I think the toxins definitely are a huge factor here, but mainly I think it's the brainwashing of the pathocracy that is the reason for this kind of behavior. Without the toxicity such brainwashing would probably be more difficult to accomplish, but it's been done since people throughout history participated in senseless bloody wars and oppressive/genocidal behavior, for example. So it's really our STS nature and all that that entails (like wishful thinking, desire to please authority, etc) being exploited by psychopaths all our lives to condition us into ways of thinking and feeling that is beneficial to them. This is definitely made easier by the toxic environment and so de-programming is greatly assisted by detox, but detox itself is just an enabler of the real Work that is still required to get out of this mire.
A few things bothered me about the video. He seems to have this "us vs them" attitude, as if he is an exception and somehow separate from the rest of the toxic and mindless masses rather than just being someone who realizes his condition and is attempting to change it. He acts "above" all those people, as if he has not been toxified and is fully conscious of his thoughts and behavior. And while surviving the upcoming calamities is an important thing to consider, I got a heavy "survivalist" vibe from him, as well as an implication to arm yourself when he says "be prepared". I agree with his analysis of the evil substances, but he is missing half of the equation (the pathocracy) and he does not actually offer any solutions other than "be prepared", which is very vague and leaves the viewer wondering what he means by that, so each person interprets that in their own subjective way, which for many will be "get a bunker, stock up on food and guns".
So good info on the toxic substances there, but I'd be careful about the "attitude" of the presenter as well as the implication of violence/guns as well as emphasis on survival, which while important, would be a distraction of it becomes the focus. Also instead of promoting working with people to help them detox and cooperation in times of crisis, he promotes "every man for himself" and to basically protect yourself from people. But as Jack says in the TV series LOST - we either live together, or we'll die alone. Obviously psychos need to be understood and disempowered, but normal desperate people are not necessarily a threat. He himself said that people will join gangs of looters - which actually is a testament to the fact that even in desperation people come together to achieve a common aim. So if there is a "gang" of people who are not attacking others but are working towards the survival of the group in a humane way, those desperate people who would otherwise become violent would join such a group and not have to resort to violence since another viable option exists. But of course if you treat everybody as an enemy by default, you will only encourage opposition and desperation and violence, since isolated people cannot survive without very drastic and desperate measures.