Starting at about 5:15 into the clip, the cameraman says that there is the cop, Officer "Serrano" that threatened to kill people and the cop says:
Then at around 6:15 into the clip the cameraman says to the same cop "I hope you're alright." and the cop replies:
Obviously I'm not. Didn't you see?
From what I can see, he is not all right. He rushed peaceful protesters, assaulted them, and then threatened to kill them. He is also "wearing" quite a different expression at this point than he was earlier in the clip; with all his backup arriving these have apparently calmed a bit.
Also noted in the clip is the excessive use of violence against peaceful Buddhist protesters by many of the officers present. Behavior that seems to be accepted as SOP (standard operating procedure) by rank and file officers. In my little personal experience with similar situations, and numerous like reports from across the country and globe, this type of reaction is SOP on a global scale. If you stand up for your rights, for the right to be human, expect the PTB to do their damnedest to beat you down.
But back to Officer "Serrano's" difference in demeanor. His behavior in the beginning gives us a glimpse of the type of Police State training that these officers are being subjected to. His behavior in the beginning is one of unchecked aggression, hysteria, and violence. Paranoia. Their training has instilled in them a blood lust, and if you make the wrong move the rickety gates that hold this back opens. What makes this clip a useful vista, I think, is that we get a second glimpse of him. The second time mentioned above, he is bearing a much different expression. In fact,
he admits to threatening people with their lives and apologizes for it. At this stage the situation has come under (increased) control, backup has arrived, and the adrenaline is starting to wear down. The violent reaction, that we have the opportunity to witness, that has been programmed into him is no longer running or is running idly in the background. Without this program running, he appears to me to return to a more rational (human) frame of mind. But it is always one wrong move away from running again, transforming him into a human-looking monster.
Our human brothers and sisters are still human underneath the frightening masks they wear. Underneath the trauma and the anguish they have endured. Underneath the programmed responses that lead us to commit horrors upon our own. It will take time to heal from this. A long process that can truly begin in earnest on a global scale once the thrones made of human bones and the ivory towers stained with human blood are torn down. Once the psychopaths that rule our world are exposed for what they are and summarily removed from their positions of power and privilege.
Let us take that first step, and the next, and the ones that follow, towards this end.
Note: I used the spelling of "Serrano" for the name of the officer in question, because I was not able to find the accurate spelling.
Edits: I removed the name reference from the quote tag, since it displays "wrote"