protect you, no matter what.” Which made me feel safer. Right then, we noticed 2 young girls in their teens in the street yelling and crying trying to take cover because they were frightened too. So we yelled for them to come over to us if they wanted to and they did. So we put the latter down for them and they came up that way, again not through the door.

We were all waiting out the swarm of birds and it was becoming dark. We were all talking about what this event could mean. One of the girls asked, “Is there a full moon out or something to make these birds go crazy?” I said I didn’t know. Neema said he was going to check it out on the internet and headed inside to do so. I said, “you don’t need to check the internet just look in the sky.” So I stepped out from by the door out into the other side of the balcony where you can see behind the house. And there it was a HUGE full moon. I could see the craters in it, I could literally reach out and touch it if I wanted to. I said, “Oh my god there IS a full moon and it’s HUGE.” The old man and the girls started to blame the full moon for the animals acting strange, but I thought there was something more to it- like 4D activity or something. Neema was still inside. I just remember thinking there is always more to everything than it seems.

And then I woke up.

My impressions of it were mostly that there is balance- energies. For the beautiful owl, and feathers were replaced with ugly grey owls and the bugs. And the intertwined birds really seemed like the battle of ‘light’ and ‘dark’.
Hi Deeldlet,

This was quite an interesting dream. In case you didn't search for the symbology of owl and grasshoper, here it is: said:
Seeing an owl in your dream, symbolizes wisdom, insight and virtue. The owl is also synonymous with death and darkness. Hearing the hoot of an owl indicates disappointments and forewarns that death creeps closely in the wake of joy and health. Seeing a dead owl means a narrow escape from desperate illness and death. Death in this sense may also represent a symbolic death, as in an important transition in life.

For the grasshoper symbology the definitions are not all the same: said:
To see a grasshopper in your dream, symbolizes freedom, independence or spiritual enlightenment. Alternatively, it indicates your inability to settle down or commit to a decision. said:
Seeing a grasshopper in your dream, foretells of enemies that will threaten your interest, disappointments in business, or illness. To draw other people's attention to a grasshopper means your indiscretion in dispatching your private business. said:
To dream of seeing grasshoppers on green vegetables, denotes that enemies threaten your best interests. If on withered grasses, ill health. Disappointing business will be experienced. If you see grasshoppers between you and the sun, it denotes that you will have a vexatious problem in your immediate business life to settle, but using caution it will adjust itself in your favor. To call peoples' attention to the grasshoppers, shows that you are not discreet in dispatching your private business.
Belibaste said:
This was quite an interesting dream. In case you didn't search for the symbology of owl and grasshoper, here it is: said:
Seeing an owl in your dream, symbolizes wisdom, insight and virtue. The owl is also synonymous with death and darkness. Hearing the hoot of an owl indicates disappointments and forewarns that death creeps closely in the wake of joy and health. Seeing a dead owl means a narrow escape from desperate illness and death. Death in this sense may also represent a symbolic death, as in an important transition in life.


Yeah I looked this up and it actually kind of worried me because I automatically tend to think about the worst meaning it could be. Namely this part because I did hear a hoot in my dream said:
The owl is also synonymous with death and darkness. Hearing the hoot of an owl indicates disappointments and forewarns that death creeps closely in the wake of joy and health.

In a sense it could be a symbolic death of some sort as well... guess I'll have to wait and see. said:
For the grasshoper symbology the definitions are not all the same: said:
To see a grasshopper in your dream, symbolizes freedom, independence or spiritual enlightenment. Alternatively, it indicates your inability to settle down or commit to a decision. said:
Seeing a grasshopper in your dream, foretells of enemies that will threaten your interest, disappointments in business, or illness. To draw other people's attention to a grasshopper means your indiscretion in dispatching your private business. said:
To dream of seeing grasshoppers on green vegetables, denotes that enemies threaten your best interests. If on withered grasses, ill health. Disappointing business will be experienced. If you see grasshoppers between you and the sun, it denotes that you will have a vexatious problem in your immediate business life to settle, but using caution it will adjust itself in your favor. To call peoples' attention to the grasshoppers, shows that you are not discreet in dispatching your private business.

Well one thing to note is that the grasshoppers were all dead. And so were the moths. And the only kind of thing I can relate to moths is from Castaneda the symbol of knowledge & the warrior (from what I recall) A lot of the stuff you quoted above also has to do with wisdom and knowledge so it could mean something in that venue.

Neema said maybe seeing the owls could symbolize the death of a large mass of people - so a catastrophe of some sort?
Which made me think of the on coming wave and comets. Technically a lot of people will 'die' (represented by the owls) and the time for knowledge & wisdom (moth & grasshoppers) is over? And it's time to SEE what the next step is- ie. the full moon? 4D? I don't know I'm just thinking out loud here and I don't know if it makes any sense. But these are the things I've interpreted so far...

If anyone else has any ideas, don't hesitate to share please :P

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